Closed Bug 293363 Opened 20 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Fix all non-origin URL load processing to track origin principals


(Core :: Networking, enhancement, P1)






(Reporter: and, Assigned: sicking)



(Keywords: sec-want, Whiteboard: [sg:want P1] [ETA ?])

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050418 Firefox/1.0.3 (MOOX M2) Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050418 Firefox/1.0.3 (MOOX M2) Today sees the publication of another two serious security holes involving javascript: pseudo-URIs. One allows arbitrary code execution by web content cross-scripting into chrome. IE has had many, many errors like this (cross-zone scripting into the My Computer zone), and we are almost certainly going to see more. This is not a problem that can be fixed once; every new feature involving URIs has the potential to introduce more scripting-into-chrome flaws. The problem is that authors - both of web browsers and of web applications - see URIs as pointers to resources, as the name implies. However javascript: URIs, uniquely, aren't: they're commands to execute in current context. Every time a coder forgets this and naively accesses a passed URI, there is a potential security breach. This has happened again and again and has caused scores of bugs in Moz, IE, Opera and other browsers, as well as countless vulnerable web applications. There is, moreover, no real use case for javascript: URIs. They were thrown in at the time when Netscape were competing vigorously by adding as many new features to the browser as possible, without regard to whether they were actually useful. They have never been included as part of a standards document. And in practice, everything a web site or application might want to do with them is better done with event handlers. So I contend that, to reduce the potential for further serious security issues in Firefox, and the potential for harm to the web in general, Mozilla should move towards deprecating javascript: URIs. This could be done smoothly by adding a pref to allow, disallow or prompt each time a javascript: URI is accessed, and slowly migrating the default setting from allow -> prompt-with-ask-me-next-time-tickybox-unchecked -> prompt-with-it-checked -> disallow as conditions allow. (The one function of javascript: URIs that has any purpose is bookmarklets. Either they could be allowed in this particular area only, or, preferably, a different way of allowing the user to inject stored javascript code could be provided.) I realise that changing the habits of poor web authors is not something that will happen very quickly. But taking the first steps towards ridding the web of the most pointless yet dangerous single feature it has ever been saddled with would be beneficial to everyone. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce:
Deprecating them won't help. Dropping support would help, but we can't do that, as that would break millions of pages. What we probably should do, though, is outlaw javascript: in chrome. As in, if javascript: notices that it is executing in a chrome context, it should abort.
Ugh.. "javascript:" loaded via nsIWebNavigation appears to be the only "stable" way for an embedder to inject javascript into the context of the currently loaded page. We should have better interfaces for that purpose, but it's just one more thing that would have to be resolved before we could reduce when JS URLs may run.
This bug is misstated, and filed based on lack of knowledge. Always a bad thing, even in the face of real, worse bugs. I'm therefore morphing this bug into something useful. /be
Priority: -- → P1
Summary: Consider deprecation of javascript: URLs → Fix all non-origin URL types to track their origins
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8beta3
IMHO we should make it so that javascript uris are never ever given chrome privileges. That will not take care of the worst symptoms of this problem, but probably means that we'll have to fix some of our chromecode that currently relies on javascript uris with chrome privileges. But that seems like a good thing anyway. This won't take are of the problem of cross site exploits so we should also do what brendan suggests in comment 3.
(In reply to comment #4) > This won't take are of the problem of cross site exploits so we should also do > what brendan suggests in comment 3. You mean what he suggests in his summary change? Fix all non-origin URL types to track their origins
Yes. I assumed it ment what we talked about the other day over irc, tracking the document that the uri originated from (either from an attribute in the markup or from script in the document) and then give the javascript-uri the same access-privileges as that document
sicking: as it happens, that would *guarantee* that any extension (or heck, mozilla native chrome) that uses _content will break.
Which part? And Why? And how is _content related to this?
Filed bug 293394 on the no-chrome-javascript: idea.
