Closed Bug 105162 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Mssgs are downloaded even if the threshold limit exceeds-POP


(MailNews Core :: Networking: POP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sheelar, Assigned: naving)


(Whiteboard: [PDT+])


(2 files)

build id: 2001-10-16-05 win98

Prefrence in accounts/settings|Disk space " Do not download mssgs locally that 
are larger than [N]KB does not work. I had 50kb size listed in the box. I sent a 
message with an attachment which is 979kb in size. When I got the message 
clicking on get message button the whole message was downloaded.
I was not offline or anything. I also did not have inbox downloaded for offline 
use.  But I have seen this work before. 

Expected result:  It should not download the message if it is larger than 50kb 
or specified threshold in the pref. Should partly download the message and state 
that the message is downloaded partially. Upon clicking on the link provided in 
the message should download the complete message.
I also checked this by creating a new profile because when I reported this I was 
working with a migrated profile. 
We had this pref turned off by default in new profiles with a pop account in 
6.1. And this pref very much worked as it should when it was checked. We did not 
download messages locally when the threshold exceeded.

But in the branch build 0.9.4-2001-10-16-05: We not only have this pref checked 
by default but also it does not work.  
Summary: Mssgs are downloaded even if the threshold limit exceeds → Mssgs are downloaded even if the threshold limit exceeds-POP
As per Esther marking this as nsbranch. We also spoke to Seth about this and he 
mentioned that it could be really hard for dial-up users because we are 
downloading the whole message. 
Can you check if this works on Oct 9th builds ?
We currently have no bugs we are respinning the release for tomorrow. Fixes for
all of our current blockers are going in today. That means in theory we may
never spin new bits again. In that light, I would not respin the bits for this
bug. However it could tag along if something else comes up. Naving would you be
in a position to investigate a potential fix for this bug? It's always good to
have something in hand in case we respin for something else.

Keywords: nsbranch
ok, have a fix, looks like it may have been broken for a long time.
Attached patch fix (deleted) β€” β€” Splinter Review
The fix is to look for the correct pref that holds this info i.e 
LimitOfflineMessageSize. This supposedly change when we added DiskSpace panel
for each server in account manager. The limit_message_size pref is no longer 
used and I have removed it. 
Also from 4x, this download pref is off by default, so I have changed 

cc bhuvan for review
I guess you can get rid of 

pref("mail.max_size",                       50); // download message size limit


Comment on attachment 53892 [details] [diff] [review]
removing prefs no longer used from mailnews.js


Let's get it into the trunk tonight.
Attachment #53892 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #53892 - Flags: review+
fix checked in. 
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
fixed on trunk.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
imap related bugs were
 bug 86014 - ui problems with checkbox
 bug 96335 - would still download mesgs even though pref was set

I hope those didn't cause any problems.
Thanks for heads up Sheela.
Sheela, can you verify this on the trunk build's this morning? If we have any
shot with PDT today we need to be able to say that Navin's patch does indeed fix
the problem. Gary can you recheck imap to make sure imap is still working
correctly against this pref after naving's change? thanks everyone!
I will check this as soon as trunk builds are available. I have been checking
still don't see one. But I will verify this on trunk as soon as the builds are
Trunk build:
2001-10-17-05 on linux.  So far only linux trunk build is available. Waiting for
trunk build on mac and windows98
-verified disk space by default is unchecked with a new profile
-verified disk space when checked does not download the message if it exceeds
the limit
-verified when unchecked the message is downloaded completely and not partially.

Imap and news seems to be broken now.  Working only for pop
Marking as PDT, because this is an interesting bug we may want, if we get a fix
in time. Empowering mscott to do the right thing.

Do we know what the default setting is for the Pref (i.e. Is it checked or
Whiteboard: [PDT]
The same pref is used for imap and news and this pref is off by default. 
sheela, did you know about this? Can you verify again with this info ?

First using today's or yesterday's branch build, when you create
brand new profiles/mail or news accounts the pref 
"Do not download msgs locally that 
are larger than [N]KB" is checked and size is set to 50kb.

