Closed Bug 108579 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Messenger unusable when hiding Thread column (mail invisible / hidden / blank)


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla3, Assigned: hewitt)



(Keywords: regression)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

On 5 Nov morning build (trunk),
1.In thread pane, hide Thread icon and associated column, using the rightmost
2. Restart Mozilla.

Mail thread and preview pane now are blank, you cannot browse messages. Only
folder pane is working. Re-enabling Thread column and re-starting Mozilla
reverts to the normal situation.
That wasn't happening on 2 Nov build. Weekend's checkins made Mozilla startup
significantly faster but without no stability cost :(
blake? is this you?
QA Contact: esther → olgam
Today we can't access builds.
I'll take a look at the next available build.
Confirming with a current CVS, Linux. Saw this yesterday too:

When mailnews is started without the Thread column displaying, this appears in
js console:

Error: parent has no properties
Source File:
(getter) Line: 4

It is also impossible to resize the columns.

Adding Thread column, and *some* of the mails display rightmost in the window.
A resize of the pane or window makes them appear in full.

It is still very hard to resize columns: seems Thread column must be selected
first, and after multiple "drags" performed on the columns themself, the cursor
finally decides to "detect" when i mouse over column dividers.

Also: When starting without the Thread column: The "Subject" column appear too
far to the right, as if to leave place for an invisible Thread column.
Ever confirmed: true
CC hyatt.
Keywords: regression
*** Bug 108727 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 108836 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
OS: Windows 98 → All
*** Bug 108878 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: nsbeta1
I see this problem on 11/6 build: my first loading Mail after installation and
entering password brought blank Thread pane.
After renaming localstore.rdf and starting over, I got my messages.  Then I
hided Thread column and couple others.  Messages were still in place.  As soon
as I went to another folder - all messages disappeared.
*** Bug 108902 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Something funny going on with columns in the folder pane too:

Have both Unread and Total disabled
Enable Total column. Disable it again:
- the number for count will now display under the "column" where you right-click
to enable columns.

Enabling "Unread" and disabling it again will then remove the phony Total count.
*** Bug 109009 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 109014 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This bug also occurs on Mac OS X, so platform should be "all". Also, I think the
severity should be "critical"--if your profile has the Thread column hidden, you
can't use mail at all, and the workaround (un-hiding the Thread column) is not
*** Bug 109065 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
upping severity. This is very confusing to people and dups are frequent.
Severity: normal → critical
I have seen regressions each time i update my build, which is once in a week. We
cannot let to have so much regressions. "Critical" patches should be tested in a
local test build, while doing some bunch of everyday tasks to ensure we do not
slip by some unsafe code.

I have no use for the "thread" option, never had, probably never will, and i
think most of the "casual" users dont use it, so prepare to be spammed with
dupes. This should be a blocker
Hardware: PC → All
*** Bug 109128 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Francisco León is right: As I stated in -1-0-9-0-0-9-: this is a "blocker" that
was only created a few days back. Should not be regarded as "normal" or now
"critical" only. Should be easily solvable although if the software is somehow
systematically organized at all. I have my doubts if I look at
real-worls-html-code in the wild and if I read some books on computer science
principals that are disregarded every second by open source development like: 

"talk to other programmers about your interfaces only, never about your module
implementation or you will end up in a big mess of interdependecies, that will
spaghetti your code, waste your time and ruin your project in the end" (Parnas)
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
This is definitely not a blocker and I'm not even convinced that it's critical.
 It is "highly visible" but there is a simple workaround. 
Please try to restrict your comments to posts that add technical value to the
bug report. Bugs are difficult and time consuming enough to read through without
a bunch of non-essential comments. (Did you know that QA has to read every
comment in a Resolved Fixed bug report before they can verify it? Please take a
moment to read this bug from top to bottom and see how long it takes. Now
multiply that out against the thousands of fixed bugs that need verifying. See
my point about non-essential comments?) If you would like to discuss this
further please find me on IRC or email me. Thanks.
here's the problem:

JavaScript error:
chrome://global/content/bindings/outliner.xml#outliner.firstOrdinalColumn (gette
r) line 4: parent has no properties
over to hewitt.  hoping for 0.9.6, but that's not up to me.

