Closed Bug 107707 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Collapsed header view doesn't show up (even after restart)


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mscott, Assigned: eric)



(Keywords: regression)


(7 files, 1 obsolete file)

Starting in today's release builds, if I change my message header view to
collapsed mode (which uses a grid), the header view area disappears and there's
no way to get the header pane to show the brief header mode anymore.

Nothing involving message header display changed on Friday. However, I noticed
that Eric turned on some new grid code. The collapsed header mode uses a grid. I
wonder if this is related. This problem appeared in the same build as the grid

Eric can you help me out? 

Here's the grid that's used to implement brief mode. Do I need to change how my
grid is defined under your new grid code? It looks like we are giving zero space
for this grid now. Nothing gets painted.

<grid id="collapsedHeaderView" class="header-part1" flex="1" collapsed="true">
    <column class="collapsedToggleHdrBox" align="top" pack="center">
      <image id="toggleHeaderView" class="collapsedHeaderViewButton"
    <column id="collapsedsubjectBox" collapsed="true" crop="right" flex="1">
        <text class="collapsedHeaderDisplayName" value="&subjectField.label;"/>
        <text id="collapsedsubjectValue" class="collapsedHeaderValue"
crop="right" flex="1"/>

    <column id="collapsedfromBox" collapsed="true">
        <text class="collapsedHeaderDisplayName" value="&fromField.label;"/>   
        <mail-emailaddress id="collapsedfromValue" flex="1"/>

    <column id = "collapseddateBox" collapsed="true">
      <hbox style="text-align: right;">
        <text id="collapseddateValue" class="collapsedHeaderValue"/>

    <column id="collapsedAttachmentBox" hide="true" >
      <image id="collapsedAttachment" class="collapsedAttachmentButton"
onclick="ToggleHeaderView();" />  
adding some keyword pixie dust.
Keywords: nsbeta1, regression
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.6
Adding more bug markings.  I just ran into this.  I had to edit my prefs.js and
localstore.rdf to get it back.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Priority: -- → P1
*** Bug 107724 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment from dup:

"the same problem of lost headers occurs when you double click on a message to
view a full window version -- then you lose the headers in the full window view
for any subsiquent full window views."
QA Contact: esther → laurel
*** Bug 107791 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Happens on linux too. OS should be All.
This blocks me from using recent builds. mscott, any response from evaughan yet?
Severity: normal → critical
OS: Windows 2000 → All
*** Bug 107824 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 104864
This example does what it is supposed. You have collapsed="true" on the grid
that will collapse it completely. 

Other than that there was a bug in collapsing that I fixed. Try updating layout and 

No longer blocks: 104864
I have no headers visible in mailnews. Is that this bug? I can't get a header
view back. If that isn't this bug can someone point me to the right bug please?
putterman, what specifically did you edit to get headers back? Do we need to
release note this for 0.9.6? Thanks.
Yes Asa, that's this bug. 

evaughan emailed me this morning and said this was fixed by a checkin into
layout yesterday. I have not verified on a build from today to check if that's
the case though. No this shouldn't require a release note for 096 because this
would be an 096 stopper.

deleting your localstore.rdf should get you your headers back. Just don't go
into brief mode. 
if you want to keep your localstore.rdf for other reasons, what I did was open
up localstore.rdf, search for "header" and removed everything related to it(not
those referring to Custom Headers).

I agree with mscott.  If this hasn't been fixed, we can't ship 0.9.6 with this
since it's way to easy to get into a state with no headers.  We'd either have to
fix this or take out the collapsible feature.  Fixing it would be ideal :)
mscott: if something was checked in yesterday [10/30], it didn't fix this issue
--i still see this using 2001.10.31.08 bits. unless evaughan checked in stuff
today, post-8am. ;)
Same problem for me. Last good build I can find is <2001102910>
Modifying prefs.js or localstore.rdf don't seem to be logical. I can move back
and forth between <2001102910> and <2001103113> using the same prefs.js and
localstore.rdf while the problem comes<2001103113> and goes <2001102910>.
Might be related; setting of "view headers, all, normal" is very flaky.
I set it to "all" and the next time I look its back to "normal"
Test results: This thing is a little wierd. I did some investigation by
switching back and forth between builds <20011029> and <20011031> and comparing
the contents  of prefs.js and localstore.rdf. The last time I went to <20011031>
the show headers [-] button appeared along with the header of the message!! I
clicked on the button and instesd of going to a [+] it totally disappeared never
to be found again.. I have tried going back and forth a few more times but it
hasen't shown it's head again.
this is not fixed in the morning or afternoon mozilla windows builds 10/31
Blocks: 104864
*** Bug 108015 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Still seems to be in Build<2001110112>
Yup, still seen on Linux rpm 2001110111. Upon collapsing the header, there is a
small 1 or 2 pixel height black line in place of the usual "sparse" header --
this is different from the truly absent header area on the mail "welcome" screen.
No longer blocks: 104864
Blocks: 104864
Try this workaround: Doesn't work for me in today's afternoon build, Win98

