Open Bug 987148 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Binding build system bug when removing and then readding a WebIDL file and only building dom/bindings


(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: bzbarsky, Unassigned)



(2 files)

This is a bit weird...  And is happening in a tree which has the fix for bug 983185, so that's not the issue here.

Steps to reproduce:

1)  Create a patch that adds a .webidl file.
2)  mach build dom/bindings.
3)  qpop the patch created in step 1.
4)  Create a patch that changes the codegen.
5)  mach build dom/bindings.
6)  qpush the patch created in step 1.
7)  mach build dom/bindings.

EXPECTED RESULTS: The codegen changes made in step 4 affect the generated files created for the patch from step 1.

ACTUAL RESULTS: The generated files remain as they were after step 2; they are not regenerated to take the codegen changes into account.

If the "mach build dom/bindings" is replaced by "mach build" in all of the above steps, then the bug doesn't happen.  However, doing a "mach build" after the 7 steps above doesn't regenerate the bindings either.
Attached patch Patch for step 1 (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attached patch Patch for step 4 (deleted) — Splinter Review
I'm a bit worried these STR are valid.

(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #0)
> If the "mach build dom/bindings" is replaced by "mach build" in all of the
> above steps, then the bug doesn't happen.  However, doing a "mach build"
> after the 7 steps above doesn't regenerate the bindings either.

This seems to imply it's a partial tree building problem.

Can you verify "Reticulating splines" is occurring every time a changes? |mach build dom/bindings| should cause it to.

On my personal build, is listed as a global dependency. So changing it should result in everything being regenerated.
Blocks: clobber
Actually, not a clobber issue since full build apparently doesn't repro.
No longer blocks: clobber
> Can you verify "Reticulating splines" is occurring every time a changes?

It is as far as I can tell.

The key part here, I suspect, is that during step 5 (when the has gotten changed), the binding in question is not in the but the generated files for it are still around (and don't get updated, because they're not in our; that part is fine).  Then in step 7 they don't get regenerated... I'm not sure why.  I'd expect them to get regenerated at that point.
Oh, I see what's going on.

We use hash-based validation (rather than mtime) for determining whether to regenerate output files.

When changes, all existing files are regenerated. But the "orphaned" file is overlooked. Then, the orphaned file becomes relevant again. But, it's old dependency info has been lost and it looks like it is up to date so it doesn't regenerated.

There are a few potential solutions. I think the easiest is to remove orphaned output files.

Does this issue warrant immediate attention? If not, it will likely sit orphaned for weeks unless someone outside the build module wants to have a go at it.
It confused the heck out of me for a few mins, but figuring out that "touch dom/bindings/" fixes wasn't that hard in my case...  Not sure it'll affect others much; most people aren't both changing codegen and adding webidl files then building in just the bindings dir.
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
Severity: normal → S3
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