And I've checked 
2001-10-17-06-trunk linux 2.2
2001-10-17-08-trunk  mac 9.1

and it IS working for imap and yes its been broken in news as it is
a known bug, bug 101985 

Sheela are you sure it's not working in trunk builds for imap?
This feature works fine in my 10/12 branch build. Looks like the default was
off, but when set on for my POP mail it correctly blocks large spam. If this
broke on the branch, it broke very recently.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011012 Netscape6/6.2 
Or perhaps my old account settings are getting honored but for new test profiles
the dialog sets new prefs, while the code still honors the old settings instead.
I noticed that the patches above changes variations of limit_message_size to
limit_offline_message_size, while my profile is happily working with
limit_message_size in my prefs.js
Whiteboard: [PDT]
In trunk builds:
 2001-10-17-06-trunk linux 2.2
 2001-10-17-08-trunk  mac 9.1

When you create new imap,pop, webmail, or news account
the pref is NOT checked by default.

Opposite of the branch builds.
gchan, that is the way I made it on trunk today (OFF by default, like 4.x, 6.1)
and as you note it works for imap, pop3 but not for news on todays trunk builds.
Oh Ok Navin. Sorry to add to the confusion..

I checked another scenario which was suggested by mscott.  
Created a new profile using 6.1rtm and checked the pref for disk space.(Because 
this is off by default in 6.1).  I opened the same profile using today's trunk 
build and it gets unchecked. So it does not keep the same settings when you open 
with today's trunk build.  This is on linux today's trunk build.  I have seen 
this on a pop account so far.
Will check news and imap to see if it keeps the settings. 
More information on the comments I have above.  I checked something else. 
Infact, in 6.1RTM build we know that the default is unchecked. But when I check 
this pref and exit the application and launching again unchecked the pref. 
So this has not worked in 6.1.  If you have it checked and don't exit the 
application this pref will work in 6.1
So my comments saying that when I opened this in today's trunk build the pref 
changing to being unchecked is because this never stayed changed in 6.1.  I hope 
I am being clear.  
Okay, I think we are actually going to be okay with Naving's fix. It turns out
Sheela, naving and I weren't testing the imap case properly.

Here's the break down on the default status of the checkbox:
            Netscape 6.1        6.2        6.2 with naving's fix
POP         unchecked         checked       unchecked
IMAP        unchecked         checked       unchecked

Here's the break down of functionality of the feature
POP         works              broken         works
IMAP        works              works          works

I think this is leading us down the path of wanting to respin for the current fix.
Mac OS 9.1 trunk build: 2001-10-17-08-FOR POP ACCOUNT
-Verifed that the pref is unchecked by default
-Stays cheched after exit the app and relaunch
-Also download the message completely when the pref is unchecked
-Does not download the message when the pref is checked and sending a message 
which is over the threshold.

I see that Gary is verifying this bug for imap. SO I will update my results for 
POP account.  Still have to check win98.
Just got the plus to check this into the branch. Naving, can you check your
patch in? Granrose: we still don't want to respin bits yet as we are waiting on
Dan's installer patch for the Mac problem.
Keywords: nsbranchnsbranch+
Whiteboard: [PDT+]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.6
2001-10-17-06-trunk linux 2.2
2001-10-17-08-trunk  mac 9.1

Couldn't test a current windows or mac os x trunk build since they aren't
available as of yet.

Verified on both platforms:
 -for imap/web mail accounts
   -by default the pref is not checked
   -checking the pref results in only mesgs less than the size specified
    will get downloaded
   -pref not checked results in all messages (regardless of their size)
    being downloaded

Removing POP from the summary because this bug is fixing imap as well 
Summary: Mssgs are downloaded even if the threshold limit exceeds-POP → Mssgs are downloaded even if the threshold limit exceeds
fixed on branch
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: Mssgs are downloaded even if the threshold limit exceeds → Mssgs are downloaded even if the threshold limit exceeds-POP
respins are available for Mac OS 8.x/9.x and Linux.  Pls test as soon as
possible to confirm this bug is fixed.
Just to clarify, this only needs testing on the branch, for POP3?  If so, I'll
get right on it.
Yeah as far as I know Stephen. Cool..

