Closed Bug 96207 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Same SMTP server shown multiple times in "Advanced Outgoing Server SMTP Settings" list


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Account Configuration, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Peter, Assigned: ch.ey)




(5 files, 2 obsolete files)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:0.9.3+) Gecko/20010820

Same SMTP server shown multiple times in "Advanced Outgoing Server SMTP Settings".

This happens when you have multiple accounts that all use the same SMTP server.

Maybe it only occurs when (as in my case) these multiple accounts are not the
default SMTP account.
Attached image screenshot showing what I mean (deleted) —
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
I still have this (actually, it got worse) using build 2001-10-08, winNT ->
I also have this bug with Win2k. It was there with Mozilla 0.9.3 and is still
there in 0.9.5. I have 3 smtp servers, one is shown only once, another is shown
twice, and the default server is shown four times.
Marking NEW.
Severity: normal → minor
Ever confirmed: true
This just hit me today when I change the sole SMTP server entry.  I also got hit 
by bug 106772 at the same time.
This may be fixed as per bug 108912 which I believe this bug depended on.
Still there with 0.9.8 Win2k. The numbers now changed to 1, 3 and 7 respectively
(see comment #4).
New info:

I found in prefs.js the line
and changed it to
user_pref("mail.smtpservers", "smtp1,smtp2,smtp3");

Now it displays properly. Maybe the bug is in the routine that writes this line
to prefs.js
Commercial trunk build 2002-02-13-03: WinMe, ok so far.

Felipe, what type of mail accounts do you have (POP, IMAP)?
Do you have a scenario that can be reproduced in a new profile?
I saw this the other day on 0.9.8 but cant remember how i got to that point. If
i come across it again i will update but it definately still exists.
I have three pop accounts: one for the company's internal server and two for
external mail. Each one has its own smtp server, and is the
default one. I guess this is a quite simple and common scenario, right?

But, since I changed that line in prefs.js, it seems to be working fine. I just
tryed it out, five minutes ago. I created a new pop account with a new smtp
server, closed Mozilla (including Quick Launch), restarted it, and it was ok.
Then I removed the server and deleted the account, restarted Mozilla again, and
it is still ok.

I use Mozilla since 0.9.3, but just now with 0.9.8 I looked in prefs.js and
found that line. Maybe the routine that was causing that line to be written in a
wrong form got fixed somewhere in the past. I don't have how to check for this,
though. All I can say is that it is not happening any more, at least for me.
Bad news. It happened again.

This afternoon, when I tried to send an email thru, it said
that authentication was required. It is a somewhat new requirement from Yahoo,
but I knew about it and was already using authentication for about two months.
Then I found out that this server was again duplicated in the Advanced Settings
_and_ that  the box "Use name and password" was unchecked, although it had been
before and I did not uncheck it.
This problem still occurs on 1.0RC1 release for me, on Linux.

It really confused me at first.
Severity: minor → normal
I have the same problem on Mac OS X 20020423 and 1.0rc1.  Can someone with the
right permissions change the platform to "All" or something?
*** Bug 140186 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is still happening to me on RC3 Win2k. After making a new account with GMX
and deleting an old HotPop one, I changed the SMTP server. Mail wouldn't send:
it would either sit on the progress bar for hours (I'm sending a ~1k email) or
instantly come up with "cannot connect to SMTP server" etc.

Advanced shows now that I have a GMX SMTP, and two HotPop servers. I can't
delete either Hotpop.

I get into prefs.js, search for SMTP, find:
user_pref("mail.smtpservers", "smtp1, smtp2");
even tho I've got three servers in Advanced.

I also find:
user_pref("mail.identity.id1.smtpServer", "smtp2");
which has my GMX account set to use the HotPop server.

I change a few lines:
user_pref("mail.identity.id1.smtpServer", "smtp1");
user_pref("mail.smtpservers", "smtp1");

and it works. However, I haven't touched the settings since for fear of getting
everything buggered again.

