Closed Bug 133366 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Type letters to navigate XUL tree


(Core :: XUL, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: aaronlev, Assigned: yuanyi21)



(Keywords: access)


(1 file, 7 obsolete files)

assume user press 'A', and:
1. the list has neither shortcut key 'A', nor first letter 'A' 
   -- do nothing
2. the list has only one item which has either shortcut key 'A' or first 
letter 'A' 
   -- select it and do its action
3. the list has more than one item that has either shortcut key 'A' or first 
letter 'A' 
   -- go circularly within them but do not act them

For condition 3, we should also support incremental typing (IE's Favorities 
does not support).
Tree and outliner are undergoing major revision. There is no sense working on
this until that is finished.
Depends on: 110156
Oh, I've done a no sence patch :(

Should I put any patches here?
Kyle, it makes sense to wait until bug 110156 is fixed. Until then, you should
not work on any patches for this bug.
Keywords: access
What about bug 104503 ?
Hmmm, didn't see that one before.

We also have bug 133365 for listbox.

I suggest we make bug 104503 the outliner bug, and keep bug 133365 a separate
bug for listbox.

Kyle Yuan is going to be working on these.
Do outliner items ever have "shortcut keys" or was that inadvertently copied
from the spec for menus?

When an outliner has multiple columns, what should Mozilla do?  Here are several
1. Use the leftmost text column
2. Use the widest text column
3. Use a specific column, specified by the outliner
4. Use the column by which the user has sorted the rows of the outliner
5. Search in all columns

3 and 5 make the most sense to me, but I haven't thought about it much or tried
other programs.
*** Bug 133950 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I think 1 is good enough for the most user requirement. Of course 3 and 4 are 
better if they can be implemented. If the current active(focus) column can be 
determined, we should navigate by this column first. Otherwise, we should use 
the first column.

I dont like 5, it will confuse me where the focus will go next.
I would prefer having 1,3,4.
Also look at mpt's proposal in bug 104503.
Since bug 110156 fixed, we should change the widget's name.
"outliner" -> "tree"
Summary: Type letters to navigate XUL outliner → Type letters to navigate XUL tree
Attached patch patch to evaluate (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
A new method was added into nsITreeBoxObject.idl -- getColumnID.
This ColumnID is used to get cell text.

Currently, I just try to match typing with text in the first column.

This patch is only for evaluation. Any comments are welcome.
mpt's proposal in bug 104503 was basically "3".  I agree with him -- I'd get
confused if selecting bookmarks or mail messages worked differently depending on
how I had sorted them.  mpt also suggested going to the first item starting with
'f' if I hit 'e' and no item starts with 'e', which seems like a good idea to me.

This feature would have to be disabled in the mail thread pane, because mail
uses single-letter shortcuts for things like "next unread message".
*** Bug 104503 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
> mpt also suggested going to the first item starting with
> 'f' if I hit 'e' and no item starts with 'e', which seems like a good idea to me.

That's contrary to how windows behaves, and doesn't make any sense to me.
  * assume a list with "apple", "orange", and "tomato" in it
  * I type "p" because I'm looking for "pear"
  * "tomato" is selected.  WTF?  I wasn't looking for tomato.

Windows doesn't change the selection if the item doesn't exist.
If pressing 'p' does nothing, you'll think you mistyped the letter.  If it
selects 'tomato', you'll be able to see quickly that there is no item beginning
with 'p'.  I encountered that situation once.
On the other hand, if we're hoping to have a visual indication of which letters
you've typed so far, that won't work well if the item selected doesn't always
start with the letters you've typed.
I can't think of any widget in any app that behaves the way you describe.
think there are 3 types of columns: first column, primary column, sorted 
column. (seems like there is not focused column). what's the priority of them 
when key-navigating? I prefer: sorted > primary > first.
Attached patch patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
suit my previous comment
Attachment #77198 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Kyle, your patch looks pretty good.
Some nits:
- the name GetPrimaryColumnIndex() is quite misleading,
  what about GetKeyColumnIndex() ?
- XUL developers should be able to enable/disable this feature,
  use enableKeyNavigation or disableKeyNavigation or something better (look at
  enableColumnDrag for example)
  not sure what should be default

I would think that key navigation should be true by default.  It's a pretty
standard feature that should be supplied unless the XUL author explicitly turns
it off.
Thanks for your comments. I should add a new nsXULAtom -- disableKeyNavigation. 
If XUL author does not turn it on, we always do key navigation.
Just to be clear, you don't need a new nsXULAtom

add a new property
<property name="disableKeyNavigation"> (see enableColumnDrag for example)

and in keypress handler something like this:
else if (!this.disableKeyNavigation &&
         event.charCode >= 32 && event.charCode <= 122) {  // ' ' - 'z'
Attached patch patch (revised according to Jan's comments) (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
1. Change the function's name to GetKeyColumnIndex
2. Add a new property disableKeyNavigation