We've had view-source: and data: attacks, too. These URI schemes along with javascript: must be associated by our trusted URI-handling code with their origin, which is always a real URI scheme (file:, http:, etc.). Let's call the non-origin URI schemes "fake" to contrast with "real", for simplicity of jargon. In the case where markup mentions a fake URI, that URI's origin is the markup's origin. The basis case is that the markup is loaded from a real URI, whose scheme, host, and port concatenated together make up the markup's origin. For markup generated by the user typing a fake: URL into the location toolbar, the origin should be the special null origin. Inductively it's easy to see that any URI loaded in markup content as a src, href, or similar attribute value has either a real origin, or the null origin. What about URI-bearing markup generated by a document.write, or a javascript: URL that evaluates to a non-void result that's converted to a string and used as text/html? In both of those cases, the origin of the URIs is the markup's origin, which is the origin of the script that called document.write, or the origin of the javascript: URL that was evaluated to produce markup content. This was all implemented in the Nescape 2-4 timeframe. As shaver just noted on IRC, we joel-on-softwared ourselves pretty well in rewriting all that old code for the Gecko-based Mozilla codebase, and of course leaving out the crucial transitive origin relation. /be
Ever confirmed: true
timeless, I think you are confused. Nothing breaks except exploits if we track origin correctly. I don't see the point in butchering our code with more ad-hoc DISALLOW_SCRIPT, DISALLOW_SCRIPT_OR_DATA, etc. flags, in lieu of proper origin tracking. So I'm not in favor of fixing bug 293394. /be
dveditz points out other fake URI schemes: jar, wyciwyg. I'll talk about the last one briefly. In Netscape 3 and 4, generated documents -- those created entirely or partly via document.write, or entirely via javascript: non-void result loading -- were kept in the cache, identified by a wysiwyg://<docid>/<real-url-goes-here> URL. Such a URL was needed to distinguish two distinct generations, using the docid (or a more elaborate generation number, in the old codebase -- frame lifetime special cases intruded). When creating such a wysiwyg: URL, it was trivial to compute the origin by a string operation on the real URL that was being prefixed to make the fake one. BTW, Gecko should use its wyciwyg: fake URL for partly generated document.write documents, and for javascript:-generated documents, but it doesn't. Slackers who shall remain nameless implemented wyciwyg ('c' for "cache") only for the entirely-generated document.write case. /be
bz points out that origin is one trust identifier we store use as a principal in our capability-based security model. We also have certificate principals for signed scripts. The Mozilla Classic codebase never tracked principals from URIs, only origins, but we should build on the incomplete and buggy channel-owner jazz to track principals. Darin, what's the best way to do this? nsIURI2? /be
We are pretty free to redefine nsIChannel::owner to be whatever we feel that it should be. The frozen documentation gives us plenty of flexibility IMO: "The owner, corresponding to the entity that is responsible for this channel. Used by the security manager to grant or deny privileges to mobile code loaded from this channel." As for tagging URI objects, that could be done via a new interface optionally QI'able from a nsIURI. nsIURI2 is probably the wrong name for that interface. nsIPropertyBag maybe, with support for a property that yields a nsIPrincipal perhaps? Are we sure we need to tag URI objects? (nsIChannel::owner is not good enough?) We have the problem that URI objects are sometimes converted to strings, and then converted back to objects. Any meta data associated with the URI (such as nsIURI::originCharset) is lost in the process. We can probably make any URI object without associated principal be a "loser" URI object. Also, keep in mind that any new interfaces required upon nsIURI implementors will impact theoretical extensions and embeddings.
darin: I'm oversimplifying based on the ancient days. If channel suffices, then great. We have to identify origin, or rather _principal_, sources and sinks, and make sure that the data flows between them can use a channel field. Sources of principals are the parent document and the calling script. Sinks are the JS API evaluate, compile, and execute entry points, at least. Also the places where principals are strongly referenced, such as documents. /be
As I've said before, I think this is a very bad idea. Our URI objects are passed around, cached, and compared without any particular regard to where they came from. IMO this should be handled by tracking who opens a channel, not who creates the URL object.