This must be fixed. It's not in releasable state. Having to edit a config file
is not something we should expect a normal user to do.
Is this a duplicate of 69630?
bug 69630 <-- look, helpful link :)
*** Bug 149173 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
When I add a new SMTP server,and then use it in an account, the next time
mozilla is started, I have 4 servers (two being the first one, and two for the
new one).
When I tried to reaffect the first server to the account, the advanced outgoing
smtp server dialog shows 4 servers all the sames (the old one).
*** Bug 153187 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This problem exists on OS/2 as well. Checked in 1.0 release and 1.1a and latest
nightly (2002070108). And the list keeps growing...
I agree that this is a duplicate of bug 69630. This is a real show stopper. It
makes Mozilla mail unusable. My scenario is that I use my laptop in three
environments: at work; at home; and on the road. At work I have a work SMTP
server.  At home I have my ISPs DSL SMTP server. on the road I use my ISPs
roaming SMPT server. This works seamlessly on Outlook 2000 or 2002. It doesn't
appear to work at all with Mozilla mail. Unless this is fixed I have to go back
to Outlook and Evolution both of which make this work (and have synchronization
with my Palm).
*** Bug 160447 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
In the past week, I downloaded the 20020913 and 20020918 nightlies. After using
the 0913 a bit, I noticed that I could no longer send mail. The symptoms were
very high CPU usage, and growing memory usage. This on WinXP (home edition).
When this happened, Moz was marked by XP as not reponding. Killing and
restarting it had no better results. 

After downloading 0918, I was able to send mail again until a few minutes ago. I
found that my Netscape 6.2 was also unable to send mail, complaining about not
being able to use my SMTP server. Back to Moz, I looked at the advanced window
for setting SMTP, and found about 5 or so entries, all the same, for my server.
Somewhere in the middle of these was one marked as the default.

I removed all but the default, and could now send mail again.

I don't know if I had the multiple SMTP problem before, but if so, it did not
prevent my sendig mail until recently. If I get a reoccurrence of this, I'll
confirm here.
In the past week, I downloaded the 20020913 and 20020918 nightlies. After using
the 0913 a bit, I noticed that I could no longer send mail. The symptoms were
very high CPU usage, and growing memory usage. This on WinXP (home edition).
When this happened, Moz was marked by XP as not reponding. Killing and
restarting it had no better results. 

After downloading 0918, I was able to send mail again until a few minutes ago. I
found that my Netscape 6.2 was also unable to send mail, complaining about not
being able to use my SMTP server. Back to Moz, I looked at the advanced window
for setting SMTP, and found about 5 or so entries, all the same, for my server.
Somewhere in the middle of these was one marked as the default.

I removed all but the default, and could now send mail again.

I don't know if I had the multiple SMTP problem before, but if so, it did not
prevent my sendig mail until recently. If I get a reoccurrence of this, I'll
confirm here.
I recommmend changing the platform to All, as I have this in OS X with Moz 1.1

I've been able to work around this bug for some time now simply by editing the
following line in prefs.js:


to something more reasonable (where smtp1 is my default):

user_pref("mail.smtpservers", "smtp1,smtp2,smtp3,smtp4,smtp5");

I should add that I think the bug only re-occurs when I (a) add an account or
(b) change any outgoing server settings through the GUI (like changing the SSL
flag or password etc.).  I believe that people who've never tweaked their
outgoing server settings are likely to report WFM because when they look in
there for the first time everything's fine.
Changed platform to All as per comment 28.
Hardware: PC → All
With regard to Nicolas Owens' comment #29, the multiple SMTP server entries
happened to me without my having recently added mail accounts or changing the
settings through the GUI.
This happened again this morning. I got the "cannot connect to SMTP server..."
message. I looked at the SMTP servers listed via the GUI, and found a blank
entry before and after my single valid entry. I found I could remove those
through the GUI, but it didn't solve the problem.

I then quit Moz, and edited prefs.js directly. There I found the line

  user_pref("mail.smtpservers", "smtp2");

as I expected. I believe it's smtp2 because about a year ago, I switched to a
new domain. Anyway, I check for other references to smtpServer and found that
several active accounts had the server entry blank (""). I changes all of these
to "smtp2", saved, started Moz, and sending now worked again.

