Closed Bug 1319034 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[Windows 7 classic theme][devedition theme] tab close icons are bright (white) even on light devedition theme (which has light-grey tabs)


(Firefox :: Theme, defect, P1)




Firefox 54
Tracking Status
firefox52 --- unaffected
firefox53 --- fixed
firefox54 --- fixed


(Reporter: Gijs, Assigned: jryans)




(3 files)

Potentially related to bug 1178909, and/or maybe a regression from bug 1308407?
Summary: [Windows 7 (and maybe vista/xp) classic theme ][devedition theme] tab close icons are bright (white) even on light devedition theme (which has light-grey tabs) → [Windows 7 classic theme ][devedition theme] tab close icons are bright (white) even on light devedition theme (which has light-grey tabs)
Blocks: 1331679
Gijs, I don't have a win7 test vm, can you still repro this? If so, it should block compact themes.

Setting P1 for now.
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
Priority: -- → P1
Yes, this still reproduces.
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
I would like to help with this issue if possible...  Gijs, I currently only have Windows 10 systems.  Is there any way I can force Firefox to use the Windows 7 theme for Windows 10, or is a Windows 7 VM the only way?
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
(In reply to J. Ryan Stinnett [:jryans] (use ni?) from comment #3)
> I would like to help with this issue if possible...  Gijs, I currently only
> have Windows 10 systems.  Is there any way I can force Firefox to use the
> Windows 7 theme for Windows 10,

Not without inverting a load of media queries and updating a lot of overrides.

> or is a Windows 7 VM the only way?

That is certainly simpler.
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
I have attached what I see in the tab for Windows 10 vs. Windows 7 with Compact Light enabled.  The three tabs show tab close on hover, unselected tab, and selected tab.

Gijs, what exactly is incorrect in Windows 7 here?  (I think I am just not familiar with what's expected...)  The overall coloring seems similar between the two...  The main difference I could see is that on Windows 7, when you hover you get a red background square with white X, while Windows 10 has a dark gray circle with white X.
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
(In reply to J. Ryan Stinnett [:jryans] (use ni?) from comment #7)
> I have attached what I see in the tab for Windows 10 vs. Windows 7 with
> Compact Light enabled.  The three tabs show tab close on hover, unselected
> tab, and selected tab.
> Gijs, what exactly is incorrect in Windows 7 here?  (I think I am just not
> familiar with what's expected...)  The overall coloring seems similar
> between the two...  The main difference I could see is that on Windows 7,
> when you hover you get a red background square with white X, while Windows
> 10 has a dark gray circle with white X.

This is fine. The problem is when you use Windows Classic (with the default dark blue titlebar) rather than aero basic/lite (which seems to be what's in your screenshot). Here's a screenshot of what I see with Windows Classic: .
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
Thanks, I see the issue now.
Assignee: nobody → jryans
I haven't tested, but off-hand it looks like your added rules apply to the dark lwtheme as well, and there I think we do want the inverted icons?
(In reply to :Gijs from comment #12)
> I haven't tested, but off-hand it looks like your added rules apply to the
> dark lwtheme as well, and there I think we do want the inverted icons?

Hmm, I thought I checked that case too, but appears you are right...  I'll try again.
Attachment #8834538 - Flags: review?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
Comment on attachment 8834538 [details]
Bug 1319034 - Disable tab close inversion with compact themes on Windows.

::: browser/themes/windows/compacttheme.css:118
(Diff revision 2)
>  }
> +/* Override tab close icon (to disable inversion) for better contrast with
> +   light theme on Windows 7 Classic theme. */
> +@media not all and (min-resolution: 1.1dppx) {
> +  #TabsToolbar[brighttext]:-moz-lwtheme-darktext .tab-close-button:not([selected="true"]) {

Nitty nit: I *think* this works if you put the pseudoselector on the .tab-close-button (before the :not(...) which would avoid layout having to check the descendant selector in the dark theme case.
Attachment #8834538 - Flags: review?(gijskruitbosch+bugs) → review+
Comment on attachment 8834538 [details]
Bug 1319034 - Disable tab close inversion with compact themes on Windows.

> Nitty nit: I *think* this works if you put the pseudoselector on the .tab-close-button (before the :not(...) which would avoid layout having to check the descendant selector in the dark theme case.

Yes, it should, I'll change it.
Summary: [Windows 7 classic theme ][devedition theme] tab close icons are bright (white) even on light devedition theme (which has light-grey tabs) → [Windows 7 classic theme][devedition theme] tab close icons are bright (white) even on light devedition theme (which has light-grey tabs)
Okay, looks good.  Tested configurations:

* Windows 7 basic theme with Compact Light theme (1dppx and 1.5dppx)
* Windows 7 basic theme with Compact Dark theme (1dppx and 1.5dppx)
* Windows 7 classic theme with Compact Light theme (1dppx and 1.5dppx)
* Windows 7 classic theme with Compact Dark theme (1dppx and 1.5dppx)
* Windows 10 with Compact Light theme (1dppx and 1.5dppx)
* Windows 10 with Compact Dark theme (1dppx and 1.5dppx)
Pushed by
Disable tab close inversion with compact themes on Windows. r=Gijs
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 54
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