Closed Bug 308564 Opened 19 years ago Closed 17 years ago

No accessibility events when data in a tree row changes


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: aaronlev, Assigned: surkov)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: access)


(2 files, 3 obsolete files)

This is the general case for bug 291074.

We need to fire a name change event when data for a tree row changes -- the
focused one would be good enough.
Assignee: aaronleventhal → nobody
Blocks: keya11y
Summary: No accessibility events when data in a tree row changes → No accessibility events when data in a tree row changes
Blocks: xula11y
No longer blocks: keya11y
Not high priority, but would be nice if there's a simple fix.
Assignee: nobody → surkov.alexander
Should be done for Thunderbird 3 if possible. Right now, if focusing to a Newsgroup, for example, the number of unread messages is not added/updated when the node's contents changes.
Blocks: tbird3access
I'll fix it once we get bug 368835.
Depends on: 368835
Attached patch wip (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attached patch patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Marco, could you test this one?
Attachment #293275 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Is a TreeViewChanged really a TreeInvalidated for the whole tree?
(In reply to comment #5)
> Marco, could you test this one?

Works great! If I go onto a newsgroup and it updates, I nicely see the numbers of unread and total messages changing on the braille display now. So JAWS now receives the events properly, and the JAWS scripting language can deal with the NameChangeEvent properly for speech.

Good work!
(In reply to comment #6)
> Is a TreeViewChanged really a TreeInvalidated for the whole tree?

technically it's a different things. TreeViewChanged when we set new view, TreeInvalidated when we repaint view. Though I do not fire any event when view is repainted entirely event nsITreeBoxObject::invalidate() is used (for example, in autocomple binding). I'm afraid it can be performance issue and probably it's not our case.
Attachment #293296 - Flags: review?(Evan.Yan)
Comment on attachment 293296 [details] [diff] [review]

r=me for accessible module.

>+    nsresult HandleTreeInvalidatedEvent(nsIDOMEvent *aEvent,
>+                                        nsIAccessible *aAccessible,
>+                                        nsIDOMNode *aTarget,
>+                                        const nsAString& aTargetName);

aTarget is not used, why not make the function prototype the same as HandleTreeRowCountChangedEvent() ?
Attachment #293296 - Flags: review?(Evan.Yan) → review+
nsTreeBodyFrame::InvalidateXX() functions are called frequently. When just mouse hover over a message in Thunderbird, InvalidateRow() get called twice.

I'm leaving it to the layout module reviewer to decide whether that is the correct place to fire those events.
(In reply to comment #9)

> aTarget is not used, why not make the function prototype the same as
> HandleTreeRowCountChangedEvent() ?

It was used in earlier version of the patch. Eventually I forgot to remove it. Thanks for the catch
Attachment #293296 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
Comment on attachment 293296 [details] [diff] [review]

>+  /**
>+   *
>+   */
>+  void treeViewInvalidated(in long aStartRow, in long aEndRow,
>+                           in long aStartCol, in long aEndCol);
Shouldn't you document this new method?

>+interface nsPIAccessibleTreeItem : nsISupports
>+  /**
>+   * Get/set cached name.
>+   */
>+  attribute AString cachedName;
> };
I'm not sure about coding style in accessible/ but is it wise to add
an nsPIXXX interface to an public .idl?
Could you perhaps define that interface in nsXULTreeAccessible.h, since it is
used only in nsXULTreeAccessible.cpp, if I looked correctly. That way the obviously
internal interface would really stay as internal.

> void
> nsTreeBodyFrame::FireRowCountChangedEvent(PRInt32 aIndex, PRInt32 aCount)
FireRowCountChangedEvent is called only inside #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY, right?
>+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEvent> event;
>+  domEventDoc->CreateEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("datacontainerevents"),
>+                           getter_AddRefs(event));
>+  event->InitEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("TreeInvalidated"), PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE);
>+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDataContainerEvent> treeEvent(do_QueryInterface(event));
>+  if (!treeEvent)
>+    return;
You're missing OUT_OF_MEMORY check after CreateEvent. The easiest way is to just move
QI-to-nsIDOMDataContainerEvent to happen before event->InitEvent

