Open Bug 135921 Opened 23 years ago Updated 4 years ago

[RFE] favicon in status bar on a:hover (if cached)


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: xyzzy, Unassigned)



(1 file)

If the user previously visited a site, and that site's favicon is still in the
cache, then when the user hovers over a link to that site, it would be nice to
see the favicon displayed before the URL in the status bar.  This could aid
recognition of familiar sites with unweildy URLs.
qa --
QA Contact: paw → claudius
Alias: goat
Blocks: 120352
I love this idea.  I would make one suggestion instead of having this show in
the statusbar.  Make the icon part of the cursor.  Kind of like the arrow cursor
with the question mark over it in windows.
Attached image Mockup of cursor with favicon (deleted) —
Attached is a mock up of how the cursor would look.
I say go for it. The look of the mckup is great. And a pref can be used to turn
it off. What i'm still waiting for is favicon in toolbar and menu.
I've been looking at this.  It is not to difficult to do if the site uses a
favicon.  The problem is when the site defines there icon with a link tag.  I
cannot discover that icon easily.
Richard Klein's suggestion incorrectly assumes that cursor is always arrow-like
(or hand-like) over a link.

However, once CSS2/CSS2.1 "cursor: url(...);" property is implemented, web site
webmasters will get full control over what the cursor looks like, on their
pages. (In MSIE 6+, that CSS property is already implemented.) Cursor shapes
will vary pretty much -- and sometimes having 16x16 favicon stuck nearby is
going to look really nasty then, I guess. (You'll never know what beast your
cursor is going to look like...) Actually, webmasters themselves are likely to
implement different cursors over links to different websites -- which is the
natural way: remote website should not be given control over links leading
there, they never were. Making link's cursor similar to (or containing) remote
favicon seems innatural, pretty much like making link's background similar to
remote page's background color.

Web site cursor is no longer a part of the browser interface. It's part of the
website now. Changing it, you'll break webmaster's concept.

On the other hand, browser's status bar is not a webmaster's realm. So it would
be nice to see a favicon displayed before URL there.

Bug 135921 --> my votes
Reassigning obsolete bugs to their respective Seamonkey owners (i.e. nobody). 
If you want this fixed for Firefox, change the Product and Component accordingly
and reassign back to me.
Assignee: firefox → guifeatures
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Filter "spam" on "guifeatures-nobody-20080610".
Assignee: guifeatures → nobody
QA Contact: claudius → guifeatures
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
No longer blocks: 120352
Alias: goat
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