Closed Bug 982531 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Tarako][Dialer]After dialing connected, idle for 5 seconds will lost voice and just like mute


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Vendcom, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



blocking-b2g 1.3T+


(Reporter: mlien, Assigned: sam.hua)



(Whiteboard: [POVB])


(4 files)

Attached file logcat.txt (deleted) —
[Reproduction build] - V1.3T
  Gaia      1f00cb5e533e698c5607bfce668a945270e79944
  Gecko     N/A
  BuildID   20140312075534
  Version   28.0
[Reproduce Steps]
  1. Launch Dialer app
  2. Make a phone call to any number
  3. Pick up the phone call and idle 5 seconds

[Expected Result]
  Can talk and hear voice normally

[Actual Result]
  After idle 5 seconds, lost voice and just like mute
Attached file radio.log (deleted) —
I am not sure if it's my device (as I think my device has other issues); I am seeing the same thing.

The attached logcat is of : 
adb logcat -b radio
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3T?
blocking-b2g: 1.3T? → 1.3T+
Component: Gaia::Dialer → RIL
hi Shawn, can you help to take a look? Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(sku)
Hi Mike:
 There is no such symptom on my Tarako.

Besides, I saw mute/unmute request in your log.
Could you please try to get log again with below command, and attach it to bugzilla again?

adb logcat -b radio -b main -v threadtime > c:/temp/982531.log

// snippet of logcat.txt
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): setPhoneState() state 2
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): setStreamMute() stream 2, mute 1, output 1, mMuteCount 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): setPhoneState() in call state management: new state is 2
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): setStreamMute() stream 2, mute 0, output 1, mMuteCount 1
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): setStreamMute() stream 2, mute 1, output 1, mMuteCount 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): setStreamMute() stream 2, mute 0, output 1, mMuteCount 1
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86): setPhoneState() state 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(   86):   Exiting call in setPhoneState()

Flags: needinfo?(sku) → needinfo?(mlien)
Hi Naoki:
 It will be highly appreciated if you can provide log as comment 7 said.

Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Attached file 982531.log (deleted) —
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
03-13 17:30:22.362    93   336 D RILC    : [0111]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS {[id=1,INCOMING,toa=129,norm,mt,als=0,voc,noevp,0958028011,cli=0,name='(null)',0}
03-13 17:30:22.702    93   337 D RILC    : [0112]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS {[id=1,INCOMING,toa=129,norm,mt,als=0,voc,noevp,0958028011,cli=0,name='(null)',0}
03-13 17:30:27.422    93   337 D RILC    : [0115]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS {[id=1,INCOMING,toa=129,norm,mt,als=0,voc,noevp,0958028011,cli=0,name='(null)',0}
03-13 17:30:30.802    93   336 D RILC    : [0117]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS {[id=1,ACTIVE,toa=129,norm,mt,als=0,voc,noevp,0958028011,cli=0,name='(null)',0}
03-13 17:30:30.832    86   512 V AudioPolicyManagerBase: setStreamMute() stream 2, mute 1, output 1, mMuteCount 0
03-13 17:30:30.832    86   512 V AudioPolicyManagerBase: setStreamMute() stream 2, mute 0, output 1, mMuteCount 1
03-13 17:30:30.832    86   512 V AudioPolicyManagerBase: setStreamMute() stream 2, mute 1, output 1, mMuteCount 0
03-13 17:30:31.082    86    86 V AudioPolicyManagerBase: setStreamMute() stream 2, mute 0, output 1, mMuteCount 1
03-13 17:30:45.452    93   336 D RILC    : [0120]> HANGUP (1)
03-13 17:30:45.452    93   336 W RIL     : There will be no call, so mute speaker now to avoid noise pop sound
03-13 17:30:45.732    93   336 D RILC    : [0120]< HANGUP
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Hi James:
Flags: needinfo?(james.zhang)
Hi James:
 Could you please have a audio driver RD to check this issue?

1. $ adb shell getprop | grep ""
[]: [true]

Property is set correctly.

2. No SET_MUTE(1|0) was found during test, but Tx is gone after few second's talk.

3. Issue only happens on some devices. (not sure if related to specific version bug.)

I think it's our vlx issue.
Sam, please check it with peter.huang.
Flags: needinfo?(james.zhang) → needinfo?(sam.hua)
seem like Sam's working on this, assign to sam. please reassign if this is not the case. thanks
Assignee: nobody → sam.hua
To note with the latest build we don't have to idle in order not to have sound.
I tried to reproduce it locally but failed to reproduce it ,and our test team can't reproduce it neither.

