Closed Bug 99402 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Pref dialog size should go en-win/mac/unix.jar


(Core :: Internationalization: Localization, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: yinglinxia, Assigned: yinglinxia)



(Keywords: intl)


(1 file)

Currently the pref dialog size defined in 
locale\en-US\communicator\pref\pref.dtd, however, for different platforms, the 
size could be little different, especially for Asian languages.
Assignee: sgehani → rchen
Component: Preferences → Localization
QA Contact: sairuh → andreasb
Well, currently we have some different adjustment on different platforms for Japanese, but basically saying, this issue should not be l10n. For English, our current method is defining one size for all platforms, and I think it is not very right.
Reassigned to ben to move the following entity to a platform dependent file like 

Because the layout apparently displays a little bit differently in different 

<!ENTITY  prefWindow.size             "width: 52em; height: 41em;">
Assignee: rchen → ben
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: intl
QA Contact: andreasb → ruixu
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Blocks: 154425
Blocks: 157673
rchen and xyia
what is the size for different platform and languages?
what are the value for 
ja win
ja mac
ja linux
de win
de mac
de linux
zh-ch win
fr win
fr mac
fr linux
sp win
sp mac
sp linux
pt win
pt mac
pt linux
For JA, in 0.9.4,
   win32:  width: 62em; height: 44em;
   mac:    width: 64em; height: 44em;
But this is something we don't really need to care in the US build. And it may 
change depends on the translation string length. As long as the pref dialog 
seperated in the en-win/mac/unix.jar, it will be very easy for us to change the 
size for different languages on different platforms, and track the change with 
our translation memory tool.
Mozilla German uses
width: 58em; height:45em;
for all platforms currently

(en-US has width: 52em; height: 41em; btw)
adding nsbeta1 for fix for buffy
Keywords: nsbeta1
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [adt3]
Is any work being done on this? Can we get it into Moz 1.2? Let me know, if you
want me to own this...
reassigning to jbetak. 
Assignee: ben → jbetak
Whiteboard: [adt3]
QA Contact: ruixu → kasumi
I have made some test with my patch on Windows and Mac, looks working fine.
but does it fit in 640x480 with space for a menubar/taskbar and a bit of margins
so that it doesn't look like it's a fullscreen window?
Assignee: jbetak → yxia
This bug and the patch does not want to change the Pref dialog size, it's just
make the size deinition more flexible for different languages on different
platforms. For example, in the Japanese localization, we had to re-pack the
ja-JP.jar for Mac and Unix differently, by modifying the pref.dtd with different
size value. With this fix, we will be able to use same ja-JP.jar for all
platforms, and just using different size value in ja-win.jar, ja-mac.jar and
ja-unix.jar, to make the Pref dialog fit better on different platforms. This
change actually can even avoid a global big Pref dialog.
Naoki-sensei, can you please review the patch? This bug fix can save lots of
time for l10n. Thanks.
Comment on attachment 110905 [details] [diff] [review]
a patch to make the Pref size platform-depended


please fix pref.dtd for
"\ No newline at end of file"
Attachment #110905 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 110905 [details] [diff] [review]
a patch to make the Pref size platform-depended

Double-checked my new file, it's ok. Guess the "no newline" is because the
original file does not contain newline.
Attachment #110905 - Attachment description: a patch to fix make the Pref size platform-depended → a patch to make the Pref size platform-depended
Attachment #110905 - Flags: superreview?
Comment on attachment 110905 [details] [diff] [review]
a patch to make the Pref size platform-depended

Attachment #110905 - Flags: superreview? → superreview+
Checked in to trunk, thank Naoki for the help.
Kasumi, I will test it tomorrow, and then you can verify it later -- should you
still own this kind of bugs qa, btw?
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Tested on today's Win32, Mac and Linux build, looks working good. Kasumi, can
you please verify it now. Thanks.
According to #18, verified.
No longer blocks: 157673
Depends on: 180372
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