bsmedberg: you're picking an implementation nit that I freely withdraw if it's not necessary, you are not objecting to the *idea* ("this is a very bad idea"). The idea of associating origin principals with fake URL loads (if not with the URLs themselves, conceptually or in implementations) is essential, and we're hurting badly for lack of any sound implementation of it, except in the case where the javascript: URL's channel happens to have a non-null owner. One place where the owner is null: loading a javascript: URL from session history (which should not even re-evaluate the javascript: URL, but that's a different bug, alluded to here in comment 12, and brought to mind by the recent bfcache work). /be
Revising summary to avoid drawing more implementation-nit ire. /be
Summary: Fix all non-origin URL types to track their origins → Fix all non-origin URL load processing to track origin principals
I'm guilty of casting the bug in terms of data structures that don't match our world today, and I like the idea of URLs as immutable exemplars that can be (de-)serialized and kept on a shelf, and still mean the same thing. So using the channel is fine, provided we sink the right sources' principals. I think sicking is going to help on this, so Darin, please feel free to sketch a plan of attack, or even hand off the bug with Jonas's agreement. /be
However, it's not uncommon for the caller who opens the channel to be different from the origin of the URI. (Consider bug 292499, which describes how the exploit in bug 293302 gets chrome privileges.) So there's a definite advantage to using the URI object rather than the channel.
Yeah, dbaron's point is well taken, and it's the reason in part for comment #4. I had spoken with dbaron about this before, and while we didn't really come to a conclusion, several things seemed to point in favor of tagging URI objects. Lot's of other networking libraries do not actually make a distinction between URI object and "channel" object. In fact, I think they were the same object in the old netlib. There is a bit of blurry line between the two, so we need to figure out how we want that to change if at all. Brendan: I don't really have a good plan of attack :-/
s/comment #4/comment #14/ -- sorry about that!
I think it is critical that we do this. Some things to note: * This wouldn't help with a case where JS from origin A passes a string to a page in origin B (e.g. via the chrome install API) and origin B treats the string as a trusted URI. This was mentioned by dbaron in comment 20. This would be handled by bug 293394. * A data: URI entered from the command line should not have a null origin. It should have a unique origin. Otherwise, a data: URI in one window can access the DOM of a data: URI in another window, despite the two being unrelated. * javascript: not being cached is bug 206531. * When a javascript: or data: is returned as part of an HTTP redirect, the origin should come from the URI that caused the redirect, not the document that caused the request in the first place. Assuming we do this correctly, we can then drop the DISALLOW_SCRIPT_OR_DATA on redirects.
bz informs me that a "null origin" is exactly what I said it should be. Good. Another point: we must make sure that a javascript: URI entered in the location bar (or taken from bookmarks) gets the origin of the currently loaded page, whereas a data: URI in the same situation gets a null origin. javascript: is the only special case here, I think. view-source:javascript: should be killed altogether, see bug 204779; so it shouldn't need to worry about its origin. Other view-source: URIs should use the origin of the embedded URI, as far as I can tell.
(In reply to comment #24) > bz informs me that a "null origin" is exactly what I said it should be. Good. See -- IIRC someone was working on this when we reset the project around Gecko. Anyway, yeah: null origin is like IEEE-754 NaN -- null != null and null != (any real origin). > Another point: we must make sure that a javascript: URI entered in the > location bar (or taken from bookmarks) gets the origin of the currently > loaded page, whereas a data: URI in the same situation gets a null origin. > javascript: is the only special case here, I think. Agreed. > view-source:javascript: should be killed altogether, see bug 204779; so it > shouldn't need to worry about its origin. OTOH, why worry if the right thing happens under the general rule: > Other view-source: URIs should use the > origin of the embedded URI, as far as I can tell. /be
brendan: i'm not confused, just terse. but that's now the subject of the other bug.
So, Jonas and I spoke about this and related issues for a while today. We concluded that it's a "really hard problem" -- no sh*t, you might say! The crux of the problem, as I see it, is all of these APIs that take a URL as a DOMString parameter. Those APIs do not afford us any way to track the origin of the string beyond the API call. We use the current JS context to help with this problem, but often times our code stashes away the DOMString and processes it later. Having a mechanism to tag the origin of a URL is great, but it is only useful if we tag early enough. It is as if we really want to tag a DOMString, which doesn't sound like fun ;-) The xpinstall trigger problems seem to revolve around just this problem. We take URL strings and then load them later from a PLEvent (or from some chrome JS) when the JS context has changed. nsJSChannel learns about the origin of its URL by seeking out the nsIScriptGlobalObject from its notification callbacks. This is a very backwards way of learning about its origin. Instead, I think we need to tell the channel what origin to use and have it fallback to a restricted (about:blank) origin in the absense of something specific. The problem then comes down to how to convey the origin to a channel. One idea is to tag the URL object, so that the channel can learn the origin by inspecting its nsIURI. That works, and is slightly better than nsIChannel::owner because it can be set earlier on, but it may still not be good enough. The problem I described in the first paragraph is the real underlying problem that is hard to solve.