To work around it, remove lines from your localstore.rdf:

<RDF:Description about="chrome://messenger/content/*.xul#msgHeaderView"
state="true" />

(*.xul, depends on if you use the normal or vertical 3 pane view)

*** Bug 108217 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The workaround above does NOT work for build <2001103113> Linux.
Is it because of different platforms, or two very similar bugs?
I have another possably related bug in the "view" - "headers" -
"all or normal" won't stay set to "all". Kind of a moot point since it
won'd display headers any way>
arthur, do you mean bug 67539? That one has a patch, hopefully Seth or someone
else from the mail-team will find the time to look at it before 11-07.

No.. Andeas, I dont mean to say that. I just meant to point out that one group
of reports seem to be talking about a bug that can be affected by putzing with
prefs.js and or localstore.rdf and some others (like me) don't find that changing
those files have no affect at all. To add some credence to this I point out that
I can load up a pre 10/25/2001 build with the same pref file and .rdf file that
I use in failing builds, and the error follows only the build level regardless
of the contents of the files. 
As to the point I entered about the "view" - "header" - "normal or all", that
does still exist in <2001103113> (Linux) regardless BUG<67539>
I am seeing something that MAY indicate this problem is some kind of a race
situation. As I reported before the header info pops up and then disapears
again.  Could there be a race condition between two operations that occur when
displaying a message? The pop up situation seems to occur when I have the
message window below the message list open. It does not seem to occur when I
have it (lower message window) closed and display by double clicking on the
message list, I notice the old "open mesage in new window" is gone.
> I notice the old "open mesage in new window" is gone.

I believe this is another bug #107377, fixed on 10/29. Anyway, I see this entry
on a fresh CVS build (timed around 2001110218)
I changed <grid ...>...</grid> to <hbox ...>...</hbox> 
in msgHdrViewOverlay.xul -file, and this bug
was gone. 
Build Win32 2001110209.
This is working even better.
Change the grid-area to this:

<hbox id="collapsedHeaderView" class="header-part1" collapsed="true" flex="1">

   <hbox class="collapsedToggleHdrBox" align="top" pack="center">
      <image id="toggleHeaderView" class="collapsedHeaderViewButton"
   <hbox id="collapsedsubjectBox" collapsed="true" crop="right" flex="1">  
     <text class="collapsedHeaderDisplayName" value="&subjectField.label;"/>
     <text id="collapsedsubjectValue" class="collapsedHeaderValue" crop="right" 
   <hbox id="collapsedfromBox" collapsed="true">
     <text class="collapsedHeaderDisplayName" value="&fromField.label;"/>       
     <mail-emailaddress id="collapsedfromValue" flex="1"/>
   <hbox style="text-align: right;"  id = "collapseddateBox" collapsed="true">
     <text id="collapseddateValue" class="collapsedHeaderValue"/>
   <hbox id="collapsedAttachmentBox" hide="true" >
      <image id="collapsedAttachment" class="collapsedAttachmentButton" 
onclick="ToggleHeaderView();" />  

so then there are issues with grid code from the checkin?
I made a patch for this bug. 
It also corrects a bug when message contains
very long subject field.
I hope this works ok.
Smaug, please attach a patch - not a whole file so we can apply it to our trees 
and review...  If you don't have cvs, and create a cvs diff -u patch, consider 
downloading Patch Maker (search on it on which was created just 
for patches like yours...
*** Bug 108454 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Just an observation, but can't we make the header pane scroll with the message
window?  That way, if the headers take up all the message window, we can just
scroll down to the message.
Another useful option would be to be able to set view headers to Normal, yet
have a 'forward with headers' button/menu.  Just an idea.
Just installed the Patch Maker.
I'll attach the diff/patch.

It corrects only this 107707 bug,
not the one with long
brianc: there is a bug about scrollable message headers. It's bug 9942.
*** Bug 108529 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 108113 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Has anyone tried my patch, is it ok?
This is my first try
to fix a mozilla's bug, so I'm
not so sure how to proceed.

PS. I don't have CVS access
Hi Smaug, I tried your patch and it looks good on the surface (I didn't actually
look at the code).  One problem is that the "From:" field in the collapsed
header view is centered, where I think it used to be further to the right. 
Second, and this problem may have existed before, is that when I have headers
set to "all", the bottom line seems misaligned.  For instance, in a bugmail, the
bottom line is:
"X-Bugzilla-Reason: Voter"
Voter is aligned lower than X-Bugzilla-Reason:
This may be totally unrelated though.

I'm on win32 using a November 1st build.  Can someone check this out and get it
checked it so recent nightlies won't suck so much?
Attachment #56545 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Thanks for the patch smaug, I just attached a  different, more minimal patch
which also fixes/works around the grid problem. But your patch showed me what
the problem was so it was still very helpful.

