Closed Bug 988607 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Tarako device data/time doesn't stick and Auto Update doesn't always work


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect, P4)

Gonk (Firefox OS)



blocking-b2g -


(Reporter: relaas, Assigned: Harald)





(1 file)

Steps to Reproduce; 
- navigate settings to device date/time.
- set manually or use auto update
- restart device

Incorrect Date/Time also causes Marketplace to fail. Either presenting an untrusted connection landing page at launch OR Marketplace launches into a white screen with a small blue 'x' in the corner.
Note: The time and date should be set by NTP if you get connected via wifi/SIM w/ auto update.
Thomas which build are you using?
Flags: needinfo?(telin)
Nicole can provide build info here.
Blocks: 989003
No longer blocks: 987944
Flags: needinfo?(telin) → needinfo?(nfong)
BILD 20140311171657
Can you please update your build?  I was unable to reproduce this issue.
Flags: needinfo?(telin)
Hi Nicole. I had to give up my Tarako for the QA folks. Can you attempt to reproduce this issue?

- Set the date time for 2+ years in the past, turn date Auto Update 'off', and confirm that it reproduces the Marketplace error
- Reset device and see if date remains exactly the same
- Set auto update to 'ON' and determine if date changes immediately and is accurate
- Reset device and check to see if Auto update remains on and the date is still correct

Please include notes in response to each step above.
Flags: needinfo?(telin)
Attached image Screenshot of untrusted connection (deleted) —
- When I set the time for exactly 3 years back today, it came up with a yellow screen that says "this connection is untrusted.'  "Visit site" and "add permanent exception" button were not registering - I would click it and it would highlight the button, but wouldn't do anything.  Refer to screenshot attached
- Device was reset and date remained same
- Set time auto update and updated to correct date immediately
- Device was reset - auto update is still on and date is still correct
Excellent, it seems that the OS update has resolved the issue. Thanks Nicole!

@Naoki- we have a schedule to update our testing devices every Monday.Hopefully this will avoid these type of out of date failures in the future.

Flags: needinfo?(nfong)
batch update: 1.3T? so we can get more eyes into these marketplace related bugs
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3T?
seem to be WFM on the latest buil
blocking-b2g: 1.3T? → -
Keywords: perf
Whiteboard: [c= p= s= u=tarako]
Priority: -- → P2
Setting these to P4 priority since they're not meant to be acted on but discussed. Our performance team is actively troubleshooting and fixing critical Tarako performance issues affecting core applications. You can see what we're working on via our scrum views at:
Priority: P2 → P4
Nicole, sorry, I am not understanding the situation.

The incorrect date/time will give a cert error and that cert error is not handled well.  There is another bug on that in Firefox OS in general. see bug 919906 and bug 949239/bug 858730

Is the time on the device being set correctly when you either have wifi or SIM?
Hello Naoki. Going back to comment 7. this issue was resolved when we updated the build a few weeks back.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Performance → Gaia::Settings
Keywords: perf
OS: Windows 7 → Gonk (Firefox OS)
Hardware: x86_64 → ARM
Whiteboard: [c= p= s= u=tarako]
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