Open Bug 225174 Opened 21 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[meta] Lessen Thunderbird's use of sheet panels for Mac.


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: aeyngel, Unassigned)


(Depends on 2 open bugs, Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007
Build Identifier: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.3 (20031013)

Mozilla Thunderbird has inherited Mozilla SeaMonkey's habit of making
practically everything a sheet. Usually an initial dialog should be a sheet,
however any sub-dialog windows should appear directly in front of the sheet.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Click Tools > Account Settings
2. Click Outgoing Server
3. Click Advanced
4. Click Add
5. Now try and cancel out of everything

Further example:
1. Click New > Account
2. Click Cancel
3. Click Exit

Actual Results:  
Sheet after sheet slides out and retracts. In the case of cancelling the Account
Wizard, the Account Wizard sheet disappears to display the Exit dialog, then
re-appears momentarily before retracting again as it actually exits.

Expected Results:  
Sheets should generally not spawn sheets. As an example, open Mac OS X's
TextEdit. Click File > Print. Then click "Save As PDF".

The way Thunderbird operates currently is somewhat dizzying for the user as
sheets keep sliding in and out rather unnecessarily, and navigating through
separate configuration panels becomes difficult, since the hierarchy is lost -
the user cannot see the dialog that spawned the new dialog. After several sheets
have appeared and disappeared, it's hard to remember what will happen next, when
you click OK or Cancel, and with nothing visible behind the current sheet, the
expectation is that once you click OK/Cancel, you will return to whatever is
visible in the background.
This bug is absolutely correct.  Also notice that in Safari,, iTunes and practically every other OS 
X application the preferences dialog is just that -- a dialog!  

Sheets are designed to prevent the user from wondering, for example, "which of these five browser 
windows did this error dialog come from?"  They should be used sparingly in place of dialogs that are 
closely tied to a *specific* window within an application, not dialogs that relate to the global behavior 
of the application as a whole.
Depends on: 237995
Depends on: 136422
Blocks: 277001
Depends on: 293012
QA Contact: front-end
Potential UI issue -> CC'ing Bryan.
Assignee: mscott → nobody
Is this still an issue on MAC?
Flags: needinfo?
(In reply to Thomas D. from comment #4)
> Is this still an issue on MAC?

Absolutely. Never realized it until now. This is something that should be addressed.
Flags: needinfo?
Summary: Not everything should be a sheet → Not everything should be a sheet, in dialogues like Account Settings [MAC-only]
Hardware: PowerPC → All
Summary: Not everything should be a sheet, in dialogues like Account Settings [MAC-only] → Lessen our use of sheet panels.
Blocks: tb-mac
About Account Settings being a sheet: there is bug 286664 which was about moving all that into the Preferences window
Keywords: meta
Summary: Lessen our use of sheet panels. → Lessen our use of sheet panels. [meta]
Summary: Lessen our use of sheet panels. [meta] → Lessen Thunderbird's use of sheet panels for Mac. [meta]
Depends on: 1679302
Summary: Lessen Thunderbird's use of sheet panels for Mac. [meta] → [meta] Lessen Thunderbird's use of sheet panels for Mac.
Severity: normal → S3
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