Closed Bug 1425656 Opened 7 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Sometimes modal dialog open at wrong location, sometimes unusable (Mac)


(Thunderbird :: OS Integration, defect)

58 Branch
Not set


(thunderbird_esr60? affected)

Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr60 ? affected


(Reporter: patrick, Unassigned)




(Keywords: regression, regressionwindow-wanted)


(3 files)

Attached image Screen Shot 2017-12-16 at 12.12.38.png (deleted) —
Modal dialogs on macOS should open as "sub-window" under the title bar of a window. However, since TB 58, the dialogs appear at weird locations. As they cannot be used, the become unusable. 

See attached screenshot: the Account Manager is opened at the bottom of the window.
I can't reproduce this with 58.0b2. Have you tried with "Restart with Add-ons disabled"?
Yes, it also happens in Safe Mode. I should add that I'm on macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra).

It doesn't happen always, and interestingly, it seems to depend on which element got the focus before a dialog is opened. 
For example, if I click on the message view pane (lower right), then the dialog will open there.

Furthermore, the dialog also "moves" when you resize the window. I created a video showing the behavior. It also happens when the dialog is originally at the correct location:
Antony, Albert
Do you use engimail? If so, do you see this with 58 on Sierra?
Flags: needinfo?(albert)
Flags: needinfo?(acdp)
Keywords: regression
AFAICT, it's not depending on Enigmail in any way. I made the video in Safe Mode, without _any_ addon.
Yes, when I marked something in the message pane and then open the prefs through the menu I can confirm your issue on TB 58. On TB 59 the sheet always opens at the correct position. But when resizing the window it jumps too.
Hi Wayne

No I mainly use TB std, I believe and I am still using El C. for my OS :-/

Ciao Antony
Flags: needinfo?(acdp)
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #3)
> Antony, Albert
> Do you use engimail? If so, do you see this with 58 on Sierra?

No Enigmail and El Capitan (for the time being). Sry.
Flags: needinfo?(albert)
I can reproduce this on High Sierra (macOS 10.13) and with TB 59a1.
Frankie, do you know of anything comparable happening in Firefox?

Looking at I don't see anything that matches up
Flags: needinfo?(
No, I've never seen FF Mac display dialogs or sheets at the bottom of the window.

Patrick, have you changed your screen resolution?
Flags: needinfo?(
No, I'm using the standard (high) resolution on my Mac.

But I actually don't recall when Firefox would have last displayed a native modal dialog other than the prompt for the master password. AFAICT most FF dialogs seem to be implemented via a semi-transparent layer on top of the main window.
Hard to believe we're not seeing lots of reports about this.
I actually see this issue randomly with Thunderbird 60.0b7 in three different profiles but I am unable to reproduce it deliberately. 
I also remember having observed it randomly with the TB 59 betas.
When it happens the account settings sub-window is functional and I can resize it if I want (see attachment)
Can you narrow the regression range to something smaller in the 58.0a1 range? 
Summary: Modal dialog open at wrong location → Intermittent modal dialog open at wrong location, sometimes unusable
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #15)
> Can you narrow the regression range to something smaller in the 58.0a1
> range? 
> between
> 11-comm-central/
I can't find any Mac version on this page
> and
> 02-comm-central/

In my tests with 58.0a1 version from Nov 13th, 2017 I don't see this issue.
There was actually b1 on Nov 27 and b2 on Dec 10.
It would be good to determine whether b1 also fails.

fixes marked as MacOS in the time perid Nov 13 to dec 10
In my new tests the issue is not present in TB 57.0b2 from November 18th, 2017 but it is present in TB 58.0b1 from November 27th, 2017. 
Tell me wether I should test other Nightly versions and which ones.
Finally a new test with the Nightly 58.0a1 from Nov 13, 2017 showed that the issue was already present at that date although I couldn't prove it in my first test.

Then I tested from backwards until and the issue could be seen in all intermediate versions. 

I could not reproduce the issue in Nightly 58.0a1 from October 21, 2017
Flags: needinfo?(e.berberich)
(In reply to Richard Marti (:Paenglab) from comment #21)
> Tested it and last good is
> 16-comm-central/
> first bad is
> 01-comm-central/
I'm confirming. 
Don't remember why I couldn't find the download links for those two versions ...
From bug 1482157 comment 4 this seems to be because the dialog is somehow attached to the last toolbar. With attachments this will be the attachment toolbar on bottom. I could convert this to a normal hbox. But then we still have the message header toolbar which we can't convert without loosing our functionality.

Markus, please can you explain how this dialogs are attached to the toolbars (how is the logic to attach the dialog) and what we could do to fix this here?
Flags: needinfo?(mstange)
Summary: Intermittent modal dialog open at wrong location, sometimes unusable → Sometimes modal dialog open at wrong location, sometimes unusable
Summary: Sometimes modal dialog open at wrong location, sometimes unusable → Sometimes modal dialog open at wrong location, sometimes unusable (Mac)

As my new bug was marked as duplicate (sorry, didn't find that one), I want to add that the dialog (detach in my case) is jumping around when resizing the window (see attachment). Actually the dialog appears sometime below the screen (right most image).

This should be now better with TB 68 a the dialog is attached to a toolbar. With the conversion of some toolbars to hboxes (bug 1535265) there should be only the main toolbox on top of the window.

Severity: major → normal

Still reproduces?

Flags: needinfo?(de.berberich)

I have no longer seen this issue for quite a while.

Flags: needinfo?(de.berberich)

Think, it's fine now.

Closed: 3 years ago
Depends on: 1535265
Flags: needinfo?(mstange.moz)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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