The passing of a uri as a string can be really subtle which adds extra layers of hardness to this. For example it's not uncommon that chrome code picks up a url from the content DOM and does something with it. What makes it extra hard in that case is that in these cases to the DOM code and everything it calls (which includes code that opens channels) it will look like it's chrome-code that is just going about its thing. It will have no way of knowing that the string originated from content-DOM. I.e. it's basically impossible for any gecko-level code to differ this from a genuine chrome-originated uri.
There is no secure way to give chrome-initiated fake URI loads the privileges of the chrome caller when the URI is passed as a string. A string is a string, not a labeled type. We could in the long run try to label all data, along the lines of secure programming languages (JIF, Lambda[DSec]). That's a big job. It looks worth investigating, at this point. Note that you have to deal with implicit flows (covert channels involving branches not taken, timing channels, etc.). In the short run, I don't think we should allow chrome to load fake URLs via strings and give those (javascript: namely) fake URI schemes that execute the privileges of the caller. Note that this won't break use of javascript: in chrome markup. So I don't see a hard short-term theoretical problem, just some work to invent reliable null principals, enforce their use, and fix what breaks when we make string-passed javascript: URLs downgrade to them. /be
Notice that content data flow is different: because of same-origin sandboxing, we know that any string-expressed URI set as an image src, e.g., by content comes from content (or from trusted chrome, if greasemonkey or something like it is in the loop). Therefore we do not have to downgrade content-set javascript: URLs to the null principal, and in fact must not for compatibility back to Nav2 -- these should use the page's origin or cert principal. Chrome is different. /be
So, if we build out our URL objects to optionally support an interface that gives consumers the ability to tag the URL object with an origin nsIURI, then that could be part of the solution. The other part of the solution would be to convert strings to nsIURIs as early as possible and tag them right away. Then we have to go through our chrome code and do away with stuff that converts nsIURI to string to nsIURI. In the case of a HTTP redirect, we would assign the origin of the new URL to be that of the redirected URL. The big hole in this approach is the conversions from nsIURI to string to nsIURI. Those are going to be a problem, and they are going to be tough to weed out unless we break something hard (like deny chrome privs to javascript: URLs constructed from a string). ---- Brendan, these two statements confuse me: > There is no secure way to give chrome-initiated fake URI loads the privileges > of the chrome caller when the URI is passed as a string. ... > Note that this won't break use of javascript: in chrome markup. They seem to contradict. What am I missing?
(In reply to comment #31) > So, if we build out our URL objects to optionally support an interface that > gives consumers the ability to tag the URL object with an origin nsIURI, then > that could be part of the solution. The other part of the solution would be > to convert strings to nsIURIs as early as possible and tag them right away. > Then we have to go through our chrome code and do away with stuff that > converts nsIURI to string to nsIURI. That seems wasteful anyway, so not a bad thing on its own account, although small potatoes unless profiling shows otherwise. > The big hole in this approach is the conversions from nsIURI to string to > nsIURI. Those are going to be a problem, and they are going to be tough to > weed out unless we break something hard (like deny chrome privs to > javascript: URLs constructed from a string). The current proposal is to give such a javascript: URL the null principal, chrome caller or no chrome caller. > Brendan, these two statements confuse me: > > > There is no secure way to give chrome-initiated fake URI loads the > > privileges of the chrome caller when the URI is passed as a string. > ... > > Note that this won't break use of javascript: in chrome markup. > > They seem to contradict. What am I missing? Two things: 1. Even with null principals, some javascript: URLs will work. 2. We talked yesterday about distinguishing markup-expressed href, src, and other attribute values from script-set ones. Shaver pointed out that in HTML, it's hard to tell what was primary source and what was generated (via innerHTML or document.write or a javascript: URL). But for XUL, could we tell that a javascript: URL used in a XUL attribute was primary source, therefore trustworthy? If chrome fetches a random string from content and makes a new DOM node using that string as an attribute value, where the attribute value may be loaded as a URL, then we must use null principals. If OTOH our native C++ code can tell it's dealing with elements the parser created from a real URL load (the classic codebase could tell), then we could use the caller's (chrome) principals. Our security model assumes same-origin sandboxing protecting content from other content's data, so we don't have to label every datum. Chrome accessing content violates this assumption badly. That's a strong argument for separating chrome and content, but even if we avoid content spoofing chrome by overriding DOM properties via JS, the content DOM itself, as built from primary source, could have fake URLs in places that chrome might foolishly fetch, and load. Separating XPConnect wrappers for DOM natives (bug 281988) won't help in this case. The best course while developing this bug's fix is to give string-expressed fake URIs null principals, and break some things (the javascript console, at least) temporarily, then see what needs fixing. /be
> If OTOH our native C++ code can tell it's dealing with elements the parser > created I assume you mean "attributes", not "elements"? Chrome can happily take a string from content and set it as an attribute on a parser-created chrome node.
