Open Bug 1110577 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Error of "The operation failed because another operation is using the folder" occurs, if multiple mail move from IMAP Mbox to local mail folder, and if move fails because mail is deleted by other one while moving


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: World, Unassigned)


(Depends on 2 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug)


+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1106225 +++
This is spin-off of Bug 1106225 Comment 5.

Error of "The operation failed because another operation is using the folder" occurs, if multiple mail move from IMAP Mbox to local mail folder, and if move fails because mail is deleted by other one while moving

[Steps to reproduce #1 : Don't utilize Bug 1106225. Utilize Bug 638358]
(1) Go Work Offline
(2) With IMAP Drafts Folder, compose a mail, Repeat "Save As Draft" multiple times.
      => draft is created with fakedkey. old version is not deleted(Bug 638358).
            mail data is held in Offline-Store le, regardless of Offline-Use=On/Off.
            Message body is shown in message pane, View/Message Source menu is not disabled,
            but View/Message Source(Ctrl+U) shows nothing.
      => msgDBHdr exists, messageKey is assigned but is fakedkey.
            access to mail data fails.
      === Emulation of 
              error in "mail move by DoCopy"
              due to "delete mail by other one while DoCopy is doing move mail operation".
(3) Try to copy the saved draft mails to local mail folder ned FolderX
      => nothing is copied to FolderX
(4) Go back to Work Online (not needed, but go Online to avid miss-operation)
(5) Try to copy mail in looal mail folder to the local folderX
      => nothing is copied
      "Repair Folder" =>  following error occurs.
          !  The operation failed because another operation is using the folder.
             Please wait for that operation to finish and then try again.
      Restart of thunderbird is needed.

[Steps to reproduce #2 : Utilize Bug 1106225. Don't utilize Bug 638358]
(1) IMAP delete model = Remove immediately, Offline-Use=Off
(2) At IMAP folder, Search, Select multiple mails, "Move To" to local mail folder.
      move target folder = Local Folder/Parent/FolderX (more deeper is better for observation)
      => CopyMessage is requested "target folder depth" times(folder (FolderX)
(3) When DoCopy for CopyService request #N is executed, 
      mail in move source folder(Searched IMAP mbox) is already deleted by
      DoCopy for CopyService request #1.
      So, error in DoCopy #N occurs.
      => Because error while in "imap to local bulk move",
           msgDB of target FolderX is perhaps broken or locked.
(4) Try to copy mail in looal mail folder to the local folderX
      => nothing is copied
      "Repair Folder" =>  following error occurs.
          !  The operation failed because another operation is using the folder.
             Please wait for that operation to finish and then try again.
      Restart of thunderbird is needed.
Blocks: 1110583
Blocks: 1106225
No longer blocks: 1110583
Component: Database → Backend
No longer depends on: 1106225
[Steps to reproduce #3: Utilize spec of <menupopup type="folder">] has been found. See Bug 1106225 Comment 23.
Blocks: 209501
Depends on: 1110583
Depends on: 988792

Using 102.3.0 on Win7. I get this error when moving an email from one folder to another.

I have tried compacting and removing duplicates but the error persists. The only fix is to restart Thunderbird.

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