Open Bug 1615469 Opened 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[css-pseudo] Implement animations support for ::first-line and ::first-letter pseudos


(Core :: DOM: Animation, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: boris, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Web animations use pseudoElement as the target pseudo-selector and the spec mentions first-letter and first-line (which are also in the wpt) as the examples. So perhaps we have to support these two pseudos in Web animations.

Blocks: 1615473

For what it's worth I don't think this strictly needs to block shipping getAnimations. That is, this could be shipped a release or two later. It's fine to keep it blocking bug 1615473 now, however, since that makes it easier to find this bug.

I see. Perhaps make this block [web-animations], instead of Bug 1398037.

(In reply to Boris Chiou [:boris] from comment #2)

I see. Perhaps make this block [web-animations], instead of Bug 1398037.

Oh. This should be a general case for CSS Animations/Transitions and Web animations. So no need to block web animation.

No longer blocks: 1398037
Summary: Implement web-animations support for ::first-line and ::first-letter pseudos → [css-pseudo] Implement animations support for ::first-line and ::first-letter pseudos
Severity: normal → S3
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