(In reply to comment #32) > > The big hole in this approach is the conversions from nsIURI to string to > > nsIURI. Those are going to be a problem, and they are going to be tough to > > weed out unless we break something hard (like deny chrome privs to > > javascript: URLs constructed from a string). > > The current proposal is to give such a javascript: URL the null principal, > chrome caller or no chrome caller. I mean, in the chrome-calling case. For content javascript: URLs, we should use the origin principals, which we need to propagate. That doesn't seem too hard to fix. The case where nsJSThunk::EvaluateScript can't find an owner arises during history navigation, and we shouldn't even be running javascript: URLs in that case. But since we have to re-evaluate on back or forward, until wyciwyg: URLs are extended to handle javascript:-generated documents, we will have to use the null principal in this "else (no owner)" case. If anyone knows of another no-owner case than history navigation, shout out. /be
(In reply to comment #33) > > If OTOH our native C++ code can tell it's dealing with elements the parser > > created > > I assume you mean "attributes", not "elements"? Chrome can happily take a > string from content and set it as an attribute on a parser-created chrome node. Yes, sorry: attributes. Do we have ways to tell whether these have been changed by script, or the entire element has been created by script? /be
> If anyone knows of another no-owner case than history navigation, shout out. Any time C++ is setting attributes, I would assume.... For example (based on another bug I saw today), xbl:inherits. If I have a <xul:button image="javascript:whatever"> The default (chrome!) XBL binding will set that attribute on the anonymous <xul:image> element it creates. This is all done from C++. So that's a no-owner case. For that matter, use of javascript: for anything other than toplevel document loads is probably a no-owner case... Or at least should be investigated somewhat carefully.
> Do we have ways to tell whether these have been changed > by script, or the entire element has been created by script? Not that I'm aware of...
Another problem is DOMParser where we're parsing a string created in JS. nsDOMAttributeNode::SetPrefix will soon also set attributes with aNotify=false (i.e. that looks like it's comming from parser). Basically it seems RealHard to reliably tell if a attribute-set comes from script or not, we have simply too many features these days that through various mechanisms set attributes.
I should say that RealHard != Impossible. We certainly could try. The question is, how much added value is it? The only chrome-javascript-uri case that I know of (jsconsole) sets the attribute through string and wouldn't be helped by us supporting parser-generated uris.
sicking: we should think about how to fix this data-labeling problem, because if we can't, then I'm concerned that even with split wrappers (bug 281988), and even with string-passed javascript: URLs downgrading to null principals, chrome will be vulnerable to content attacks. We may simply have to "be careful", because I don't see how to solve the "chrome accesses content's DOM" security problem without more complete data labeling and static and dynamic checking. /be
Agreed. Not even wrapper separation is neccesarily a help since the dangerous data can live right in the content markup and DOM.
Right. Developers simply need to validate untrusted input, there's no system that'll completely protect against sloppy coding if the developers don't keep this in mind at all times. In that sense maybe explicit wrapping (read XPCNativeWrapper) is a good thing since it makes people think a bit more about what they're doing and why existing code does what it does.