The answer might lie in why these other active accounts had a blank server
entry, although I would think that since there was a default entry, they should
have simply used it.
I encountered this problem when I recently switched ISPs.  It's cross platform.
 I saw it on both Macintosh and Linux.  There was no effective way to =really=
change the default outgoing SMTP server.

1) I deleted dead e-mail accounts and added new ones for the new ISP
2) I added an SMTP server and deleted the old one.
3) There were multiple servers with the same name.
4) Sent mail bounced because it was using the former ISP SMTP server.

The workaround was to delete ALL mailboxes, change the SMTP server, and re-add
all mailboxes.
Attached image Screenshot of dual SMTP server entries (deleted) —
This is a picture of multiple (Default) SMTP server entries. Neither of them
are able to be deleted, due to a faded (greyed out) "Delete" button.
Have this problem too. I have three POP servers and three SMTP servers. The
"Advanced Outgoing Server (SMTP) Settings" dialog shows now
(Default), and However, at the POP account
settings / Advanced ("Advanced Account Settings" dialog), there are only
"", "" and an empty string.
Very strange behaviour when adding or deleting servers.

Mandrake Linux 9.0, Mozilla 1.2beta
A workaround to solve the problem of not being able of sending mails through
your outgoing smtp server after changing/adding new servers, consists in editing
your prefs.js file and changing all instances of 



user_pref("mail.smtpServer.whatever",whatever); // mind capital "Server" here

> mozilla --version
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0rc2) Gecko/20020510, build 2002051013
I withdraw my former "workaround" (upper vs. small letters in prefs.js file)
which was *not* reproducible ...

However, I managed to send back mails through my smtp server editing the "blank"
entry in the "Advanced Outgoing Server SMTP Settings" and setting it to the same
values as the "(default)" entry ...

however, this is a pretty nasty problem affecting Netscape 7.0 (on WinXXXX) and
Mozilla 1.0 (Linux) alike ... is it really understood ?
The reason why the so-called "workaround" worked was because since no valid
mail.smtpserver was found in the prefs.js file (after I changed it to
mail.smtpServer), mozilla itself recreated two entries in the file with the same
settings (for smtp2 and smtp5 in my case). This is what happened also again when
I changed the "blank" entry to the "default" one through the "Advanced Outgoing
Server SMTP Settings"... 
Corollary: one seems to need (at least ?) 2 doubled entries in the smtp advanced
settings to make it work once you start playing with it and you get messages
like ...

searching buzilla O found that are at thi time there are four bug open that
looks to that they have the same base error, the stetting belog to SMPT servers,
witch cannont changed to that wath the User wants
<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=96207">96207</a>
<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=96207">119609</a>
<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=96207">129851</a>
<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=96207">140440</a>

Recently I came across this little problem / bug / feature-

I need to have multiple email accounts each with an outgoing mail server.  The
problem is with the advanced settings, they do not work 100% of the time, plus
it appears to be confusing when I'm trying to assist other people (for example,
my sister) in setting up her system to mimic my machine.

For example:
I need to check the email from these accounts; Webmaster, info, and fans, plus
my own personal account(s).
The server is setup only to allow email sent if the userid and address match, so
I can not send email from webmaster via fans's account, nor would I want to have
my mail set from katemichaels' domain (or vice versa).

Here's my solution to the problem:
For each account add the item on the Server Settings panel to have an outgoing
server with the option of using a globally defined account.
This way you can have multiple outgoing mail servers and not be confused as to
what account is sending what email.

Who do I now bug? 
Same here... Mozilla makes multiples SMTP entries in the advanced options. Not
really sure, how this was caused, but it even have several "default" entries.
Deleting doesn't work... way not assign each account a SMTP like the POP Server?
Would be great if this bug is changes, because it makes the mailer completly
*** Bug 176817 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 132948 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Above dupe (bug 132948) has a good description of how to reproduce this.