Does it depend on special device?
Flags: needinfo?(sam.hua) → needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Hi Sam:
 Now we got two devices having this problem.
(My tarako in hand works normal).

Any log or information you need to narrow down the issue?

Seems a partner's issue, so change component to "Vendcom".
Component: RIL → Vendcom
Sam, do mozilla guys need update modem/nv/dsp/vlx binary?
Attached file modem_update.tar (deleted) —
please unzip it and run ./ with sudo -s
Hi Steven,
Please contact James to get the new modem image for Tarako
Whiteboard: [POVB]
(In reply to sam.hua from comment #21)
> Hi Steven,
> Please contact James to get the new modem image for Tarako

Upload it to spreadtrum FTP.
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Hi Mike:
 Could you please try comment 20, and repo this issue again to see if SPRD fix the issue?

Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
(In reply to shawn ku [:sku] from comment #23)
> Hi Mike:
>  Could you please try comment 20, and repo this issue again to see if SPRD
> fix the issue?
> Thanks!!
> Shawn

Verification build:
Gaia      8132b88334f61288060a2680857c54c7af82cdc5
Gecko     57625761da9e5c35d1ddd516221ce274a3575d15
BuildID   20140325060053
Version   28.0

After update modem, dialer will get many problems
  1. cannot dial out
  2. cannot connect a phone if dial in
  3. after step 2, cannot kill dialer app from card view
  4. cannot cancel a phone call
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
Sorry Mike, I did not describe the STR properly.

1. try command 20. (this is to update SPRD modem image)
2. re-flash ROM (./flash -f), system.img need to be reflashed.

try this issue again.
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
(In reply to shawn ku [:sku] from comment #25)
> Sorry Mike, I did not describe the STR properly.
> 1. try command 20. (this is to update SPRD modem image)
> 2. re-flash ROM (./flash -f), system.img need to be reflashed.
> try this issue again.
> Thanks!!
> Shawn

Verification build:
Gaia      f6a7afd0d716f7a38dfc1808ee0aab3e06ba2f1d
Gecko     fb7149d9b320d939d716011f865ec34661ebc353
BuildID   20140326061134
Version   28.1

Even refresh system.img, results are same with comment 24
I have no idea where to get "flash" file, thus reflash it from fastboot mode directly
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
Thanks Mike,
 Could you please pass tarako to Steven Yang, He will come to Shanghai next Monday.
I can have SPRD RD to check if any problem that device might have!!

Shawn Ku
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
With today's build I dialed out from the Tarako device and answered on the other device, I did not get any voice.

When I dialed into the Tarako device and answered on the Tarako device, I did get voice.

Gaia      f6a7afd0d716f7a38dfc1808ee0aab3e06ba2f1d
Gecko     fb7149d9b320d939d716011f865ec34661ebc353
BuildID   20140326061134
Version   28.1 Mar 26 06:17:50 CST 2014
Hi, All,

Please "STOP" deploy the patch (Comment 20) to other devices.
After you flash the patch to Tarako device, you can "NEVER" make a phone call.
The dialer app will hang there.
Currently, we have three devices can reproduce "no sound" issue
#988786 is similar to this bug
need to further confirm the situation is the same or not

after discussion with Steven, it's might not specific device issue since not only one device can reproduce
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
Sam, I think patch is not enough, we should use research download tool to flash device. Because user can't earse nvitem and backup nvitem by fastboot.
do we have any update on this bug? thanks
Flags: needinfo?(sam.hua)
please use the new pac download tool for linux and try the new version.
you can get it from
Flags: needinfo?(sam.hua) → needinfo?(jcheng)
Mike, can you confirm this and close this bug if it's fixed? thanks
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng) → needinfo?(mlien)
verify with the latest pac + daily build, it's fine
I cannot reproduce this issue now

Gaia      643f3e6676cbb89c62708a9f7cbef2edc795a552
BuildID   20140408004001
Version   28.1
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
refer to comment 35, adjust to worksforme
if anyone can reproduce this issue, please kindly to reopen it
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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