Closed Bug 7530 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

wallet blocking bugs


(Toolkit :: Form Manager, defect, P3)

Windows 95





(Reporter: chofmann, Assigned: chofmann)



(Keywords: meta)

dependency tracking list for wallet...
Depends on: 1646, 3317, 3322, 5410, 5897, 6580, 6676, 6928
Blocks: 7229
Blocks: 8920
Lotsa bugs here -- some real blocker, others just annoyances.

Here are the real blockers as of today:

11016: Prevents converting viewers from html to xul
10456: Prevents using mapping tables from netcenter
12137: Prevents seeing dialogs that single singon puts up
12136: Prevents single signon from saving username/passwords
11953: Prevents single signon from pre-filling saved username/passwords
10582; Prevents extending single signon to include browser-generated logins
Depends on: 12432, 12433
OK, 11016 is no longer blocking my xul work.  But now two other (new) bugs

12432, 12433: Prevents converting viewers from html to xul
Depends on: 12470
12136: Has been fixed, no longer prevents single signon from saving passwords.

But instead we now have:

12470: Prevents single singon from saving username/passwords
Depends on: 6144
Don't be fooled.  Bug 10582 has not been fixed -- it was merely renamed to 6144.
Depends on: 13228
Depends on: 10737
Add to my blocking list:

10737: Prevents extending single signon to include browser-generated logins

This is the same as 10582 (renamed to 6144) but that deals with http
authentication whereas 10737 deals with ftp authentication.
QA Contact update.
Component: Form Submission → Autofill
Depends on: 8213, 21781, 22497, 23095, 23892, 24051, 24351, 24466
No longer depends on: 12432
This hasn't been updated in a long time, so let me do so now.  All of the bugs
listed here previously have already been fixed except for one.  Namley 12432.
And that one is no longer blocking wallet since we have developed a work-around
for it a long time ago.  So I'm removing it from the dependency list.

That's the good news.  The bad news is that there are some new dependency bugs
that are blocking wallet/single-signon which I never added here.  These new bugs

22497: Centered tables are not getting prefilled.  Affects single-signon on

24351: Problems bringing up viewers from prefs panel

8213/21781: Have mailnews use single signon

23892: Minor wording change in signon viewer

24051: Losing first character in password field when editing it

24466: Can't recovere from an incorrect password in mail

23095: Wallet functions need to be activated from the chrome
Keywords: meta
QA Contact: ckritzer → sairuh
spam: mass-moving open password manager (single signon) and form manager
(autofill) bugs to Terri for qa contact. unfortunately, i cannot cc myself with
this form, so feel free and add me if you want to keep me in the loop with any
(but, pls not all :) of these... will also go thru 'em meself, a bit later...
QA Contact: sairuh → tpreston
This bug has outlived its usefulness.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Per morse's comments, i marking verified
Product: Core → Toolkit
QA Contact: tpreston → form.manager
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