Re comment 9 - there are some other fields in prefs.js which may also need
editing/deleting. Mine has the following entries which may reference the
extraneous servers:
[+ similar entries with other numbers]
Summary: Same SMTP server shown multiple times in "Advanced Outgoing Server SMTP Settings" → Same SMTP server shown multiple times in "Advanced Outgoing Server SMTP Settings" list
I thought varada checked in a patch that was supposed to stop this from
happening and was supposed to "clean up" the existing prefs.

I'll have to go look at his checkins.
Assignee: mscott → sspitzer
bug #132948 has been fixed (thanks neil).

see bug #117924.  build 20021001 (And later) should be stripping out dups.

this bug might end up being a dup of #132948

(I "back duped", since that bug had good steps, and a patch)

Depends on: 132948
I am getting this problem on 1.2.1. (I get precisely the image shown in comment
#34, with  two copies of the "default" server, with identical configuration.
However, since I added a second POP3 account - which uses the same SMTP server,
but requires different login username password etc - I also have a third entry
(which is NOT marked default) which has the correct username for the second POP3
account. Still, I presumably should only have TWO smtp servers, not three, and
only ONE default?)

Not only that, but perhaps it should be marked "major" - since I cannot send
email with mozilla, and I think this is the root-cause. I am getting kicked off
my SMTP server with the error "too many concurrent SMTP connections". I suspect
that is because Mozilla is opening connections to the same server too many
times? [I am currently waiting for a response from the ISP to see why their SMTP
server is reporting this, and will post additional info as/if I get it].
This bug has been anoying me for ages, definately a problem with Linux v1.1 and
Windows v1. (I'll try to check 1.3b in the next few days.)
Currently I want to use 3 smtp servers (for different accounts) but Mozilla is
showing 14 !!, As I have control of the servers I've changed the relay domains
to allow me to use smtp from any account, but this would stop me using Mozilla
for a company roll out OE works fine.
The Advanced SMTP dialog needs an easy a permanent way of associating single and
multiple smtp servers to individual mail accounts with preference order and
options like round robin etc for advanced users.
this should have been fixed buy bug #117924 but apparently it hasn't. I've also
seen dupe entries with the latest build.
I have mult. (5) mail accounts config. in Mozilla 1.2.1 that use the same smtp
server, and it becomes very tedious to add/edit the properties for any of the
servers (ie: change the username and enable SSL)

Under "Advanced Outgoing Server (SMTP) settings" I see the following:

It becomes *very hard to determine what config. belongs to specific accounts
when I have to change the username, and enable SSL

I believe adding a simple seperate description field above each would make for a
world of clarity....
what it your "mail.smtpservers" in the prefs.js file set to?
*** Bug 163120 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I'm not at my home computer, but I got this from another user in the office that
checks 15+ mail accounts.... her "Advanced Outgoing Server SMTP Settings" list
also shows similar

Her prefs.js file shows the following:

It becomes *very confusing to find the correct SMTP configuration for one
account (ie: enable SSL, change username). 

PS: I have confirmed that there are *no duplicate SMTP configurations, and all
correspond to a seperate IMAP account she checks....
When I tried to add a second account to Mozilla 1.3b (build id: 2003021808) no
additonal SMTP configurations appears under the "Advanced Outgoing Server SMTP
Settings" list after completing the wizard.

When I manually  "add" a "new smtp" server I am *no longer able to send via the
correct account. It seems that mozilla is sending via my default personal
profile (I think this because I never was prompted for a password (the password
is *not in the password manager). As a test I configured the second account to
use an invalid username for the SMTP server, and again I was never prompted for
a password. As a 3rd test I configured my default SMTP configuration (for my
personal mail) to use and invalid username, and found my self not being able to
send (obviously from either account).

I **beLIEve something has been brocken, because it seems that you are no longer
able to send from diff. SMTP accounts when Mozilla is configured for multiple
IMAP accounts using the same SMTP server.

This functionality can *not be brocken because my work's IMAP server logs all
outgoing/incoming messages for security purposes....
*** Bug 167240 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I've two installations of Mozilla - one on win and one on Linux. Each has two
profiles and in three of them I can reproduce it this way:
1. Send a mail
2. Open Mailnews Account Settings / Outgoing Server advanced settings

That simple, yes. It happens each time - except if opening the Account Settings
window (not necessary to open the Outgoing Server advanced settings) before
sending a mail.

