Open Bug 1499029 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[contenteditable] Click inside contenteditable block element when last children is non-editable moves caret into that non-editable.


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P3)

62 Branch




(Reporter: kajetanl, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [h2review-noted])


(2 files)

Attached file test.html (deleted) —
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36 Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached HTML file. 2. Click behind span element with text '/non editable/'. Alternative steps: 1. Place caret before `/non editable/`text. 2. Press right arrow. Actual results: Caret is moved into an element with `contenteditable="false"`. Expected results: Caret should stay in `contenteditable` element behind text.
Component: Untriaged → Editor
Product: Firefox → Core
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P3

Can not reproduce

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0

Flags: needinfo?(kajetanl)
Attached image firefox-55-caret.png (deleted) —

Attached file is not that simple. I've tried it on Firefox 48, Firefox 55 and Firefox 62 (looks same for me)

  1. Place caret just before /non editable/ like so Test |/non editable/
  2. Right - caret moves next line (picture attached)
  3. type characters - nothing
  4. Right - caret moves slightly right, still down
  5. type characters - nothing
  6. Right - caret moves up
  7. type characters - works!
  8. Right - caret moves up (like step 2)
  9. Right - next step (4)
  10. etc
  1. Click on /non editable/
  2. it selects
  3. Delete removes it
  1. Double click "Test'
  2. highlights entire line
  1. Backspace "Test " and one more
  2. everything removed
  1. Delete "Test " and one more
  2. /non editable/ removed
  1. Down - caret moves next line
  2. type characters - caret moves up, characters displayed
  1. Down - caret moves next line
  2. Left - caret down
  3. type characters - nothing
  4. Left - caret moves up (on the end of line)
  5. type characters - nothing
  6. Left - caret before /non editable/
  7. type characters - works

<p>Test <span contenteditable="false"><span>/non editable/</span><span style="position:absolute; display: block;"><img src=""></span></span><br> </p>

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:76.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0

Found issues with attached sample:

Invisible left navigation inside contenteditable:

  1. With mouse or keyboard place caret after /non editable/
  2. Left - caret disappeared
  3. type characters - nothing
  4. Left 14 more times (altogether 15)
  5. it appears on "Test| /non editable/"

What if I tried to return back from Left:

  1. With mouse or keyboard place caret after /non editable/
  2. 1 Left - 3 Right to return back
  3. 2 Left - 4 Right ...
  4. 3 Left - 5 Right
  5. 14 Left - 16 Right

Double click "Test" selects part of /non editable/, can't remove:

  1. Double click "Test"
  2. Highlights "Tests " (with space)
  3. Delete, Backspace - does not work
  4. getSelection() - focusNode: #text /non editable/

Same with mouse selection -

  1. Mouse down on |Tests
  2. Move on top of /non editable/
  3. Move left `|/non editable/ but not on the space
  4. Mouse up
  5. Same selection as Double click

But if moved left on top of "Tests" and back to space it selects "Tests " (without /non editable/)

Backspace does not remove /non editable/ but Delete removes.

Remove /non editable/ by Backspace before it:

  1. Remove "Tests " (Backspace, Delete or mouse selection Backspace, Delete)
  2. Put caret before /non editable/
  3. Backspace
  4. it removes entire <div> content

Once "Tests " removed and caret moved elsewhere I can't put it before /non editable/ (but I can put it after)

Where are a lot of problems, should I split them?
As I could not reproduce exactly reporters steps it would be great if someone checked on Mac

Whiteboard: [h2review-noted]
Severity: normal → S3
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