Closed Bug 15194 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

No border between status bar area and body of document


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cpratt, Assigned: german)





(1 file)

Build ID: 1999092909
Platform: all

With the 'new' UI currently implemented in the browser, there is no visual
border at the top of the status bar area at the bottom of the window. This can
be visually problematic. If you load the page at the above URL, you'll notice
that the background color of the table is the same color as that of the status
area. There is no visual distinction between the content of the HTML document
and the status bar area; this looks very strange. Other legacy browsers separate
the two areas visually.
Assignee: shuang → german
Re-assign it to german so he can point to the right spec. I think this is
somewhat a "working in progress" item and will be clearly defined when the final
look is in the build correctly.
I'll accpet thebug to keep track of it, but currently that's part of the new
Netscape lok and feel. will revisit once we have the look and feel in the build.
Target Milestone: M20
Moving all UE/UI bugs to new component: User Interface: Design Feedback
UE/UI component will be deleted.
Component: UE/UI → User Interface: Design Feedback
Blocks: 28883
You could say that `There is no visual distinction between the content of the 
HTML document and the x area; this looks very strange' for several values of x:
* status bar
* toolbar
* sidebar.

Such a blending between UI elements and content makes beginning users vulnerable 
to UI spoofing attacks (thinking that things in the Web page are part of the 
toolbar/sidebar/status bar, when really they're not). I wouldn't be surprised if 
it also causes minor residual confusion in experienced users, e.g. spending half 
a second every so often wondering why part of the screen hasn't scrolled, and 
then realizing that it is because that part of the screen is the status bar.

If the new look and feel is kept to, then at least a border could be drawn around 
the HTML content itself, which would solve the problem for all values of x at 
Not sure there is a problem here anymore. At the top of the status bar and the
bottom of the personal toolbar, there is a 1px black rule. When the sidebar is 
visible, it extends down to the taskbar, displacing the left end of the
status bar, something that no normal page could do. 

An "evil" page launched without chrome via javascript could emulate a webpage
without chrome long enough to allow spoofing, but no tweaking of the 
delimitation between UI areas and content areas could prevent that type of 
this has been fixed. Now even the modern skin has a dark grey line separating 
status from content. The classic skin has a border as well
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
VERIFIED fixed 2000072608 builds
Component: User Interface Design → Browser-General
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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