BTW i'm testing imap/web mail now..
Verified on commercial branch builds
2001-10-17-16-0.9.4 linux 2.2
2001-10-17-16-0.9.4 mac 9.1

For Imap and web mail accounts:
   -by default the pref is not checked
   -checking the pref results in only mesgs less than the size specified
    will get downloaded
   -pref not checked results in all messages (regardless of their size)
    being downloaded

Okay, using the new mac os 9.1 and linux branch respins on POP3, looks good.

Pref is persistant, off be default, and indeed works when I have it turned on. 
It gives me the "Truncated! This here to download the rest of
this message", and upon clicking the hyperlink, the message is downloaded in
full and I'm able to view it without any problems.  This was on old profiles,
new profiles, and I even did this, which I didn't expect to take effect till

1.  Sent myself a 105.6KB attachment (the linux installer.tar.gz)
2.  Without doing a GetMsg, went in and *enabled* the message size limit pref.
3.  Did a GetMsg, and found the "Truncated!" message.
4.  Clicking on that hyperlink to d/l worked (as it has before).
I just verified this for Win32 for POP for the 2001-10-17-094 build.  I get the
truncated text for msgs exceeding the limit.

One interesting note:

I saw this combination which I didn't see in the matrix above:

Here's the break down on the default status of the checkbox:
            Netscape 10-17am build      10-17pm with naving's fix
POP         checked                     unchecked

Is this expected?  We should try with 6.1 and then the 10-17pm build.

Gary - pls verify for IMAP when you get a chance.
Also, should try for News.

>Here's the break down on the default status of the checkbox:
>            Netscape 10-17am build      10-17pm with naving's fix
>POP         checked                     unchecked

>Is this expected?  We should try with 6.1 and then the 10-17pm build.

yes, this is expected. I made the default behavior to be unchecked. 
Mac OS X 10.1 build 2001-10-17-19-0.9.4 works fine on the branch bits with the
pref set.
I think we'll have to add a release note for this bug. Dan made a good point to
me in the hallway. I think we are using a new pref now for this setting so it's
possible if you had it working before that you might need to reset this pref in
eMojo. We should add a release note which says if your pop account is configured
to not download messages greater than a certain size that you may need to verify
that setting is still in place. Lisa, do you know what the release note keyword is? 
fwded mscott the latest relnote email.
I am not sure if we have release note keyword. But there is a release notes
tracking bug which is 96484 for bugzilla bugs and bug 8865 for bugscape.  
We are just adding the bug number and the description to this bug to be included
in the release notes.  Let me know if you want me to add this. I can include
this bug number and describe the scenario where the pop user might have to reset
the pref for message download.  
pls add some text to the release notes bug in bugzilla for the user to verify
their preference is checked, especially if they used this preference in a
previous version.
Tested this for POP3 on branch builds: 2001-10-17-18 on MAC OS 9.1, windows98, 
linux RH 6.2.
Verified the same scenarios mentioned earlier when tested the fix on trunk 
build. Everything worked.  
This problem is now fixed. I see in the bug that Stephend and Gary have already 
verified this on MAC OS X and imap on all platforms.  Thanks both of you.
Marking this bug as verified.  
OS: Windows 98 → All
>I think we'll have to add a release note for this bug. Dan made a good point to
>me in the hallway. I think we are using a new pref now for this setting so it's
>possible if you had it working before that you might need to reset this pref in
>eMojo. We should add a release note which says if your pop account is 
>to not download messages greater than a certain size that you may need to 
>verifythat setting is still in place.

I totally agree, but dan we were never migrating limit_message_size pref, so
this would be applicable to users only who hacked their prefs from 4.x to 6.x
Wanted to add that for the
 2001-10-17-18-0.9.4 on Winnt 4.0
 2001-10-17-19-0.9.4/ on mac os x.1

Imap & webmail accounts are ok to..
   -by default the pref is not checked
   -checking the pref results in only mesgs less than the size specified
    will get downloaded
   -pref not checked results in all messages (regardless of their size)
    being downloaded

Navin, I assume your comment about "never migrating limit_message_size pref"
also applies to all accounts (imap, webmail, pop,newsgroups)?. Cuz
I noticed that pref not migrated over in imap account created in 4.x
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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