Closed Bug 1258803 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Tablet: Tapping on text in the Facebook posting text box copies and pastes all the text


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Keyboards and IME, defect)

Not set


(firefox48 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox48 --- affected


(Reporter: liuche, Assigned: jchen)




(2 files)

Attached video autopaste.mp4 (deleted) —
Tapping anywhere on text typed into the Post textbox on Facebook causes all the text to be copied and pasted, repeatedly. I don't see this in any other browser.

snorp, there's also a lot of jerkiness in panning and zooming the text box when typing starts - I don't know if that's related to this or is a different bug. Can you file if it's not the same?

This probably at least involves a bug on Facebook's part, like bug 1235666, especially since it only seems to affect Firefox running on tablets.
Flags: needinfo?(snorp)
Flags: needinfo?(miket)
Looks like more IME badness
Assignee: nobody → nchen
Flags: needinfo?(snorp)
This only reproduces for me in "Request Desktop Site" mode. Anybody got a laptop with a touch screen to test there? Brad maybe?
Flags: needinfo?(miket) → needinfo?(blassey.bugs)
I don't see this on windows with a touch screen keyboard
Flags: needinfo?(blassey.bugs)
Hallvord, can you take a look from the webcompat angle (given your two favorite things: facebook + clipboard stuff)?
Flags: needinfo?(hsteen)
Similar to bug 1144174 comment 9. See the video.
I don't think it's really clipboard-related, more like the text is duplicated by JS. Unfortunately I can't quite reproduce on an Android phone.. even when "Request desktop version" is enabled.

Firstly, make sure you load "", not the "" site after enabling "Request desktop version". The desktop version misbehaves in several ways for me, but none exactly matches this video.

1) Text I type in is sometimes duplicated. Not on touch but sometimes on space. The @ sign is always duplicated.
2) At some point I got stuck with focus in a "reply to comment" box. No matter what I did, the cursor always stayed there and the page always scrolled to where that input was to keep it visible. Can't reproduce on demand.
3) Sometimes I can't delete the first word with backspace.
Some of these problems are similar to . 

It seems to be related to the on-screen keyboard's own autocomplete-functionality - if the "autocomplete" removes and inserts text it's more likely to happen.

I think one possible cause is JS manipulating the selection state during composition, but since it's so inconsistent and random it's going to be hard to pin down. If it is about JS and selection state, the problems I'm seeing and the problem this bug is originally about may have the same root cause.
Flags: needinfo?(hsteen)
This thing is driving me crazy because it's so inconsistent.. testing by typing and deleting again and again to see if the problem is still there takes a lot of time :-/
Attached file 1258803-exp.htm (deleted) —
There's weird stuff going on when JS changes the DOM while you're typing into a contentEditable area. I'm attaching a test case which splits what you're typing into separate text nodes by spaces, trying to place the cursor back at the end (in a separate text node) every time. This is not truly derived from Facebook's code but shows similarish symptoms to what I'm seeing in a more reproducible way, and I know they are changing the DOM for some inputs (for example to add @mentions). Chrome handles this test case better. What seems to happen there is resuming the composition of a word by including the previous character(s) typed even after JS puts the cursor in a new text node. (Chrome is not rock solid either - some other versions of this test case did show similar text duplication problems. Knowing the state of editing specs, the right behaviour here is probably not defined anywhere..)

I still haven't been able to reproduce the "duplicates text on touch" problem. If anyone else still sees that, we should probably split this into two separate reports and move this test case to the new one.
Chenxia Liu: do you still see the text-duplicated-on-touch effect?
Flags: needinfo?(liuche)
I'm not sure what the instruction about using vs is referring to - I was seeing this on the mobile Facebook site, on a 9" tablet.

That being said, I no longer see the text duplication problem, but my Facebook layout has also changed so there isn't a left side pane (so I wonder if I've been put into some other kind of A/B test). So I wonder if the problem went away because I'm in a different layout, or if they fixed it everywhere.

I do see the same problems as bug 1235666, but the one I showed in the video is no longer present.
Closed: 8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(liuche)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Thanks! I've reported a new bug (bug 1264894) to describe the main problem I found while trying to understand this one.
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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