Open Bug 120352 Opened 23 years ago Updated 4 years ago

[meta] Favicon tracking bug


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, task, P3)





(Reporter: gregvalure, Unassigned)


(Depends on 12 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

Tracking bug for all issues related to site icons.
Depends on: 109959, 113574, 116832, 120304
Depends on: 117377, 118070, 118548
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 113430
More bugs than I expected, although some are RFEs.  I'm also seeing some
potential dups, so someone with more privileges than me should help out hyatt by
shaking these out.
Depends on: 102303
Ever confirmed: true
Depends on: 113110
No longer depends on: 113410
Depends on: 120303
No longer depends on: 102303
What a mess! I'll try to sort some of it, but I might need some help. It seems
that what wee need is a proper dependency structure since most of the problems
that people see (even though they are different ones and should not be duped
against each other), they all come from a much smaller number of the problems
with the underlying implementation (some of them are not yet files as a separate
bugs). Once the problems with underlying implementation are files as bugs and
marked as dependencies of all those many problems that they cause, things might
get a little more organized...

Bug 113430 ("favicon caching problem") would probably become a "focus point" - I
am planning to make it a dependent bug for all those problems that are caused by
improperly cached favicons and make it depend on all the bugs that talk about
ways of fixing it.
Depends on: 82130
Depends on: 120462
Depends on: 120466
track away
Assignee: hyatt → ayn2
QA Contact: chofmann → ayn2
Removing the verified duplicates for a start.  This needs some more cleanup,
there are way too many dupes in the dependencies
No longer depends on: 111756, 115503
Depends on: 110296, 120949
Depends on: 121030
Bug 113430 is a meta bug for tracking favicon cache-related bugs. This bug, bug
120352, is currently set to depend on a number of cache-related bugs. These bugs
are: 109959, 111050, 113021, 113022, 113102, 114824, 117895, 118548, 120304, and

I'm removing all of those bugs from this bug.

Most of those bugs are already dependencies for bug 113430. I'll add the others
ones to it.

No longer depends on: 109959, 111050, 113021, 113022, 113102, 114824, 117895, 118548, 120304, 120466
Depends on: 121283
Depends on: 127154
Depends on: 127349
favicons were just removed from the toolbar menus in bug 127349 :-(((
Depends on: 131273
adding self to cc list
Depends on: 143348
Cleaning out duplicates...
No longer depends on: 109112
Depends on: 143687
Depends on: 121518
Depends on: 128457
Depends on: 129282
Depends on: 133755
Depends on: 135921
Depends on: 142626
Depends on: 142881
Depends on: 143859
Depends on: 144100
Depends on: 151718
Depends on: 160302
Depends on: 111871
Depends on: 111905
Depends on: 113202
Depends on: 124399
Depends on: 160975
Depends on: 163673
Depends on: 162895, 163109, 166962, 168507
In a frames page, when you click a link that changes one of the frames, the site
icon drops from the tab (wrong), but remains in the addy bar.

All pages have the <link to the icon.
No longer depends on: 121030
Depends on: 113108
Adding bug 228042
Depends on: 228042
Depends on: 228308
Depends on: 228862
Depends on: 231427
Favicons drop from Bookmarks and Personal Toolbar when the domain bookmarked is
a subdomain. To reproduce:

1: bookmark both and 
2: both bookmarks should have favicons at this point.
3: close firefox
4: open firefox and the favicon should be there, but the favicon will not.
A patch for a large number of these problems went in for bug 174265, for Firefox
on the aviary branch; not sure how/when/if it'll make it to seamonkey.
Adding #262486 to dependency list
Depends on: 262486
Depends on: 250458
Shouldn't bug 260500 be listed here ?  It has important consequences for the implementation of the 
favicon feature.
Adding bug 326896 to deps, but it seems that nobody uses this tracking bug anymore
Depends on: 326896
Depends on: 366324
Depends on: 411966, 260306
Depends on: 281150
Depends on: 650556
Depends on: 751712
Depends on: 873217
Depends on: 1174589
Component: Tracking → Tabbed Browser
Product: Core → Firefox
418144 - Favicons are not affected by a hard refresh

1253407 - favicon.ico caching issue

1371702 - Some search results are displayed without favicon in history side bar
854956 - (hidpi-favicon-ui) [meta] Use higher-res favicons in the Firefox UI
<> (2013-03-26) 
NEW Unassigned, not prioritised

926139 - [meta] Next-level favicon loading and storage
<> (2013-10-12)
NEW Unassigned, not prioritised

999920 - [meta] Issues around bundled favicons
<> (2014-04-22)
NEW Unassigned, not prioritised

1131737 - Expire history and favicons
<> (2015-02-10)
NEW Unassigned, P2 normal

1265712 - (site-icons) [meta] Improve website icon quality
<> (2016-04-19)
NEW Unassigned, not prioritised

1274427 - favicon_id not nulled-out for a history record that's marked as deleted
<> (2016-05-19)
NEW Unassigned, not prioritised

1427822 - when discarding a tab, the favicon will sometimes not restore
<> (2018-01-03)
UNCONFIRMED Unassigned, P3 normal

1432583 - Detect favicons.sqlite corruption in Maintenance, and clone/replace the db in case
<> (2018-01-23)
ASSIGNED, P1 normal

Maybe also: 

799862 - favicon bookmark icon is stale
<> (2012-10-10)
1359487 - The root domain icon is preferred if it has an higher resolution than the local page favicon
<> (2017-04-25)
NEW Unassigned, P3 major

Thanks to mzso at <> for the pointer.
Depends on: tab-unloading
Are there plans to fix them after something is decided? Why are this bugs grouped?
Summary: Site icon (favicon) tracking bug → [meta] Site icon (favicon) tracking bug
No longer depends on: tab-unloading
Assignee: mozilla-bugs → nobody
Severity: normal → N/A
Type: defect → task
QA Contact: mozilla-bugs
Summary: [meta] Site icon (favicon) tracking bug → [meta] Favicon tracking bug
No longer depends on: 114548
No longer depends on: 114692
No longer depends on: 121518
No longer depends on: 135921
Priority: -- → P3
Depends on: 1094357
Depends on: 1657278
Depends on: hidpi-favicon-ui
Depends on: 229985
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