Closed Bug 992915 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Emergency-call] Emergency call main dialer screen (keypad) visual refresh 2.0


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Dialer, defect)

Not set


(feature-b2g:2.0, tracking-b2g:backlog, b2g-v2.0 fixed)

2.0 S2 (23may)
feature-b2g 2.0
tracking-b2g backlog
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.0 --- fixed


(Reporter: rik, Assigned: paco)




(9 files, 4 obsolete files)

It would be nice that as part of this work, we can share some code between Dialer and emergency app. Maybe through shared elements?
Hi Anthony, is this bug a duplicate of bug 993951 or is it meant to cover something beyond the visual refresh itself? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(anthony)
The emergency-call app is the one displayed when you have a lock screen with password and you tap "emergency call". So this is not a duplicate.
Flags: needinfo?(anthony)
Yeap, it is a duplicate... we're talking about the same, right Noemi?
Flags: needinfo?(noef)
(In reply to Victoria Gerchinhoren [:vicky] on PTO 14 - 16 and holidays 18 - 21 Apr included. from comment #3)
> Yeap, it is a duplicate... we're talking about the same, right Noemi?

I think Anthony is referring to the specific dialer view (please see 2014-04-22-step2.png screenshot attached) that appears when tapping on Emergency call button in lock screen + passcode lock (please see 2014-04-22-step1.png screenshot attached). so it would be a different screen.
Flags: needinfo?(noef)
Attached image 2014-04-22-step1.png (deleted) —
Attached image 2014-04-22-step2.png (deleted) —
To avoid confusion, this bug will deal with the dialpad shown to make emergency calls whereas bug 993951 will deal with the particularities of the "call screen" in the case of an emergency call :-)
Summary: Should update emergency-call app to adopt the new visual refresh style. → [Emergency-call] Emergency call main dialer screen (keypad) visual refresh 2.0
Assignee: nobody → gtorodelvalle
On which case we need specs for the visual refresh of attachment 8410257 [details] :-) Mostly regarding the "Cancel" button since the rest I guess will be equal to the "normal dial pad" except from not showing the voicemail icon.
Flags: needinfo?(vpg)
Attaching the visuals for this implementation. The only change should be the "Cancel" button and the absence of the voicemail icon next to Nbr 1.
Flags: needinfo?(vpg)
Attached image Visual Spec: Dialer emergecncy call (obsolete) (deleted) —
Attachment #8410318 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8410319 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee: gtorodelvalle → pacorampas
Target Milestone: --- → 2.0 S1 (9may)
Quick note: We won't use the tab bar from Dialer. We are in a lockscreen state so we don't want to access call history or contacts.
Attached image Visual Mockup. Dailer. EmergencyCall (obsolete) (deleted) —
Visual Mockup of Dialer's Emergency call screen
Attached image Visual Spec. Expandable Areas. Dialer. Emergency call (obsolete) (deleted) —
Visual spec of Dialer's Emergency call screen pointing out what areas are expandable or not.
Attachment #8413640 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Due to the contrast ratio issue, colors have been adjusted. Please refer to the updated mockups and specs recently attached.

Please change the colors and replace icons and ask for UI review again
Target Milestone: 2.0 S1 (9may) → 2.0 S2 (23may)
Attached file patch in github (deleted) —
Attachment #8419350 - Flags: review?(etienne)
Attached image cancel active.png (deleted) —
Attachment #8419355 - Flags: ui-review?(vpg)
Attached image idle.png (deleted) —
Attachment #8419363 - Flags: ui-review?(vpg)
Attached image with numbers.png (deleted) —
Attachment #8419364 - Flags: ui-review?(vpg)
Comment on attachment 8419364 [details]
with numbers.png

Numbers written in the upper part of the screen are too small respect to the proposed design. Please use the specified size in the main dialer screen. Thanks!
Attachment #8419364 - Flags: ui-review?(vpg) → ui-review-
Attachment #8419363 - Flags: ui-review?(vpg) → ui-review+
Attachment #8419355 - Flags: ui-review?(vpg) → ui-review+
blocking-b2g: --- → backlog
feature-b2g: --- → 2.0
I have uploaded the patch in github, could you see it?

Also, could you see how to use big numbers on the keypad input?
It is set by keypad.js. I tryed to change app/emergency-call/js/keypad.js by shared/dialer/js/keypad.js but dosen't work.
Flags: needinfo?(etienne)
Hi guys! We can deal with the maximum and minimum font size in the Dialer and Emergency Call apps in bug 1007747. I'll update the title of the bug and block this one by bug 1007747 ;-)

It seems I cannot set this bug as blocked by bug 1007747 because we would create a circular flow of dependencies :-D but I'll push it forward and coordinate this work with Paco ;-)
Comment on attachment 8419350 [details]
patch in github

This patch is good, you can go ahead once the 2 now unused css files are remove (see github).

For the fontsize ideally we would re-unify emergency-call/js/keypad.js and shared/js/dialer/keypad.js, but it's outside of the scope for this bug.
Attachment #8419350 - Flags: review?(etienne) → review+
Flags: needinfo?(etienne)
Merged: 89fd95d1c0599e6f6c419bc2b243f5b26b8778fe
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attached image emergency-call-wron-layout.png (deleted) —
The layout is wrong on today's master. Here is the screenshot.

Git version:

2014-05-22 07:58:51
NI to confirm it. Maybe something is wrong with my device (Buri), or it really got the wrong layout.
Flags: needinfo?(pacorampas)
Thanks for alerting of the issue.
We are going to fix it ;)
Flags: needinfo?(pacorampas)
My bad, I'll fix it in bug 995128.
QA Contact: lolimartinezcr
Related with this development, I have created this bug:
 Tested and working
blocking-b2g: backlog → ---
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