Closed Bug 1269066 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[APZ] It's possible to accidentally (a) scroll frame while dragging a splitter and (b) cause splitter twitching


(Core :: Panning and Zooming, defect, P3)

46 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox46 --- wontfix
firefox47 --- wontfix
firefox48 --- wontfix
firefox49 --- wontfix
firefox50 --- wontfix


(Reporter: arni2033, Assigned: kats)



(Keywords: correctness, regression, Whiteboard: [gfx-noted])


(1 file)

>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160429030215
1. Open   data:text/html,<style>body{height:10000px}   , scroll to the middle of the page
2. Open devtools, dock it to the bottom side of window
3. Start dragging toolbox splitter to the top, then, while mouse is placed above the page content,
   rotate mouse wheel up or down w/o interrupting dnd.

AR:  The splitter twitches to the same direction you rotated mouse wheel
ER:  Splitter shouldn't be affected by mouse wheel

This is regression from bug 1213095 (I'm leaving keyword "regression" for now). Regression range:
Summary: It's possible to accidentally (a) scroll frame while dragging a splitter and (b) cause splitter to twitching → [APZ] It's possible to accidentally (a) scroll frame while dragging a splitter and (b) cause splitter to twitching
I can reproduce this, on both Windows and Linux.
Blocks: apz-desktop
Summary: [APZ] It's possible to accidentally (a) scroll frame while dragging a splitter and (b) cause splitter to twitching → [APZ] It's possible to accidentally (a) scroll frame while dragging a splitter and (b) cause splitter twitching
Keywords: correctness
Whiteboard: [gfx-noted]
Backing out the Part 4 patch from bug 1213095 (i.e. the main fix in that bug) does seem to make this go away.
Assignee: nobody → botond
Version: unspecified → 46 Branch
I can repro this on Windows, using a 47 beta build. On the latest 48/49 builds I can't seem to, using the same profile. Arni, are you still seeing this on Nightly? I think it may have been fixed already on trunk and perhaps uplifted to 48.
Flags: needinfo?(arni2033)
(Also, you have 4 days left to file 11 more bugs, if you want to reach 1000 bugs in one year! :p)
I found a fix window on Linux using mozregression: looks like this was fixed by bug 1272757.
(In reply to Botond Ballo [:botond] from comment #6)
> I found a fix window on Linux using mozregression: looks like this was fixed by bug 1272757.

Which is interesting because bug 1272757 is supposed to fix a regression introduced by bug 1242690, which landed in 48, but *this* bug is present in 46 and 47 as well.
Marking fixed by bug 1272757, and I requested uplift on that bug.
Closed: 8 years ago
Depends on: 1272757
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla49
>>>   My Info:   Win7_64, Nightly 49, 32bit, ID 20160522030240
1)  As said in comment 6, it was greatly improved in bug 1272757 [1]
However, when I was searching for fix, I accidentally reproduced it on a "good" build.
Then I tried it again several times, and found out that it's but still reproducible.
It's possible to scroll the web page in 5% of cases. Devtools toolbox twitches only in 1% of cases.

2)  I think that STR in comment 0 are blocked by the same mechanism as bug 1269067
("when left mouse button is pressed, and mouse is moving => scrolling doesn't work").
Once bug 1269067 is fixed, this bug should be re-tested.

3)  I reported this bug with 2 "parts" - (a), which is neutral glitch, and (b), which is clearly bad.
That's because even part (a) is impossible on non-APZ, and I thought that you may want to fix (a) as it seemed that (b) is caused by (a). I don't know your plans regarding (a), but it still happens:
1. Open bookmarks sidebar on this page
2. Hover mouse over vertical resizer, hold left mouse button, move mouse to the center of this page
3. Stop moving mouse. Rotate mouse wheel down/up
1. Open
2. Open devtools -> inspector, focus <body> node, select ruleview tab.
3. Hover mouse over vertical resizer, hold left mouse button, move mouse to the center of ruleview tab
4. Stop moving mouse. Rotate mouse wheel down/up

> [1] fix range:
Flags: needinfo?(arni2033) → needinfo?(bugmail.mozilla)
Ok, we can leave this open to investigate the remaining issue (a) for now. It might be hard/impossible to fix - when the resizer is dragged it's going to lag behind the mouse because of APZ, and if we scroll during that lag then the hit-test will land on the content. Still, I'll take a closer look at some point to verify there's nothing else going on.
Assignee: botond → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(bugmail.mozilla)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Target Milestone: mozilla49 → ---
I'd rather not drag this by "wontfix"-ing it one by one release.  Do we think we'll ever want to, and be able to fix it?  If so, please reopen, and fix in 50 or 51.
Assignee: nobody → bugmail
Closed: 8 years ago8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(bugmail)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
I can't think of any decent way to fix this. I'm ok with leaving this as WONTFIX.
Flags: needinfo?(bugmail)
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