Open Bug 1787476 Opened 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

TB displays a notification for unread IMAP draft


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: contact, Unassigned)



(Keywords: dupeme, Whiteboard: [dupeme candidates: comment 1])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0

Steps to reproduce:

Spend some time writing an email, enough time for it to be auto-saved to the (IMAP) draft folder.

Actual results:

One gets a notification about that draft. This may be triggered by another email arriving, but in any case the notification telling me about my own draft is useless to say the least.

Expected results:

TB should not notify me about my own drafts that I am currently writing.

There are some bugs pertaining to the subject (809513, 676249), but they seem stale.

Furthermore, I take the opportunity to expand the scope : we should be able to exclude arbitrary folders from being taken into account for the production of new mail notifications.

That would be an addition to the existing folder Properties dialog, and would eschew any difficulty about checking the nature of the email (own draft, etc.) in favour of the simpler criterion of where the email is.

(In reply to YS1 from comment #0)

Expected results:
TB should not notify me about my own drafts that I am currently writing.

Agreed. What's your ISP/email provider?

There are some bugs pertaining to the subject (809513, 676249), but they seem stale.

Please use bug xxx syntax for auto-linking.
Bug 809513 is same issue, but FIXED.
I guess this bug can be duped to one of the following which are still open:

  • Bug 676249 is old, but reopened, so still current unless shown otherwise.
  • Bug 687140 looks similar to Bug 676249, fix the issue for Windows and MacOS (Linux was fixed in bug 661239).
  • Bug 673400 is almost RFE, working around the problem by not marking draft unread.

Furthermore, I take the opportunity to expand the scope : we should be able to exclude arbitrary folders from being taken into account for the production of new mail notifications. That would be an addition to the existing folder Properties dialog, and would eschew any difficulty about checking the nature of the email (own draft, etc.) in favour of the simpler criterion of where the email is.

Kindly file that as a new RFE and let us know here.

Severity: -- → S3
Component: Untriaged → Mail Window Front End
Flags: needinfo?(contact)
Keywords: dupeme
Summary: TB displays a notification for unread draft → TB displays a notification for unread IMAP draft
Whiteboard: [dupeme candidates: comment 1]

Agreed. What's your ISP/email provider?

My email provider is hosting my website. It uses Zimbra Open Source Edition 8.8. I do not see why my ISP is relevant.

Sorry for not using the adequate syntax for referencing bugs !

I filed an RFE under bug 1788060.

Flags: needinfo?(contact)
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