Open Bug 280122 Opened 20 years ago Updated 11 years ago

Classification, Product, and Component should all be generic level of "classification"


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: mkanat, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)



(1 file)

The idea here is to unify the code that we use for dealing with Classifications,
Products, and Components. It would also theoretically allow us (or local admins)
to more easily add further and further levels of classification of bugs. For
example, subcomponents would be possible.

Here's a basic proposal for how the architecture would work.

Bugzilla::Classification - The parent class
Bugzilla::Classification::Product and Bugzilla::Classification::Component,
subclasses that implement the stuff that's specific to products and components.
As far as the DB structure, let's just keep that the same, for now, I think.

Maybe eventually we can have a "parent" classification table, and then two
"subclass" tables of product and component that hold the fields specific to
those "types" of classifications.
Blocks: 282090
OK, I'm working on this.

The class is called Bugzilla::BugContainer. It will have three subclasses,
Bugzilla::BugContainer::Classification, Bugzilla::BugContainer::Product, and

It's very cool, so far. It requires very little code being written by the

(Note to self: current code is in mkanat3)
Assignee: general → mkanat
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.24
Is this closely enough related to bug 43940 to be considered a duplicate?
(In reply to comment #3)
> Is this closely enough related to bug 43940 to be considered a duplicate?

  Well, I think that's about adding a new visible feature, and this is about
re-working the underlying architecture of Bugzilla. So I'd say that although one
might make the other easier, they aren't duplicates.
No longer blocks: 282090
Blocks: 43940
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 3.0 → ---
Attached file Very old (deleted) β€”
Soon after I filed this bug, I did some work on it. Attached is how far I got. It doesn't even really compile (it has a few silly errors in it), but it should give you an idea of what I was planning.
I'm very interested in how this is going.

Is this more about reorganising the schema and back-end or is it about providing a facility for admins to easily customise the way products/components(/sub-components) are classified?
(In reply to comment #6)
> I'm very interested in how this is going.
> Is this more about reorganising the schema and back-end or is it about
> providing a facility for admins to easily customise the way
> products/components(/sub-components) are classified?

  This bug is about the backend.
Assignee: mkanat → general
This seems like an interesting bug that might warrant new legs.
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