Closed Bug 1209343 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

"This message may be a scam" notification is really hard to read with GTK3 and Ubuntu


(Toolkit :: Themes, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox41 --- unaffected
firefox42 --- unaffected
firefox43 --- fixed
firefox44 --- fixed


(Reporter: dholbert, Assigned: Paenglab)



(Keywords: regression)


(3 files)

 1. View a message that Thunderbird thinks is a scam, in Thunderbird Aurora (v43)

ACTUAL RESULTS: The scam warning is unreadable (white on light yellow). See attached screenshot.

EXPECTED RESULTS: Readable text.

NOTE: The "blocked remote content" notification uses a different text-color and is consistent with what I'd expect from using OS-dependent theming, based on bug 1198063.

I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 prerelease (currently beta, releasing this month) and Earlybird 43.0a2 (2015-09-28) (thunderbird aurora channel)
For comparison, here's the more-readable other notification, which is rendering as expected per bug 1206516.
I'm guessing we use a special text-color on the scam notification, with the intention of being extra-visible -- but in this case it means we're extra-invisible. :-/
(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #0)
> I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 prerelease (currently beta, releasing this month) and
> Earlybird 43.0a2 (2015-09-28) (thunderbird aurora channel)

I can reproduce this on a different machine running Ubuntu 15.04 as well.

(Also: I noticed that I need to tick a checkbox before the scam notifications will show up -- there's a checkbox in the Thunderbird Preferences "Security" pane.)
Requesting tracking, since this is a regression which effectively disables a security feature by rendering its warning unreadable.
This is a toolkit issue. The color is set here: . With the corresponding background-image it would be white on red. But with the -moz-appearance: -moz-gtk-info-bar; set here: the background-image isn't used. With setting -moz-appearance: none; like on the red would be shown.

If you want to go this way I can make a patch.
Component: Theme → Themes
Product: Thunderbird → Toolkit
(In reply to Richard Marti (:Paenglab) from comment #6)
> This is a toolkit issue. The color is set here:
> notification.css?offset=200#20

Thanks for the diagnosis! CC'ing adw, who last touched that line (to fix a similar black-text-on-dark-background bug, bug 1130850).

"-moz-appearance:none" does sound like it would work, but it would remove the native look-and-feel which seems unfortunate.  Hopefully adw can make a call (or defer to someone who can) about what's the right solution here.
Flags: needinfo?(adw)
oh, I spoke too soon -- I think I agree that "-moz-appearance: none" is actually the right solution after all. It sounds like this dropdown's background *used* to be drawn (native-looking or not) via the "background" or "background-image" properties, and we were *intentionally* overriding the native background-color in this notification[type="critical"] rule.  But now that the native background is drawn via "-moz-appearance" (as a result of bug 1198063's fix), the formerly-overriding "background-image" in this [critical] declaration doesn't end up being visible.

So: if I'm understanding correctly, I think I agree with Paenglab that we should add "-moz-appearance:none" to this notification[type="critical"] rule.  Hopefully adw can confirm and/or review the patch.
Attached patch Bug1209343.patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
Add the -moz-appearance: none;
Assignee: nobody → richard.marti
Attachment #8667495 - Flags: review?(adw)
Comment on attachment 8667495 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8667495 [details] [diff] [review]:

Thanks, makes sense and works as advertised.
Attachment #8667495 - Flags: review?(adw) → review+
Flags: needinfo?(adw)
Keywords: checkin-needed
(Tree sheriffs generally require a Try build before they'll land checkin-needed patches. But I'm pretty sure this doesn't need a Try build, so I just went ahead and pushed, to bypass that back-and-forth with sheriffs.)

This needs backporting to Aurora 43 [which is where I encountered it, in Thunderbird].  Richard, could you request aurora approval?
Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)
Comment on attachment 8667495 [details] [diff] [review]

Approval Request Comment
[Feature/regressing bug #]: 1187203
[User impact if declined]: Unreadable critical notification bars
[Describe test coverage new/current, TreeHerder]: On the way to m-c
[Risks and why]: No risk, only CSS one liner
[String/UUID change made/needed]: none
Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)
Attachment #8667495 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
 - version 42 [current beta] is unaffected, because we disabled GTK3 on that branch (bug 1207310).
 - version 41 [current release] is unaffected, because GTK3 wasn't turned on until trunk hit version 42 (bug 1186003).  Plus, the regressing patch -- bug 1187203 -- didn't land until in Firefox 42.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla44
Comment on attachment 8667495 [details] [diff] [review]

OK to uplift to aurora, minor CSS fix.
Attachment #8667495 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora? → approval-mozilla-aurora+
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