Closed Bug 202308 Opened 22 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Outgoing Server (SMTP) swictching is not functioning properly.


(MailNews Core :: Networking: SMTP, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: apeery, Assigned: sspitzer)



User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-DE; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030401
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-DE; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030401

When switching from one SMTP configuration to another the old SMTP configuration
stays locked in and the new configuration selected is not activated.  This was a
problem in an earlier version like 1.1 but seemed to work OK in version 1.3 is
my best recollection.
Thanks, this is good software however and leads the way in Browser development.
Andre Peery

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. While in Email program, Edit Mail and Newsgroup Account Settings 
2. Then open up the Outgoing Server (SMTP) selection and Advanced sub-selection.
3. Select a SMTP configuration and make it my default.  OK and then try to send
Actual Results:  
That is when I get the indication that it is looking for the SMTP of the old
configuration instead of the one I selected. It will continue to seek connection
until it times out and gives me an error.  Can't find the SMTP.

Expected Results:  
I should get an indication that the new SMTP is be connected to and my email sent.
I am also seeing this in Thunderbird 0.1 and Thunderbird 0.2a (20030813). To use
a different SMTP server, I have to delete my existing server and add the new one
in. Very annoying.
This one should probably be product MailNews, not Browser.
Component: Browser-General → Networking: SMTP
Product: Browser → MailNews
Assignee: asa → sspitzer
QA Contact: asa → nbaca
*** Bug 208806 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reproduced on Mozilla 1.6b (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US;
rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031208.)

To change by smtp server to a new default and back again I had to delete the
previous default. Otherwise it did not connect to the right server.

This behavour is also present if you change the mail server in the text box in
Outgoing Server (SMTP) dialog.
Please correct the typo in the summary.
Andre Peery, Sean Knox, Maxious, (Q1) which is your case?

(A-1) There are multiple SMTP server entries for same SMTP server address in
Outgoing Server(SMTP)/Advanced.

(A-2) There is only one SMTP server entry for same SMTP server address in
Outgoing Server(SMTP)/Advanced.

Old Mozilla had problem of case (A-1) on account definition :

 - Define multiple SMTP server entriy even when same SMTP server is specified
     (Multiple mail.smtpserver.smtpX.hostname for same SMTP server address)

 - Set different SMTP server entry(same SMTP server namr)
   in Account Settings/Server Settings/Advanced definition

This problem caused some problems on SMTP server change and also caused
confusion of users.

But this problem was already resolved(sorry but I forgot bug number) :

 - On first accoutn definition,
    - Mozilla creates new SMTP server entry,
    - Set this SMTP server as default SMTP server,
    - Set this SMTP server(defaulted) number as SMTP choice for this account.

 - On additonal account definition,
    - Mozilla does not create new SMTP server entry,
    - Set SMTP server entry number of the defaulted SMTP server
      as SMTP choice for this account.

However, if Accounts and SMTP servers are defined before this bug fix, manual
recovery is required : 
 "Manual consolidation of duplicate SMTP server entries"
   - Delete exess SMTP server definitions through Outgoing Server(SMTP)/Advanced
   - Choose "Always Use Default (SMTP) server" or specific SMTP server
     thorough Accout Settins/Server Settings/Advanced

Please note that if same SMTP sever is defined as smtp1 and smtp2, and
account1's choice is smtp1 and account2's choice is smtp2, smtp1 definition
change is not applied to smtp2 definition nor accout2 definition.
If (A-1) is your case, try manual consolidation of SMTP server definitions first.

Following discussion is applicable only to no duplicate SMTP server entry case,
(A-2) and manually recovered (A-1) case only.

(Q2) Which is your case?

(B) When "Always Use Default (SMTP) server" is choosed in Accout Settins/Server
Settings/Advanced, default SMTP server is changed or deleted or re-defined after

(C) When specific SMTP server is choosed in Accout/Settins/Server
Settings/Advanced (but want to use default SMTP server), default SMTP server is
changed or deleted or re-defined after deletion.

(D) When specific SMTP server is choosed in Accout/Settins/Server
Settings/Advanced (intentional choice) button and the SMTP server setting is

(E) When specific SMTP server is choosed in Accout/Settins/Server
Settings/Advanced (intentional choice) button and the SMTP server is deleted or
re-defined after deletion.

If (B) or (D) is the case, what is the problem?
SMTP server choice problem I know on SMTP server change is : 
  - SMTP server change while composing mail will not work.
  - It requires at least saving as draft and re-editing/re-sending.

If (C) is the case, I think "Always Use Default (SMTP) Server" in Account
Settings probably resolves almost your SMTP server change problems.

See Bug 220761. This bug is already closed as "INVALID" by reporter.  
> With multiple SMTP servers specified 'DEFAULT' is ignored

I think this type of confusion will disappear if Bug 222388 is closed although
already defined accounts definition have to be modified manually even after Bug
222388 is fixed.
> Bug 222388 : Set initial SMTP server setting to
> "Always Use Deafult SMTP Server" instead of specific SMTP

If case (D), this may be a problem because current Mozilla/Thunderbird does not
change SMTP server choice of an Account automatically on SMTP server deletion.
It would be better if SMTP server choice of Accounts were changed to "Always Use
Default (SMTP) Server"(mail.identity.idN.smtpServer="") on SMTP server deletion.
But I think this is an enhancement request.

Anyway, which is your case?
Correction of last section: case (D) is invalid, describes about case (E).
 (Invalid) > If case (D), this may be a problem
 (Valid)   > If case (E), this may be a problem
Sorry for spam.

Bug 96207 was the bug for problem of multiple SMTP server entries for same SMTP
address and is already fixed.
(but I do not know which bug had really changed account difinition logic)

See Bug 119609 also.
Bug 202468 is opened for improvement of confusing UI.
> Simpler, more consolidated UI for SMTP server settings
Depends on: 202468
In the "Advanced Outgoing Sever (SMTP) Settings" dialogue box, NO matter which
SMTP server is set default, always the first/top SMTP server in the list is
used. Fail as a different ISP is used.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 170089 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: MailNews → Core
Re-opening to close as DUP of Bug 202468.
>Bug 202468 Simpler, more consolidated UI for SMTP server settings
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 202468 ***
Closed: 21 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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