Closed Bug 1264065 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Treeherder build for flame is using the wrong base image


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nhirata, Unassigned)



1. see

The log result is :

Towards the bottom shows : 
19:06:52     INFO -  Blob setup script has changed, re-running
19:06:52     INFO -  Backing up system partition to backup-flame
19:06:52    ERROR -  ./ line 27: adb: command not found
19:06:52     INFO -  Pulling files from ../../../backup-flame
19:06:52     INFO -  cat: ../../../backup-flame/system/build.prop: No such file or directory
19:06:52     INFO -  cat: ../../../backup-flame/system/build.prop: No such file or directory
19:06:52     INFO -  Invalid system backup - Wrong base version found.
19:06:52     INFO -  Do this:
19:06:52     INFO -  1. Delete backup-flame
19:06:52     INFO -  2. Flash your device with KK based images from the vendor
19:06:52     INFO -  3. Try building again
19:06:52     INFO -  
19:06:52     INFO -  > Build failed! <
Blocks: 1252482
No longer blocks: 1264060
Looks like this is running out of Buildbot. I think we should kill flame-kk from BB and switch to TaskCluster one?
Flags: needinfo?(wcosta)
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Flame-kk builds were removed from Taskcluster in Bug 1255644
Flags: needinfo?(wcosta)
Should we kill both?  Or reinstate the taskcluster one?  Who should make that call?
Do we need to recreate an image?  Should we have this as a discussion point at the next gaia meeting?
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla) → needinfo?(lissyx+mozillians)
Well, I would suggest we kill it. Wander explained me on IRC that we could reuse what have been legacied: Flame KK never completed the transition to TaskCluster, but there is task definition still in m-c ... :)
Flags: needinfo?(lissyx+mozillians)
Hi guys

Following the idea from discourse and with the announcement in the meeting for b2g_infra about that we have support from the infra by a few time, we thinking in finishing the transition for flame-KK to TC, at least eng, or we need (opt and debug) too.

wcosta, It is just revert the part for flame-KK of your patch in bug 1255644? or what other tasks, would be necessary, for finish the transition to TC.

Jovan is doing the blobfree build manually for flame, I talked to him and maybe he can help in this too.
Flags: needinfo?(wcosta)
(In reply to Pochy from comment #5)
> Hi guys
> Following the idea from discourse and with the announcement in the meeting
> for b2g_infra about that we have support from the infra by a few time, we
> thinking in finishing the transition for flame-KK to TC, at least eng, or we
> need (opt and debug) too.
> wcosta, It is just revert the part for flame-KK of your patch in bug
> 1255644? or what other tasks, would be necessary, for finish the transition
> to TC.

Yes. But the builds were scheduled for b2g-inbound, if you are using a different branch, it might need further work (nothing complex, however).

> Jovan is doing the blobfree build manually for flame, I talked to him and
> maybe he can help in this too.
Flags: needinfo?(wcosta)
flame-kk has been removed in 1284447
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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