Open Bug 989636 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Bad hard drive performance when loading Babylon.js demos


(Core :: Storage: IndexedDB, defect, P5)





(Reporter: azakai, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


Demos on

(for example, the heart demo) all load much slower in firefox than in  chrome. In firefox, when it says "streaming items" it causes a lot of hard drive activity on each number that it counts down (an fsync of a large file perhaps?) whereas in chrome the numbers go down much faster with almost no disk IO noticeable.

Sorry if I filed this in the wrong place, I am not sure this is due to IndexedDB, but I do see it uses IndexedDB, and do not see localStorage or sessionStorage being used, and not sure what else could cause such hard drive usage.
(ack, this is the issue i mentioned at the gdc games dinner)
The database code is here to shave a few hops:

The notable thing is that it detects when Chrome throws a DataCloneError because it does not support storing Blobs ( with some fairly recent landings and backouts, so probably not in most channels at this time)

Once that happens the code-path for loading images alters so that it no longer uses IndexedDB, suggesting Chrome might have a significantly reduced I/O load:
Thanks! I filed

over there.
Priority: -- → P5
Severity: normal → S3
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