I've got a fix, but it's a big time hack.  I'll attach it.
Assignee: sspitzer → hewitt
Attached patch hack hack hack (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
the real problem is, our primary column (the one you can't hide) isn't the
first column

so if you hide the first column, firstOrdinalColumn() will break.

I'm hoping hewitt can come up with a fix for that, so we don't have to do this

(the change to SearchDialog.js is not a hack, it's needed.)
If this cannot be fixed in 0.9.6, can we make so that thread is forced to be
open, disregarding what we have in our profiles? Otherwise, prepare for lots of
bug reports. This would be a cheap workaround if it can be done
*** Bug 109294 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I have a fix, patch coming in a few minutes
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.6
Attached patch patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
*** Bug 109390 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment on attachment 57262 [details] [diff] [review]

jag says r=jag
Attachment #57262 - Flags: review+
built with it. It works but there's a problem:

When i now add and remove columns and resize, things "happen":
Amongst others, the "Label" column itself, which should always be LAST in row,
is relocated to some random (?) location inbetween the other columns.
it's a minor problem! Check this in, by all means. First column seems to have
some resize oddity, and the rightmost "Label" column shouldn't be moveable,
that's all that remains.

There are no js errors when shuffling columns about. It is possible to
re-shuffle the "label" clumn into place again, by dragging whatever replaces it
further to the left.
RKA, I just tested a nightly from last night - the problem you mention about
removing/adding columns is happening there too, so that isn't caused by my
patch.  This seems to be an unrelated regression which has happened in the last
2 weeks. I'll file a separate bug.
*** Bug 108751 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 109504 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
someone should change the subject line of this bug to avoid duplicates (I pasted
all the dups subject lines here to enable a better full-text-find):

candidates to add to subjectline are: "invisible", "blank", "show", "mail window"
ans "search"

Hide the 'Thread' column -> no messages display in thread pane
Messages are invisible in Mail Window
Blank message thread with an existing profile after installing in a new dir
Mails get invisible in overview
Builds/en 05112001, 06112001 and 07112001 do not show email-list
Threadpane shows no content
You've got mail... But mozilla does not show it!
Mozilla isn't showing me any mail when it clearly shows by the number I have
mail to look at!
mail summary window empty if threads category disabled
Toggling off Thread column in Mail makes messages disappear
search results aren't displayed in search dialog
Search messsages - results not displayed
Changing the summary per Tabit's request.
Summary: Messenger unusable when hiding Thread column → Messenger unusable when hiding Thread column (mail invisible / hidden / blank)
*** Bug 109533 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 109609 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
that supplimental patch is needed, as the SearchDialog no longer includes 
dialogOverlay.xul, so this function is not defined.

I'll seek approval for 096, as this is needed to fix #108751 (the duplicate of 
this bug)
*** Bug 109764 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 109471 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I landed (my 
supplimental patch) on the trunk, I'll land it on the 0.9.6 branch when the 
branch opens.
*** Bug 109793 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 109809 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 109822 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
is patch in attachment 57262 [details] [diff] [review] obliviated? (it wasn't checked in)
> is patch in attachment 57262 [details] [diff] [review] obliviated? (it wasn't checked in)

no, that patch is still needed for trunk and 0.9.6
fixed on trunk, awaiting branch approval
*** Bug 110027 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 110060 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
a=blizzard on behalf of drivers for 0.9.6
Keywords: mozilla0.9.6+
fixed on branch too
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Fix is verified on Win 2K, Linux, Mac OSX with today's trunk build 11/15/01.
I checked different folder after hiding/show, also exit and restart after hiding.
I noticed that after hiding Thread column header, the columns are not aligned
correctly. I log it as a separate bug.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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