4.44 - 22.08% raptor tp6 (linux64, linux64-qr, windows10-64, windows10-64-qr, windows7-32) regression on push 754f9877d4baec49ba19f60b81fad85076aec5fc (Wed Jan 30 2019)
(Core :: Performance, defect, P3)
(Reporter: igoldan, Assigned: smaug)
(Keywords: backlog-deferred, perf, regression)
Raptor has detected a Firefox performance regression from push:
As author of one of the patches included in that push, we need your help to address this regression.
22% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox-loadtime linux64 pgo 458.29 -> 559.50
20% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox-loadtime windows10-64-qr opt 364.75 -> 437.33
19% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox-loadtime linux64 opt 496.83 -> 590.17
16% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox-loadtime windows10-64 pgo 331.27 -> 384.71
16% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox-loadtime windows7-32 opt 374.19 -> 433.21
14% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox-loadtime windows10-64 opt 383.27 -> 437.83
12% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox-loadtime windows7-32 pgo 336.56 -> 378.25
9% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox windows10-64 pgo 356.29 -> 388.72
9% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox windows10-64-qr opt 394.62 -> 429.95
8% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox linux64 pgo 395.87 -> 428.54
8% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox windows7-32 pgo 351.22 -> 378.06
7% raptor-tp6-yandex-firefox raptor-tp6-yandex-firefox-loadtime linux64-qr opt 292.46 -> 314.17
6% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox windows7-32 opt 394.53 -> 418.54
6% raptor-tp6-yandex-firefox linux64-qr opt 155.07 -> 164.47
6% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox windows10-64 opt 401.81 -> 424.80
4% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox linux64 opt 444.90 -> 464.67
48% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox-loadtime windows10-64 opt 658.50 -> 344.54
46% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox-loadtime linux64 opt 638.33 -> 342.58
44% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox-loadtime linux64-qr opt 662.83 -> 369.96
42% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox-loadtime windows10-64-qr opt 605.54 -> 349.92
42% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox-loadtime windows7-32 opt 573.10 -> 333.54
40% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox-loadtime windows10-64 pgo 584.04 -> 350.42
23% raptor-tp6-yandex-firefox raptor-tp6-yandex-firefox-loadtime windows7-32 opt 298.62 -> 228.62
20% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox linux64 opt 419.13 -> 334.09
20% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox windows10-64 opt 417.59 -> 335.74
18% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox windows10-64-qr opt 413.30 -> 339.39
16% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox linux64-qr opt 422.32 -> 355.36
15% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox windows7-32 opt 385.92 -> 327.53
14% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox windows10-64 pgo 378.52 -> 325.63
14% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox windows10-64-qr opt 1,012.05 -> 872.89
12% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox linux64 pgo 831.93 -> 729.02
11% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox windows10-64 opt 1,000.27 -> 886.96
11% raptor-tp6-yandex-firefox raptor-tp6-yandex-firefox-loadtime windows10-64 pgo 277.40 -> 246.62
11% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox windows10-64 pgo 877.68 -> 780.44
11% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox linux64 pgo 349.11 -> 310.99
11% raptor-tp6-imdb-firefox linux64-qr opt 308.74 -> 275.49
10% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox linux64-qr opt 938.62 -> 843.10
10% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox windows7-32 opt 944.85 -> 849.32
9% raptor-tp6-facebook-firefox windows7-32 pgo 342.27 -> 309.98
6% raptor-tp6-imdb-firefox raptor-tp6-imdb-firefox-loadtime windows10-64 opt 464.12 -> 437.58
5% raptor-tp6-imdb-firefox raptor-tp6-imdb-firefox-loadtime windows7-32 opt 451.29 -> 430.92
4% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox-fcp linux64 pgo 252.21 -> 241.83
4% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox-fcp linux64-qr opt 306.35 -> 295.12
4% raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox raptor-tp6-reddit-firefox-fcp linux64 opt 285.81 -> 275.38
2% raptor-tp6-google-firefox raptor-tp6-google-firefox-loadtime linux64 opt 154.67 -> 150.83
2% raptor-tp6-google-firefox raptor-tp6-google-firefox-loadtime windows10-64 opt 137.71 -> 134.46
2% raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox-fcp windows7-32 pgo 225.10 -> 220.50
You can find links to graphs and comparison views for each of the above tests at: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/perf.html#/alerts?id=19049
On the page above you can see an alert for each affected platform as well as a link to a graph showing the history of scores for this test. There is also a link to a Treeherder page showing the Raptor jobs in a pushlog format.
To learn more about the regressing test(s) or reproducing them, please see: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance_sheriffing/Raptor
*** Please let us know your plans within 3 business days, or the offending patch(es) will be backed out! ***
Our wiki page outlines the common responses and expectations: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance_sheriffing/Talos/RegressionBugsHandling
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Updated•6 years ago
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Updated•6 years ago
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Comment 1•6 years ago
These are the Gecko profiles for raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox on Linux 64bit (PGO builds):
For raptor-tp6-yandex-firefox-loadtime on Windows 10 (PGO builds):
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Comment 2•6 years ago
For raptor-tp6-amazon-firefox on Windows 10 Quantum Render (OPT builds):
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Comment 3•6 years ago
If there are any blocked bugs which aren't related to this issue, do remove them from the list.
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Comment 5•6 years ago
The duplicate bug 1524207 warns about Talos perf regressions also. comment 0 applies to these as well.
Comment 6•6 years ago
Profiles for e10s test-windows10-64-pgo/opt-talos-tp5o-e10s t-e10s(tp-p)
Profiles for e10s test-linux64/opt-talos-tp5o-e10s t-e10s(tp-p)
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Comment 7•6 years ago
yup, I'm looking why amazon regressed.
(I was pleasantly surprised about the massive improvement with facebook.)
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Comment 8•6 years ago
And thanks for the links to the profiles, super helpful!
Updated•6 years ago
Updated•6 years ago
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Comment 9•6 years ago
FWIW, this may take some time to fix. Various changes affecting page load will cause improvements and some regressions.
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Comment 10•6 years ago
Olli, could you please set a priority for this bug? Thanks!
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Updated•6 years ago
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Updated•6 years ago
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Comment 11•6 years ago
Olli, out of these 3 bugs, namely bug 1506949, bug 1521786, bug 1523158, can you say which one is more related to the improvements?
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Comment 12•6 years ago
bug 1523158 has nothing to do with this.
bug 1521786 should help with fcp
bug 1506949 should help with loadtime
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Updated•6 years ago
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Comment 13•6 years ago
Marking this wontfix since this actually happened just after bug 1270059 had improved Amazon and such a lot and here we regressed that stuff a bit, but improved other sites. Overall we still improved a lot.
Amazon numbers went 800 -> 364 -> 384 on win10/pgo, and the very latest number is 357
(bug Bug 1538517 improved that a bit).