Closed Bug 21781 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

add a "remember password" checkbox to the mailnews password dialogs.


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sspitzer, Assigned: sspitzer)




Target Milestone: M16
Isn't this a dup of 8213?  Instead of a checkbox, it will be handled by
single-signon once mailnews is connected to single signon.
Blocks: 7530
so should this be closed as dup?
right, now that we use single signon for all of mailnews, marking this
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Since this is addressed in M14, I'm changing the target milestone from M16 to 
QA Contact: lchiang → esther
Target Milestone: M16 → M14
Using build 20000209m14 on win98, mac and linux I still see a "Save this value" 
check box in a non-master mail password dialog.  When checking this check box, I 
am then presented with the master password dialog so that I can enter a master 
password for that account.  So, currently this checkbox is useable in all 
mailnews password dialogs to bring up the master dialog, but I guess it is not 
necessary in the because you can click the Save Password check box when creating 
a new account or in Account setup.  Should new bug be logged to remove it or 
change the name.  I guess I don't understand why this is marked as fixed because 
mailnews now use single sign-on.  I think it's fixed because we now have a 
checkbox.  Please correct me if I'm wrong or things are to change at a later 
date.  I will verify tomorrow after I get feedback on this.  
From your description, I guess the bug is that there is still a "save password" 
checkbox when creating a new account.  That should probably be removed.  The 
rest of you described is proper behavior.
I'm trying to figure out how this feature should work in mail, so forgive the 
rambling. Should users not be able to turn on single signon from the Account 
Setup Wizard? So the first time they launch mail they get the password dialog.  
If they check the save password checkbox they get the Single Signon dialog.  
Since we have multiple accounts in SeaMonkey, what happens when they log into an 
additional account?  Password dialog again, and they check the save password box 
again.  No Single Signon password this time?  What if they change their mind and 
want to turn single signon off for a particular account?  Where do they go to do 
this?  What if they are upgrading from an older Netscape mail and had saved 
their password in their previous app?
> Should users not be able to turn on single signon from the Account
> Setup Wizard?

That's my understanding of how things should work.  An alternative would be for 
the account set-up wizard to directly make an entry in the single-signon 
database.  That was not part of the design and, in fact, there is no API in 
single signon that it could call on for this, although such an API would be 
easy to add.

> So the first time they launch mail they get the password dialog.
> If they check the save password checkbox they get the Single Signon
> dialog.  


>Since we have multiple accounts in SeaMonkey, what happens when they log
> into an additional account?  Password dialog again, and they check the
> save password box again.  No Single Signon password this time?

Correct again

> What if they change their mind and want to turn single signon off for
> a particular account?  Where do they go to do this?

The signon viewer.  Accessible from the menu (tasks/wallet/display-sigons) as 
well as from the prefs panel (advanced/wallet).

> What if they are upgrading from an older Netscape mail and had saved
> their password in their previous app?

They lose it. :-(
Thank you.  That was very helpful.
Good info from morse.  cc'ing simone.
Ok, I'll verify this as fixed because we have a check box for remembering 
password in the password dialog,  it's titled "Save this value".  I will log a 
new bug to have the checkbox removed from the Account Settings dialog and the 
New Account Setup dialog per reply comments by morse to Jennifer that the user 
will go to the Wallet area of the preferences to turn off "save password".  
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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