Open Bug 1397179 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Area information is not displayed for boxes that don't have the space to show it above it or on left/right extremities


(DevTools :: Inspector, defect, P2)



(firefox56 affected, firefox57 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox56 --- affected
firefox57 --- affected


(Reporter: bmaris, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files)

Attached image Screenshot showing the issue (deleted) —
[Affected versions]: - Latest Nightly 57.0a1 - Beta 56.0b9 [Affected platforms]: - Ubuntu 16.04 64bit - Windows 10 64bit - macOS 10.12.6 [Steps to reproduce]: 1. Go to 2. Open Inspector Grid (Ctrl+Shift+C or Cmd+Alt+C) 3. From Inspector - Layout select 'main' or 'ul' Overlay Grid 4. Scroll down the page in Layout and select any box from row 1 from grid outline Other steps to reproduce when selecting boxes from extremities: 1. Go to 2. Open Inspector Grid (Ctrl+Shift+C or Cmd+Alt+C) 3. From Inspector - Layout select the first Overlay Grid ('div.stripes') 4. Scroll down the page in Layout and select any box from extremities from grid outline [Expected result]: - Are information is displayed inside the webpage. [Actual result]: - Area information is not displayed for the boxes from the first row. [Regression range]: - This is not a regression because it's reproducing even on Nighlty from 2017-06-20 when grid outline was first available in Layout. [Additional notes]: - Not sure if there is a bug logged for this already, I checked a little bit but could not find one. - ALso the numbers are also hidden for the box extremities
Summary: Are information is not displayed for boxes that don't have the space to show it above it or on left/right extremities → Area information is not displayed for boxes that don't have the space to show it above it or on left/right extremities
I would tend to assess this issue as minor/medium and not a blocker for the grid inspector. But it's true that having the infobar displayed for some cells and not others can be very confusing. So we should get to this sooner rather than later. But I think this was an assumed limitation when we first implemented the feature. We should of course ultimately address this, but the current version is already pretty good. What do you think Gabriel?
Flags: needinfo?(gl)
Just to confirm: "Area information" is what we usually call the "info bar" in DevTools.
I was referring to the bubble where the box coordinates are written.
We should make the infobar work. I am forwarding this needinfo to Matteo to prioritize.
Flags: needinfo?(gl) → needinfo?(zer0)
Since we know CSS grids will be largely relevant for page layouts, a consequence of this is that most of the first row will not show any of the node infobar. I think since this use case will be the most common. We should try to work around this limitation and make the grid infobar work.
The problem here is that in the CSS Grid we have two infobars, and both of them are forced to be displayed one on top, and the other on bottom, in order to avoid overlapping (see bug 1348919). In order to address this issue without risk a regression about overlaps, we have to rethink the way the information are currently displayed.
Flags: needinfo?(zer0)
Priority: -- → P2
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Severity: normal → S3
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