Actually, i'm not convinced that XPCNativeWrapper is a good idea. We've had it around for some time and it obviously doesn't get used enough. But I guess this isn't really the bug to debate that. So i'm still a little confused as to what we want to do as far as protecting against js-uris comming from content. Let me try to explain the problem my brain is still fighting about. The solution we're suggesting is tagging all uris after we've created them using the principal of the 'creater' of the uri (if this tagging isn't done the uri will use the null principal so we'll default to safe). So say in the code for <a> elements we would before after having parsed the href-attribute tag it with the principal of its document (or possibly the principal of the js calling .setAttribute). This principal will then be used when a channel is opened using this uri. This will ensure that things like 'back' will never reevaluate the js-uri using the wrong principal. But lets say we have some piece of chrome-js that gets a url from content and creates a link in the chrome pointing to that uri (we've had code like this before). The chrome does this by creating an a-element, setting its .href and then inserting it in its DOM. Alternativly by setting the .href of an already existing a-element that's in the DOM. The <a>-element will then grab the principal of the chrome-page and tag the href-uri with that. When the user clicks the link all hell will break loose since if the uri is a js-uri it will execute with chrome priviliges since the <a>-element had no idea that the string originally came from content. So to fix this we could make all places where we tag uris with a principal simply not do this if the principal is a chrome principal (i.e. the system principal). Instead chrome-code would have to manually tag the uri with the chrome-principal when it really needed to have a js-uri with chrome privileges. There's two problems with this though. 1. In many cases, like the <a>.href example above, there is no api for the chrome-code to get to the uri-object and tag it. 2. Even in the cases where it can get to the uri, existing code and extensions does of course not do this yet, so they'll break. basically doing this would cause as much problem as doing bug 293394. I can think of two ways of handling this A. Not make any special exceptions for chrome-principals and instead rely on that the chrome-js does the checking it needs to before setting uris on things or loading uris that come from content B. Break existing code and extensions after an announced heads-up and let people either tag their uris best they can, or find other solutions then relying on js-uris with chrome privileges. What do people think?
(In reply to comment #43) > Actually, i'm not convinced that XPCNativeWrapper is a good idea. We've had it > around for some time and it obviously doesn't get used enough. But I guess > this isn't really the bug to debate that. See bug 281988 comment 79. > So say in the code for <a> elements we would before after having parsed the > href-attribute tag it with the principal of its document (or possibly the > principal of the js calling .setAttribute). This principal will then be used > when a channel is opened using this uri. This will ensure that things like > 'back' will never reevaluate the js-uri using the wrong principal. That's true, but note that reevaluating javascript: URLs on history navigation is just flat wrong. With or without bfcache, we should just re-present what was seen when the user left that page. This was done using wysiwyg: URLs in the Nav 3-4 daze, and we should do likewise with wyciwyg: URLs soon. Note that they must be pinned in the cache till their history entry is overwritten or pruned. > But lets say we have some piece of chrome-js that gets a url from content and > creates a link in the chrome pointing to that uri (we've had code like this > before). The chrome does this by creating an a-element, setting its .href and > then inserting it in its DOM. Alternativly by setting the .href of an already > existing a-element that's in the DOM. The <a>-element will then grab the > principal of the chrome-page and tag the href-uri with that. When the user > clicks the link all hell will break loose since if the uri is a js-uri it will > execute with chrome priviliges since the <a>-element had no idea that the > string originally came from content. You were so close to general data labeling, but you didn't go there! Good, but here's the path: if we labeled all data, and the chrome link's href data were based on content and chrome, then the 'join' of their trust labels would taint the resulting string. We could then downgrade appropriately based on that label (including any control dependencies). But we're not doing any such labeling in the short run. What we must instead do for chrome in the short run is *always* use the null principals. > So to fix this we could make all places where we tag uris with a principal > simply not do this if the principal is a chrome principal (i.e. the system > principal). Instead chrome-code would have to manually tag the uri with the > chrome-principal when it really needed to have a js-uri with chrome > privileges. Right, although we should identify those places first, since they should involve chrome explicitly using javascript: URLs, and never involve chrome using data (possibly from content) to compute a URL. > There's two problems with this though. > 1. In many cases, like the <a>.href example above, there is no api