Open Bug 1372587 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[meta] Release geckodriver from TaskCluster


(Testing :: geckodriver, enhancement)

Version 3


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: ato, Unassigned)


(Depends on 2 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

We currently export the source code from testing/geckodriver to the old GitHub project on to release geckodriver via Travis. We would like to release to GitHub directly from TaskCluster so we are not dependent on Travis, which has historically proven to be a nightmare to maintain due to changing environment factors. We are currently missing geckodriver builds on all cross-compile platforms, which currently include Android and certain macOS versions. For Android, there are potentially also other host/target system concerns to do with the way Rust is integrated with our build system. The platforms we need to support are: arm7hf linux32 linux64 macos win32 win64
Priority: -- → P3
Depends on: 1417646, 1417649
Depends on: 1427849
Depends on: 1441656
nalexander got Android compiling in bug 1441656.
Depends on: 1442253
Priority: P3 → --
Summary: Release geckodriver from TaskCluster → [meta] Release geckodriver from TaskCluster
Blocks: 1489130
Depends on: 1490628
Depends on: 1425365
No longer depends on: 1441656

With bug 1577110 fixed the next release of geckodriver could be fully done via the toolchain builds!

I don't think we can release directly from taskcluster, because I don't think we can have long-term artifacts on there. We'd probably need to upload to

glob: I don't know if you're the right person to ask about this, but after some recent relability issues with releasing geckodriver from GitHub, we're trying to scope out how much effort it would be to release based on Mozilla infrastructure. I think that would roughly involve uploading the artifacts we're building on TaskCluster to (presumably) whenever we want to release (this is not coupled to Firefox release cycles), and having some URL that can reliably be used to get the latest release. Do you know yourself, or know who we should ask about this?

Flags: needinfo?(glob)

This looks more like a RelEng question, redirecting.

Flags: needinfo?(glob) → needinfo?(cbond)

Sounds like you'll want to create a beetmover task (these are the tasks that move release blobs over to I believe you'll need a new set of credentials from SRE Services to push to whatever directory we choose. Someone on Releng would need to help get these credentials in place.

You'll also need to figure out when you want this task to run. E.g, you could have a VERSION.txt file and the task only runs when it's modified maybe? Or you could manually trigger it when needed. Edit: Aki reminded me we should use shipit to handle releases if possible.

Is there signing involved in the release process as well? If so then that's another set of credentials that'll be needed for the signing task.

Depends on: 1783943
Severity: normal → S3

@jgraham - did the info ahal provided get you what you needed?

(apologies for the extremely late reply and response to needinfo)

Flags: needinfo?(cbond)
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