>+  /**
>+   * Fires 'treeInvalidated' event asynchronously. The event supports
>+   * nsIDOMDataContainerEvent interface that is used to expose the information
>+   * structures described by method arguments.
>+   *
>+   * @param aStartRow  the start index of invalidated rows, -1 points columns
>+   *                   have been invalidated only
>+   * @param aEndRow    the end index of invalidated rows, non -1 value points
>+   *                   row range have been invalidated
>+   * @param aCol       the start index of invalidated columns, -1 points rows
>+   *                   have been invalidated
>+   * @param aEndCol    the end index of invalidated columns, non -1 value points
>+   *                   column range have been invalidated
>+   */
>+  void FireInvalidateEvent(PRInt32 aStartRow, PRInt32 aEndRow,
>+                           nsITreeColumn *aStartCol, nsITreeColumn *aEndCol);
For me, "non -1 value points...have been" doesn't sound good.
There isn't a parameter called aCol.
Comment talks about indexes, but third and fourth parameters aren't indexes but 
some objects.
Attachment #293296 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay) → review-
Attached patch patch2 (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
fixed Evan, Olli comments
Attachment #293296 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #293688 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
(In reply to comment #12)

> >+[uuid(b71532f9-53b2-4647-a5b2-1c5f57e9aed6)]
> >+interface nsPIAccessibleTreeItem : nsISupports
> >+{
> >+  /**
> >+   * Get/set cached name.
> >+   */
> >+  attribute AString cachedName;
> > };
> I'm not sure about coding style in accessible/ but is it wise to add
> an nsPIXXX interface to an public .idl?
> Could you perhaps define that interface in nsXULTreeAccessible.h, since it is
> used only in nsXULTreeAccessible.cpp, if I looked correctly. That way the
> obviously
> internal interface would really stay as internal.

This idl file is not public actually since it is used internally only. Also I would like to keep them as idl files. Possibly we should move some such interface to src folder. Olli what's worth to do to level up code redability?
Comment on attachment 293688 [details] [diff] [review]

>   nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEvent> event;
>   domEventDoc->CreateEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("datacontainerevents"),
>                            getter_AddRefs(event));
>+  if (!event)
>+    return;
Don't add this, but just move the QI to nsIDOMDataContainerEvent and if-check here.

>+nsTreeBodyFrame::FireInvalidateEvent(PRInt32 aStartRowIdx, PRInt32 aEndRowIdx,
>+                                     nsITreeColumn *aStartCol,
>+                                     nsITreeColumn *aEndCol)
>+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEvent> event;
>+  domEventDoc->CreateEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("datacontainerevents"),
>+                           getter_AddRefs(event));
>+  if (!event)
>+    return;
>+  event->InitEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("TreeInvalidated"), PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE);
>+  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDataContainerEvent> treeEvent(do_QueryInterface(event));
>+  if (!treeEvent)
>+    return;
Same here, no need to null check twice if you're anyway going to QI to nsIDOMDataContainerEvent.

Btw, next time you add new nsIDOMDataContainerEvent events, might be good to
add some helper method for event creation.

>+  /**
>+   * Fires 'treeInvalidated' event asynchronously. The event supports
>+   * nsIDOMDataContainerEvent interface that is used to expose the information
>+   * structures described by method arguments.
>+   *
>+   * @param aStartRow  the start index of invalidated rows, -1 points columns
>+   *                   have been invalidated only
>+   * @param aEndRow    the end index of invalidated rows, -1 points columns
>+   *                   have been invalidated only
>+   * @param aStartCol  the start invaidated column, -1 points rows have been
>+   *                   invalidated only
invaidated -> invalidated

>+   * @param aEndCol    the end invalidated column, -1 points rows have been
>+   *                   invalidated only
>+   */
>+  void FireInvalidateEvent(PRInt32 aStartRow, PRInt32 aEndRow,
>+                           nsITreeColumn *aStartCol, nsITreeColumn *aEndCol);

I still don't like "-1 points XXX have been invalidated only"
Perhaps "-1 means that only XXX have been invalidated" (if that is what you mean)?

aStartCol and aEndCol are objects so they can't get value -1.
Olli, shoudl I put new patch before you'll continue the review?
that would be great.
Attached patch patch3 (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #293688 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #294717 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
Attachment #293688 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
Comment on attachment 294717 [details] [diff] [review]

>+  /**
>+   * Fires 'treeInvalidated' event asynchronously. The event supports
>+   * nsIDOMDataContainerEvent interface that is used to expose the information
>+   * structures described by method arguments.
>+   *
>+   * @param aStartRow  the start index of invalidated rows, -1 means that
>+   *                   columns have been invalidated only
>+   * @param aEndRow    the end index of invalidated rows, -1 means that columns
>+   *                   have been invalidated only
>+   * @param aStartCol  the start invalidated column, nsnull means that only rows
>+   *                   have been invalidated
>+   * @param aEndCol    the end invalidated column, nsnull means that rows have
>+   *                   been invalidated only
>+   */
Use the same '...that only...' -style describing parameters
Attachment #294717 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay) → review+
Attachment #294717 - Flags: superreview?(jonas)
Jonas, any plans for review? It would be nice to get this in Firefox3 since the bug fixes major issue when AT deal with xul trees (it's concerned thunderbird, firefox bookmarks). This bug is much similar  to the bug 368835 you gave sr+ already.
Comment on attachment 294717 [details] [diff] [review]

Is there any way to write tests for all this?