This evening I looked in the sources and it's very clear what happens.
When sending a mail, Mozilla calls nsSmtpService::GetSmtpServerByIdentity(),
what calls GetServerByKey(). This function looks up the list in mSmtpServers for
the current sending SMTP server. If it doesn't find it, the server will be added
to this list using createKeyedServer().

If you then open the Outgoing Server advanced settings,
nsSmtpService::loadSmtpServers() is called which reads in the SMTP servers
listed in the mail.smtpservers user_pref and add each one to the list in
mSmtpServers using createKeyedServer().

loadSmtpServers() takes care that no duplicate entries in mail.smtpservers find
their way to the mSmtpServers list. But it doesn't check, if a server to be
added already is in mSmtpServers.

But exactly this is the case if a mail has been sent before opening the settings
(loading the list).

I only don't know, why this doesn't happen in my other one profile.
Unfortunately this one profile is on win and I can't debug it since I'm coding
on Linux.
Attached patch proposed patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Ok, I've done a patch now to fix the behaviour described in comment #56. It
adds a check, if the server to be added already exists in the list, to
createKeyedServer(). This check uses a modified version of GetServerByKey().
The changes are commented in the code.

I'm sure it's a bug not to look up the list before adding a server. But I'm not
sure if this is the only bug hanging around in this area. Maybe this is only
one part of a multi-part-bug, but it's the only one I can reproduce and thus
fix for the moment.

Any comments are welcome!
Component: Networking: SMTP → Account Manager
Attachment #118721 - Flags: review?(neil)
Comment on attachment 118721 [details] [diff] [review]
proposed patch

This doesn't look right. If createKeyedServer should only be called for a new
server then only GetServerByKey should call it, so you should fix
loadSmtpServers instead.

Style nits:
avoid change whitespace in its own hunk (ok if near other changes)
don't use == NS_OK, use NS_SUCCEEDED()
don't use NS_ERROR_BASE
Attachment #118721 - Flags: review?(neil) → review-
Attached patch reworked patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
By placing the test into createKeyedServer I wanted to ensure the test will be
executed even if the code is called from other functions than GetSmtpServers.

But ok, I've now reorganized the code, so that the flow is more straight and
get by with less modifications to the original code.
Attachment #118721 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 119425 [details] [diff] [review]
reworked patch

Neat. Good comment.
Space between if and (
Fix indentation.
Attachment #119425 - Flags: review+
Attached patch beautified patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #119425 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #119451 - Attachment description: beutified patch → beautified patch
Attachment #119451 - Flags: review+
Attachment #119451 - Flags: superreview?(sspitzer)
thanks to neil for working with you on this.

comment #56 is outstanding, and made this easy to review.

the fix looks reasonable, but see nsSmtpService::GetDefaultServer().

we already do something like your fix.  we do:

if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !defaultServerKey.IsEmpty()) {
 nsCOMPtr<nsISmtpServer> server;
 rv = GetServerByKey(defaultServerKey, getter_AddRefs(mDefaultSmtpServer));

instead of tweaking to handle a null second arg, let's just do what
nsSmtpService::GetDefaultServer() does, and add a NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult)
to ::GetServerByKey().

I'll make that change, and check it in.
Attachment #119451 - Flags: superreview?(sspitzer) → superreview-
over to for proper credit.
Assignee: sspitzer → ch.ey
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.4beta

excellent work Christian (and neil).
Closed: 23 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 69630 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Question - is this only for new accounts?  I've got a 2003-04-16-09 build on
Win2k with a pre-existing profile and it shows up.
No, this is for all accounts in all profiles.

My patch fixes creating a dupe entry when sending a mail before opening the
prefs panel. Is that the way dupes are generated with the build you're using?

Or is it reproduceable in another way?

