Closed Bug 109037 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

figure out what it would take to get favicon.ico into the title bar


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: blizzard, Assigned: blizzard)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Figure out what it would take to use the favicon and use it as the title bar icon.
Is this gtk specific?
It doesn't have to be.
we should probably spin off a separate bug for the windows and linux
implementations then.
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
Windows already can stick images into the title icon. Can linux?
Sure, based off of file name it can, but not based on raw image data.
I've no problems on Linux with:

  <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="favicon.ico">

in the header.  Only problem is that the icon is not used in the bookmarks, only
in the URL bar and the title of the tabs.
For X11:

The following properties can be used on application window for widest compatibility:

CARD32 _KWM_WIN_ICON[2]=pixmapid,maskid (size = 16x16)

This works with kde kwm, icewm, ...

CARD32 _NET_WM_ICON[]=<width>,<height>,<ARGB data[]>,...

This allows alpha transparency and different icon sizes.
It depends on the WM obviously (some may like the icon to have 16x16 for the
this would be cool.

it would make finding the browser window you want easier in on windows in the
task bar and when doing alt tab, and on linux in the task bar.

would this be something that could be overriden (with a pref?)

thinking ahead, some mozilla distributors might want their application icons
(the famous 'N') to always be the window icon.
Blocks: 82130
I'd strongly recommend putting this behind a pref (turned on by default) for 
UI reasons.  While I will definitely leave this feature myself, I'm sure many 
people will want to be able to turn it off.
The Mac (classic and X) can do this too, with SetWindowProxyIcon.

The .ico (or .png, or similar) would have to be massaged into an icon family
('icns') and loaded into an IconRef first.  You can create the 'icns' in memory
from its constituent parts (can even add a 'PICT', which might mean Mozilla
wouldn't have to do the scaling).  Next the 'icns' needs to turn into an
IconRef.  One way is to create a file (resource or data); another is to register
in-memory with a given type and creator, which would probably involve generating
some bogus type information based on the window.  Not sure which one would be

There seems to be some support for Mac icons in Mozilla already, as evidenced by
the (albeit incorrectly scaled) icon that appears in the "download file" dialog.
See also bug 16213, which would use a subtle change in the window icon to 
indicate when a page is finished loading in a background window.
While I support this feature, it needs to be beind a pref (I would have it
turned off).

Also, how would this deal with tabs?

If I am looking for Yahoo! using the icons, but Yahoo! is open in a closed tab I
will not be able to see the Y! icon, only the (e.g.) google icon from the active
tab of the same window.

I'd suggest turning this off for a window that is using tabs.
Blocks: 120352
I would like the icon from the active tab for a window that is using tabs.  I
can use help finding the browser window I want when doing alt tab or in the
task bar when I have many windows open.

This could be made a preference for those that would not like this.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 82130 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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