for the > chrome-code to get to the uri-object and tag it. That's a cryin' shame ;-). Null principals, bzzzt. > 2. Even in the cases where it can get to the uri, existing code and extensions > does of course not do this yet, so they'll break. I know of no such extension -- do you? > basically doing this would cause as much problem as doing bug 293394. Only if we don't have places (like the JS console) where chrome explicitly uses javascript: URLs. As you note above, we could make those cases work, with some effort. > I can think of two ways of handling this > > A. Not make any special exceptions for chrome-principals and instead rely on > that the chrome-js does the checking it needs to before setting uris on > things or loading uris that come from content We have to rely on chrome to be careful, since we are sharing DOM data no matter what else we do. We're in a world where there's no sandbox isolating chrome from content (this would be true even if we wrote all chrome code in C++, or whatever language -- chrome code must take care). But, there's nothing wrong with true defense in depth. If we think javascript: URLs in chrome should default to null principals, and we can unbreak the few things this breaks on a carefully audited, case-by-case basis, that wins, over against auditing all the places data flow affects URLs that chrome loads (even if only by subtle control dependencies, timing channels, etc.). > B. Break existing code and extensions after an announced heads-up and let > people either tag their uris best they can, or find other solutions then > relying on js-uris with chrome privileges. I favor this, but we should go through the exercise of unbreaking the JS console and a few other things (if any) in our apps that we break, so we know others can do likewise. /be
I'm having a hard time imagining the need for any chrome code to take a URL from content and load it in chrome. (Favicon is the only case I can imagine.) Do you have an example from an actual extension or some chrome code in the browser? Maybe things like the link toolbar? In all of those cases at least, it would seem that the extension should create a small "content island" in which to load the URL from content. For example, the favicon should probably not be loaded in the context of a chrome document. Why isn't it loaded in the context of an <iframe> with reduced privs?
Another place we have is the pageinfo dialog. That one has a whitelist of protocols so it's safe. Then we used to have the element-properties dialog that when I originally wrote it used to contain links. I can think of a few maybes too. Basically it's hard to say where these things pop up. It was always one of the first questions when I attended the security meetings back at netscape. I agree with brendans attack-plan here (though i'm less convinced that the data-tainting thing can be done). If nothing else we'll get a chance to see how possible it is to take the safe route.
(In reply to comment #46) > I agree with brendans attack-plan here (though i'm less convinced that the > data-tainting thing can be done). It can be done (see as a starting point), but I never said we should do it. I even said "don't go there!" ;-). It's not likely to be practical for us, and it's not necessary for us to secure our chrome implementations. /be
Ugh, there are some 150 files that call NS_NewURI so this is going to be a decently sized patch...
Assignee: darin → bugmail
Blocks: branching1.8
Blocks: 300861
No longer blocks: 300861
When chrome loads URLs it gets from content (e.g. favicon, page info, set as wallpaper, open link in new window), in addition to getting javascript: principals right, it needs to make sure the page is allowed to reference the URL (CheckLoadURI). Can we solve both problems at once, eliminating the need for some CheckLoadURI checks as well as eliminating the need to check for javascript: URLs?
Whiteboard: [sg:investigate]
(In reply to comment #49) > When chrome loads URLs it gets from content (e.g. favicon, page info, set as > wallpaper, open link in new window), in addition to getting javascript: > principals right, it needs to make sure the page is allowed to reference the URL > (CheckLoadURI). Can we solve both problems at once, eliminating the need for > some CheckLoadURI checks as well as eliminating the need to check for > javascript: URLs? Yes, that's the goal (or a goal). Those patchwork checks, especially excluding javascript: (and sometimes data: for no good reason) were just symptom-treating hack attempts. They didn't cure the disease, and they sometimes cost us a limb or two in senseless amputation of functionality. /be
Flags: blocking1.8b4?
No longer blocks: branching1.8
Flags: blocking1.8b4? → blocking1.8b4+
Whiteboard: [sg:investigate] → [sg:investigate] [ETA ?]
if someone comes up with a patch, please request approval and we'll evaluate then.
Flags: blocking1.8b5+ → blocking1.8b5-
Whiteboard: [sg:investigate] [ETA ?] → [sg:want P2] [ETA ?]
Blocks: 464620
Flags: wanted1.9.2?
Flags: blocking1.9.2?
Whiteboard: [sg:want P2] [ETA ?] → [sg:want P1] [ETA ?]
sicking if you're working in XBL2 should somebody else take this bug?
Flags: blocking1.9.2? → blocking1.9.2-
Yes, but I think this bug is basically FIXED these days. We don't really guess on the loading principal the way we used to. Though I would love for nsIDocShellLoadInfo.ownerIsExplicit to always be set to true.
Flags: wanted1.9.2?
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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