Closed Bug 99036 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

file: checkloadURI in VMS


(Core :: Networking: File, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: vance, Assigned: benc)




(Keywords: helpwanted, Whiteboard: DEC/OpenVMS help needed here)

I can put in a file URL, e.g. file:///sys$help/dfu027a.html, into the location bar and be taken to it fine. However, if a file link were in an html page, clicking it does nothing other than to flash the text in the link color. Also, the next time when you try to enter a file: url, the location bar will show you the last ones you've typed in a list below the location bar. When you move the cursor over to click it, the name disappears and a click will put "null" into the location bar. I don't know if this is platform dependent (I doubt it).
This is a dupe of bug 84128 by way of bug 90902. Also, see the other dupes on that page which are very similar to your report. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 84128 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
VERIFIED: same problem.
Component: Browser-General → Networking: File
REOPEN: I'd like to have the second problem clarified. Can you give a set of steps for the second problem.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
updating assignment & qa.
Assignee: asa → dougt
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: helpwanted, qawanted
QA Contact: doronr → benc
Whiteboard: DEC/OpenVMS help needed here
ben, if you reopen a bug for your own info, please reassign.
Assignee: dougt → benc
Whats the difference between that and creating a new bug with the unconfirmed problem?
Mr Vance, is the second problem still an issue with more recent builds?
With 0.9.7 both problems still exist. The first one has been explained as a policy issue. I still think this shoudl be allowed. However, I'm also still getting some weirdness with the second problem. These are the steps I did. 1) Went to a file:// url 2) Clicked to another file:// url inside the first page 3) Went up to the location window 4) Typed "file", the drop down window shows the two file URLs in it 5) move the cursor over the first item in the list, it highlights 6) move the cursor to the second item in the list, the list flashes, the second item becomes the first, the first one is gone 7) clicking both the single listed item, and the blank space where the second one was puts the second item into the location bar This is different than before where clicking on the blank space put a "null" in the bar.
The second description is a real problem that has not been reported elsewhere. Lets move the description to a new bug, and get this restarted. I don't know if this is a problem with the location bar's history feature or something else. This bug has two problems and is hoplessly adrift (QA person assigned the bug?!) Vance, can you report your new info into a fresh bug? You can mark this RESOLVED/DUPLICATE again too...
Summary: File URL problems (links not followed, location bar strangeness) → file: checkloadURI in VMS
Vance, I can not reproduce this problem with 0.9.7 on OpenVMS. Can you create a new test profile (start Mozilla with -ProfileManager)and try to reproduce with that?
Vance, were you able to try this with a new profile?
I can not reproduce this problem at all and am therefore closing the report. Vance, if you are still seeing this problem (with a clean profile) please re-open.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
VERIFIED: (rc1 cleanup) no update from reporter.
Keywords: qawanted
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