Closed Bug 207040 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

multiple addresses in one account: reply using address the mail was written to


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: webograph, Assigned: sspitzer)



User-Agent:       Opera/6.01 (Windows XP; U)  [de]
Build Identifier: 

when using an email account in which you get mails for multiple addresses (e.g. every mail from your own domain or mails from totally different mail accounts using fetchmail, for instance), mozilla allways replys using the address you specified in your account settings. this might be the desired behaviour for some people, but i could imagine that there are some people who would like the mails to be sent using the address the original mail was written to.
maybe there could be a checkbox in the account settings toggling these two behaviours.
if someone told me how to change the mail-from-address, i could try to fix it myself and send it here.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. install an email account which gets mail from multiple addresses
2. switch on the imaginary feature "reply using address mail was sent to"
3. get a mail written to an address other than your main address
4. reply
Actual Results:  
email is sent using your default address

Expected Results:  
email should be sent from the address the original mail was sent to (if option switched on)
*** Bug 207041 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This sounds similar to bug 187578, but it's not really the same request.

I cannot image that there is no dupe for that, so adding "dupeme" to status
whiteboard. There are many bugs which sound the same, but I don't know which is
the original one.
Whiteboard: DUPEME
See bug 44863 and bug 166293. Bug 166293 isn't exactly the same, but would be
useful to have the same effect.

There's a workaround : creating different accounts, one for each identity that
you want to use, but make sure that automatic download is disabled to all but
one. The identities will appear in a popup (just like bug 44863 wants to do),
and you choose your reply address manually.
This is a dup of bug 194527
Which was resolved as dup of bug 187578
Which was resolved as dup of bug 18906
Which was resolved as fixed :)

A spinoff from bug 18906 was bug 228980, however.
Which I believe covers the request in this bug.

Resolving as dup to that one, since it has a longer history and CC list.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 228980 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Whiteboard: DUPEME
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