Need r=
Attached patch patch (revised according to Jan's comments) (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
1. Change the function's name to GetKeyColumnIndex
2. Add a new property disableKeyNavigation

Need r=
Attachment #77388 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 77416 [details] [diff] [review]
patch (revised according to Jan's comments)

double clicked the "Submit" button :(
Attachment #77416 - Attachment is obsolete: true
- you forgot to change getPrimaryColumnIndex() in tree.xml
- add disableKeyNavigation="true" to trees in folderPane.xul and threadPane.xul

other than that, r=varga
Attached patch patch 2 (revised according to Jan's comments) (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #77417 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 77568 [details] [diff] [review]
patch 2 (revised according to Jan's comments)

Attachment #77568 - Flags: review+
Rather than .8 seconds, for the keyboard repeat delay on Windows I think we're
supposed to use:

SPI_GETKEYBOARDDELAY Get settings for delay time of key inputs.
Spun off bug 135749, to complete XUL tree keyboard implementation.
Hrm, I don't know about that system parameter.  That's the amount of time before
keys start repeating, but I don't think it's tied to incremental searching.  I
have  a short delay but my incremental search delay seems unaffected.

It's 2500 ms in the patch not 800, isn't it?

Maybe if people complain we could look into moving this into nsLookAndFeel in
the future, to make it per-platform.
More descriptive information from the API Help:

Retrieves the keyboard repeat-delay setting. The pvParam parameter must point to
an integer variable that receives the setting.
Retrieves the keyboard repeat-speed setting. The pvParam parameter must point to
a DWORD variable that receives the setting.

This say to me that these settings are only for key repeat.  But try it for
yourself.  Change your key repeat settings and see if they affect the
incremental search window at all.
Whoo, this is looking nice.

+                 event.charCode >= 32 && event.charCode <= 122) {  // ' ' - 'z'

This won't work for characters like ä and Ú, when it should. I don't see any
need to limit the possible characters -- surely control characters will be
ignored already?

+           if (event.timeStamp - this._lastKeyTime > 2500)

On Mac OS this appears to be hard-coded to 1000, not varying with any key-repeat

-  <tree id="folderTree" class="plain" flex="1" seltype="single"
+  <tree id="folderTree" class="plain" flex="1" seltype="single"

Please don't do that. The folder pane is perhaps where this feature would be
most useful, since the items in it are usually all visible and well-known, and
since scrolling through the list one item at a time can be very slow.
Component: Browser-General → XP Toolkit/Widgets: Trees
Severity: major → enhancement
QA Contact: doronr → shrir
Hi, Matthew, thanks for your comment 
1. I think your are right. The charCode of control key is always 0, so we can 
modify this condition to (event.charCode > 0);
2. Do you think we should change the interval to 1000ms for all platform? This 
value is same as bug 92491 (XUL menu) and bug 133365 (XUL listbox);
3. Jan suggest to do this on comment 27.
tested in mail module, when the focus is in folder pane, you press "n", the 
focus will jump to the first unread message in this folder. It still works even 
the keyboard navigation feature is on.
Attached patch patch (revised according to mpt's comments) (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
1. event.charCode >= 32 && event.charCode <= 122 =>
   event.charCode > 0
2. if (event.timeStamp - this._lastKeyTime > 2500) =>
   if (event.timeStamp - this._lastKeyTime > 1000)
3. remove disableKeyNavigation="true" from folderpane.xul

Jan, can you r= again?
Attachment #77568 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 78862 [details] [diff] [review]
patch (revised according to mpt's comments)

looks good, the lower value seems to be much better
Attachment #78862 - Flags: review+
Attached patch change nothing, just keep the patch up to date. (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #78862 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 80365 [details] [diff] [review]
change nothing, just keep the patch up to date.

Attachment #80365 - Flags: review+
*** Bug 132764 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
New interface method was checked in with bug109217. Only keep the changes of
Attachment #80365 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 83470 [details] [diff] [review]
something was changed in trunk, keep the patch up to date.

Attachment #83470 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 83470 [details] [diff] [review]
something was changed in trunk, keep the patch up to date.

Attachment #83470 - Flags: superreview+
checked into trunk!
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This has (probably) caused problems in MailNews. See bug 145532.
hey, this broke keyboard navigation in the thread pane (not acceptable!) and was
not reviewed by a mail/news person!
if the focus is in the folder pane, and you press "n", it selects the first
folder who's name starts with "n".  It could be that this needs to be disabled
for the folder pane.
Kyle needs to take care of this. We can back him out or wait until he gets to
work He's in Beijing, so that should be around 4 pm California time.
There is already a patch in 145532.
The thread seems to have died down here, but I would like to report that as of
moz 1.1 navigating by keys seems to only work for first letter and also (more
importantly) seems to uncheck my mail filter rules when I use it there - and yes
I am cycling through the many matches.
Blocks: 132764
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Trees → XUL
QA Contact: shrir → xptoolkit.widgets
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