Closed Bug 199263 Opened 22 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Mozilla Version Info missing from 'Help->About Mozilla' Page ( about: ), if Javascript is disabled


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: miavir, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312

In trying to find the version of the installed Mozilla, it is natural to look at
the 'Help -> About Mozilla' Menu. The page that comes up however does *NOT*
contain the version info.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. In Menu select 'Help -> About Mozilla'

Actual Results:  
Shows Mozilla Info, but doesn't contain Version Info.

Expected Results:  
Added the Version info to the page.
Did you install Mozilla 1.3 over a previous Mozilla with extensions ?
I installed 1.3 by moving the old directory where it had been residing away,
then installing the new version in the same place as the old was located. As
such, no data from the old installation remained, except such info as is in the
users own home directories.
multizilla problem? (bug 197693)
Component: Browser-General → Help
'Help -> About Mozilla' needs Javascript enabled to display version info.
without Javascript it shows only 'Mozilla' linking to
With me it shows the correct version info when I have enabled Javascript.
When I disable Javascript for Navigator it doesn't show the version info. 
Should we put a message between <noscript> tags? 
Like: "Enable JavaScript in the preferences to view version information."
Could this be made to work *without* having to have javascript on ? After all,
you generate that page yourself. And I really don't see why you have to turn on
javascript, with all the concommittant security risks that entails, just so that
you can see which Mozilla you're running.
Component: Help → Browser-General
To repeat the good idea from comment #5:
The about: menue should contain a string in <noscript> tags, that suggests to
turn Javascript on to see the version info.
Assignee: asa → oeschger
Component: Browser-General → Help
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Linux → All
QA Contact: asa → tpreston
Summary: Mozilla Version Info missing from 'Help->About Mozilla' Page. → Mozilla Version Info missing from 'Help->About Mozilla' Page, if Javascript is disabled
Asking for a simple fix:
The about: menue should contain a string in <noscript> tags, that suggests to
turn Javascript on to see the version info.

Flags: blocking1.5a?
Flags: blocking1.4.x?
Firebird is displaying UserAgent info regardless of Javascript allowed or not.
Found in Firebirds aboutDialog.xul:
<script type="application/x-javascript">
        function onLoad() {
          var userAgentField = document.getElementById("userAgent");
          userAgentField.value = navigator.userAgent;
URL: about:
Flags: blocking1.5a? → blocking1.5a-
Summary: Mozilla Version Info missing from 'Help->About Mozilla' Page, if Javascript is disabled
Summary: Mozilla Version Info missing from 'Help->About Mozilla' Page, if Javascript is disabled
not a help bug. kicking up to browser-general
Assignee: oeschger → general
Component: Help → Browser-General
QA Contact: tpreston → general
Confirming this behaviour for Version 4.1

Implementating this via JavaScript is simply nuts.

It is so trivial to change this to pure HTML
that this issue is not even worth any character
that folks have typed here.

Don't tell me IE is unsafe. If you force users to enable JavaScript
just to see the version info, you are going the same direction.
Mozilla is not in any way more bulletproof against buffer overflows
etc. than IE is.

I couldn't believe this concept when I first saw it.

Flags: blocking1.4.x? → blocking1.4.x-
This bug may be a duplicate of Bug 91779.
Bug 91779 was morphed into an about: bug when it was origionlly an about:plugins
bug. In comment 30 of that bug amutch suggested seperating the bug to an
about:plugins bug and an about: bug.
Summary: Mozilla Version Info missing from 'Help->About Mozilla' Page, if Javascript is disabled → Mozilla Version Info missing from 'Help->About Mozilla' Page ( about: ), if Javascript is disabled
 My reading of Bug 91779 is that it was intentionally expanded to
encompass both the about:plugins and about: problems. Bugs filed 
solely on the about: problem have been consistently marked as
duplicates of Bug 91779. See comment #21 of Bug 91779, comment #2 of
Bug 98169, comment #5 and comment #6 of Bug 179090, comment #1 of 
Bug 207801 and particularly comment #4 of Bug 106588.

 I believe that this bug should also be marked as a duplicate of
Bug 91779 and closed.
 OK, let's try again and write that reference list as: 
Bug 91779 comment #21; Bug 98169 comment #2; Bug 179090 comment #5 
and comment #6; Bug 207801 comment #1 and particularly 
Bug 106588 comment #4.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 91779 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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