If you after the start of Mozilla go straight into the prefs and open the smtp
server list, are the duplicate entries already present?
If so, are there duplicate entries in the pref mail.smtpservers of prefs.js
after shuting down Mozilla (shouldn't matter as duplicate entries are removed
while loading, but I want to make sure)?
>------- Additional Comment #68 From Christian Eyrich 2003-04-16 17:54 ------- 
>No, this is for all accounts in all profiles.

>My patch fixes creating a dupe entry when sending a mail before opening the
>prefs panel. Is that the way dupes are generated with the build you're using?

I'm not sure.

>Or is it reproduceable in another way?

>If you after the start of Mozilla go straight into the prefs and open the smtp
>server list, are the duplicate entries already present?


>If so, are there duplicate entries in the pref mail.smtpservers of prefs.js
>after shuting down Mozilla (shouldn't matter as duplicate entries are removed
>while loading, but I want to make sure)?

No, there is only one entry in prefs.js (oddly enough) -

And it's not the same JS variable as mail.smtpservers.

user_pref("network.hosts.smtp_server", "");

I think I'm leading people astray, since I should have that mail.smtpservers 
defined, no?
As you see duplicate entries right after the start, this is not in the scope of
my fix. But nevertheless it is in the scope of this bug.

Hm, are you sure the duplicate entries coming from entries you've created
containing the same server name but different user names?

Yes, if you've at least one smtp server defined, you should have a
mail.smtpservers variable defined.

Ok, if you open a new window/tab and type about:config, are there prefs starting
with mail.smtpserver.smtp following a number and subentries?
How is it with mail.smtpservers in this list?

Christian, please let me know if you want a new bug filed so we can get this
scoped properly.
Oh, aha, so there are other things going on than I thought.

On one hand what you're experiencing is within the scope of this bug (same
symptom as the bug I fixed but other cause).
On the other hand there had been much discussion here and it's somehow complex here.

But before opening another one let us make sure it really is a bug.
So are you 1. sure it wasn't you who created the same smtp server multiple times?
And 2., how many identities, speak entries with*.smtpServer do
you have in your prefs.js/about:config?

If you've only 3 identities (*), try to delete the smtp servers
not being referenced in the identities. Do this in the prefs.js itself after
shuting down Moz completely.

If they reappear later, it's really time to file a new bug (please note this
here or cc me then).
1.  I'm sure I didn't create the extra SMTP entries of ''.
2.  I've cleaned up the prefs.js entries for the duplicated SMTP defines.  I'll
keep an eye out on it, but so far it has remained 'clean'.  Thanks!
I'm under the impression that people looking into this bug are trying to get rid
of the multiple SMPT entries. This is simply *not the case. If you configure
Mozilla mail for *multiple mail accounts using the *same SMTP server, *but a
different account name you will find several entries in the "Advanced Outgoing
Server SMTP Settings" for that server. This makes it *very difficult to
distinuguish between the different mail accounts when you need to make
configuration changes (ie: change username, enable SSL). (I need to have the
multiple smtp configurations for the multiple mail accounts).

I currently have 5 mail accounts configured in Mozilla mail using the same SMTP
server. What I currently see in the "Advanced Outgoing Server SMTP Settings" is
something similar to: (default)

Obviously, anyone can see that this makes it *very difficult to distinguish
between the multiple SMTP accounts. To make things visually easier to see I
would rather see something similar to this (ie: a description field for each

Personal Mail (default)
Support Mail
Admin Mail
Releases Mail
Work Mail

The above would make things much easier to understand. *Please do *not get rid
of the multiple SMTP configurations. When I *add a new ( 2nd or 3rd) mail
account the wizard should automatically create an additional SMTP confiration
with the information entered. I also noticed that this functionality was brocken
in Mozilla 1.3. This functionality existed in Mozilla 1.2.1
Bruno, no, we're not trying to get rid of multiple smtp servers in general.

That the server configs are only presented with the servers address is true but
not the problem of this bug - several others are filed concerning this.
This bug is/was about the same server, created one time, appearing several times
in the lists.

This bug has been resolved fixed. So if you're experiencing problems with the
fix or have the problems described in this bug even with a fixed build, add
But if you don't like as things are, file another bug or add a comment to a bug
that fits to your problem.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
*** Bug 161117 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