This will go into the tree tonight so brief header mode will start working again.
Comment on attachment 56762 [details] [diff] [review]
the fix: add a row attribute to the grid

I got an sr=sspitzer on this.
Attachment #56762 - Flags: superreview+
fix checked in.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reopening and assigning to myself. While the patch fixes mail it does not 
address the underlying problem in grid that this patch fixes.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Assignee: mscott → evaughan
Attached patch Better patch. (deleted) — Splinter Review
Comment on attachment 56835 [details] [diff] [review]
Better patch.

>Index: nsGridLayout2.cpp
>RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/layout/xul/base/src/grid/nsGridLayout2.cpp,v
>retrieving revision 1.4
>diff -u -r1.4 nsGridLayout2.cpp
>--- nsGridLayout2.cpp	2001/10/26 02:41:05	1.4
>+++ nsGridLayout2.cpp	2001/11/07 01:53:10
>@@ -88,22 +88,146 @@
>   return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
> }
>+nsGridLayout2::AddWidth(nsSize& aSize, nscoord aSize2, PRBool aIsHorizontal)
>+  nscoord& size = GET_WIDTH(aSize, aIsHorizontal);
>+  if (size == NS_INTRINSICSIZE || aSize2 == NS_INTRINSICSIZE)
>+    size = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;

Technically the first part of that condition isn't needed.

> nsGridLayout2::GetMinSize(nsIBox* aBox, nsBoxLayoutState& aState, nsSize& aSize)
> {
>-  return nsStackLayout::GetMinSize(aBox, aState, aSize);
>+  nsresult rv = nsStackLayout::GetMinSize(aBox, aState, aSize); 

Should the code below be guarded on the value of rv? E.g.:

    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return rv;

>+  // if there are no <rows> tags that will sum up our columns,
>+  // sum up our columns here.


>+        AddWidth(total,size, PR_TRUE); // AddWidth

Add a space before |size| (times 2).

Same comments for GetPrefSize and GetMaxSize.

>Index: nsGridRowGroupLayout.cpp
>RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/layout/xul/base/src/grid/nsGridRowGroupLayout.cpp,v
>retrieving revision 1.5
>diff -u -r1.5 nsGridRowGroupLayout.cpp
>--- nsGridRowGroupLayout.cpp	2001/10/30 23:41:30	1.5
>+++ nsGridRowGroupLayout.cpp	2001/11/07 01:53:10
>@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
>       grid->GetMaxRowHeight(aState, i+start, size, !isHorizontal); // GetMaxColumnWidth
>       AddWidth(aSize, size, isHorizontal);
>-    }
>+    } 

You added a space after that }, can get rid of that change :-)

>Index: nsGridRowLayout.cpp
>RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/layout/xul/base/src/grid/nsGridRowLayout.cpp,v
>retrieving revision 1.3
>diff -u -r1.3 nsGridRowLayout.cpp
>--- nsGridRowLayout.cpp	2001/10/26 02:41:06	1.3
>+++ nsGridRowLayout.cpp	2001/11/07 01:53:10
>@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@
>   // add ours to it.
>   aBox->GetMargin(margin);
>   aMargin += margin;
>   return NS_OK;
> }

Don't need to make this change either.
>+  nscoord& size = GET_WIDTH(aSize, aIsHorizontal);
>+  if (size == NS_INTRINSICSIZE || aSize2 == NS_INTRINSICSIZE)
>+    size = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;

the first part is necessary. It will fall into the else statement below this 
otherwise and try to add a NS_INTRINSICSIZE which will overflow the integer.

I could just put an if around this that says:

if (size != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {


That might be clearer.
Attached patch patch with fixes. (deleted) — Splinter Review
*** Bug 108954 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment on attachment 56918 [details] [diff] [review]
patch with fixes.

Attachment #56918 - Flags: review+
a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 0.9.6
Keywords: mozilla0.9.6+
my work around is already 0.9.6 so we probably don't need the change to grid for
the 096 branch but for the trunk only. my  2 cents.
I tested the 2001-11-08 build, and the bug is resolved, but not quite perfectly.

If you use the Classic theme, clicking on [-] left of Subject still makes all
headers disappear, but if you move to another message, and then back, the line
with [+] Subject reappears.
It does not seem to be resolved in build 2001110803 using the Modern theme. 
Removing the thread column leaves message header information misaligned. 
Clicking on a message header will realign the information.  Going to another
folder will cause header information in that folder or any subsequent folder to
not appear.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 109197 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 109337 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Yes, verify fixed in 2001-11-09-03.
Verified fixed in Mozilla 0.9.5+
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.5+) Gecko/20011110
OK using commercial trunk build: mac OS X, win98, linux rh6.2
Has this been checked into the 0.9.6 branch?
Ahh, so it has.  Nevermind.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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