Closed Bug 1562352 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Lightning beta versions should have a beta version number, so that it updates


(Calendar :: Lightning Only, defect)

Lightning 68
Not set


(Not tracked)

Thunderbird 69.0


(Reporter: darktrojan, Assigned: darktrojan)



Lightning betas don't get updated when Thunderbird betas do, because they all have the same number. This is very frustrating.

If, instead of them all being 7.0, they were 7.0b1, 7.0b2, etc. the update mechanism would deal with this. At least I think it would.

There's bug 1164070 about the same issue, that was WONTFIXed because updates would come from the add-ons website. Let's not pretend that happens these days.

Assuming that bug 1520365 would be fixed instead and Lightning uses the identical version number as Thunderbird - would this include the b1, b2 etc?

I was not aware of that bug. But yes, it would have to include the beta version or it would have the same problem.

Wow, this should be important, especially during this "period of many betas". I would say this is now a defect.

If we opt instead for bug 1520365 as the fix, and that will take significant time and testing to sort out, then I suggest we don't wait on these for shipping b3 ... and pick up the fix in b4.

Type: enhancement → defect
Summary: Lightning beta versions should have a beta version number → Lightning beta versions should have a beta version number, so that it updates

Oh, this was raised in bug 1556786 comment #24.

Having a closer look, I don't think even making this change would do anything. Here, installation is skipped if the app's version number hasn't changed, which is determined here.

I think we should still set the beta version number on Lightning, and I'll push for change in toolkit. It may be too late to fix it for 68, but there's always next time.

Fixed by bug 1520365.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 7.1

confirming mine shows 69.0.b1 for Thunderbird 69.0.b1 (64-bit)

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