Closed Bug 970198 Opened 10 years ago Closed 5 years ago

[b2g] poppit uses excessive CPU due to auto-orientation sensor polling


(Core :: Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), defect, P3)

Gonk (Firefox OS)





(Reporter: bkelly, Assigned: jmunck)



(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [c=effect p= s= u=])

When using an app with auto-orientation the device will end up using excessive CPU even while effectively idle.  This occurs because we poll the orientation sensor every 50ms in order to perform the automatic orientation change.  On my buri this causes ~75% CPU while the app is completely idle.

It seems like we should perhaps support variable polling rates.  Something like auto-orientation probably needs much lower polling rates compared to a game using 'devicemotion' events.

It would also be nice to suppress sensor results that represent sensor changes below a certain threshold.

User 63%, System 24%, IOW 11%, IRQ 0%
User 26 + Nice 173 + Sys 76 + Idle 0 + IOW 37 + IRQ 0 + SIRQ 0 = 312

  PID PR CPU% S  #THR     VSS     RSS PCY UID      Name
 7937  0  75% R   340 489460K  80056K  fg app_7937 /system/b2g/plugin-container
 7106  0   8% S    40 182476K  56684K  fg root     /system/b2g/b2g
 7932  0   1% R     1   1032K    420K  fg root     top
 3281  0   0% S     1      0K      0K  fg root     kworker/0:1
 6843  0   0% S     1      0K      0K  fg root     kworker/0:3
The CPU issue seems to only effect poppit on my buri.  Perhaps the IPC is triggering GC due to memory pressure.
Blocks: b2g-poppit
Summary: [b2g] auto-orientation uses excessive CPU due to sensor polling → [b2g] poppit app uses excessive CPU due to auto-orientation sensor polling
I believe I may be seeing this on facebook on the tarako.  Need to investigate further.
Assignee: nobody → bkelly
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3T?
Summary: [b2g] poppit app uses excessive CPU due to auto-orientation sensor polling → [b2g] large memory apps use excessive CPU due to auto-orientation sensor polling
On further investigation, the CPU I was seeing in FB on tarako was not related to this.  Sorry for the churn.
Assignee: bkelly → nobody
blocking-b2g: 1.3T? → ---
Summary: [b2g] large memory apps use excessive CPU due to auto-orientation sensor polling → [b2g] poppit uses excessive CPU due to auto-orientation sensor polling
Please review and provide a potential fix date.  Thank you
Assignee: nobody → lstowasser
Priority: -- → P3
Please add Julia Munck ( to the cc-list for this bug.
Whiteboard: [c= p= s= u=] → [c=effect p= s= u=] The e-mail address for Julia Munck is invalid.
Flags: needinfo?(tcorbett)
@Nicole: should be the correct address.  She is listed as one of the submission owners.  (Maybe there is a case issues? try  If this still doesn't work please let me know.
Flags: needinfo?(tcorbett) → needinfo?(nfong)
Julia, please review and provide fix date.  Thank you
Assignee: lstowasser → jmunck
Flags: needinfo?(jmunck)
Flags: needinfo?(nfong)
Julia - Are there any updates regarding this bug?  Is there a potential fix date?
Flags: needinfo?(jmunck)
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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