Looks good to me anyhow.
Attachment #294717 - Flags: superreview?(jonas) → superreview+
We haven't a way for automated tests in ally module yet, I think bug 415730 should solve this.
Attachment #294717 - Flags: approval1.9?
Ao it sounds like there are existing API tests, which presumably aren't run automatically. But that's a lot better than not having anything.
Jonas are the changes to nsTreeBodyFrame safe enough at this stage of the game?
They do look safe to me. All it does is fire events, and it holds off doing so until it's safe to execute script.
Was there anything in particular you were worried about?
(In reply to comment #26)
> Was there anything in particular you were worried about?

Mostly that the lack of unit test coverage here makes me unsure of what semantics might have accidentally changed. Is it possible to unit test the event changes?

Flags: in-testsuite?
(In reply to comment #27)
> (In reply to comment #26)
> > Was there anything in particular you were worried about?
> > 
> Mostly that the lack of unit test coverage here makes me unsure of what
> semantics might have accidentally changed. Is it possible to unit test the
> event changes?

Do you mean xpcshell test? IIRC it's not very comfortable to use it here because I need to have rendered xul:tree to get an accessible for it. It sounds mochitest will be fine for this but now some mochitests are failed with enabled accessibility.
Any types of tests would be great, mochitest would be fine too which gives you a full browser. It should be possible to test if the events fire as they should since they are normal DOM events.

Though I think you need to turn them on, right? Which I suspect doesn't happen while running mochitest always.

Also, these are new events right? So there's not much worry in regressions in the events themselves? Are these events specced somewhere?
(In reply to comment #29)
> Any types of tests would be great, mochitest would be fine too which gives you
> a full browser. It should be possible to test if the events fire as they should
> since they are normal DOM events.
> Though I think you need to turn them on, right? Which I suspect doesn't happen
> while running mochitest always.

I can't handle these events until accessibility is enabled. But once accessibility is enabled (for example, when I get nsIAccessibleRetrieval service in mochitest) then some another mochitests fail.

> Also, these are new events right? So there's not much worry in regressions in
> the events themselves? Are these events specced somewhere?

These are new events and there shoudn't be regression in events themselves. These events aren't documented partially because they are supposed to be used by accessibility internally.
(In reply to comment #30)
> I can't handle these events until accessibility is enabled. But once
> accessibility is enabled (for example, when I get nsIAccessibleRetrieval
> service in mochitest) then some another mochitests fail.

I wrote mochitest for bug 368835 which is similar to this one but I was forced to disable it due to some tests fail. Therefore I don't know how can I add test for this bug.
Comment on attachment 294717 [details] [diff] [review]

hrm - I would like to figure out how to get test coverage on this.
Attachment #294717 - Flags: approval1.9? → approval1.9+
Sounds bad that turning on accessibility makes us fail tests. Won't that mean that some sites might breat if you turn on accessibility?
(In reply to comment #33)
> Sounds bad that turning on accessibility makes us fail tests. Won't that mean
> that some sites might breat if you turn on accessibility?

it's possible of course, either web or firefox UI.
checked in
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This fix does not work. The original patch, attachment 293296 [details] [diff] [review], did work as expected, however the final fix does not. Also, I am now no longer seeing automatic updates to ListItems such as when downloading a file in DM, but have to investigate whether that's actually a regression from this checkin.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Attached patch patch__1 (deleted) — Splinter Review
Marco, does it helps?
(In reply to comment #37)
> Created an attachment (id=302596) [details]
> patch__1
> Marco, does it helps?

I tested this on bookmarks and I get an name changed event in Gecko layer when I change bookmark name.
Attachment #302596 - Flags: superreview?(jonas)
Attachment #302596 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay)
I put mochitest for this to the patch of bug 416553.
Comment on attachment 302596 [details] [diff] [review]

> nsTreeBodyFrame::InvalidateRow(PRInt32 aIndex)
>+  nsIPresShell *presShell = PresContext()->PresShell();
>+  if (presShell->IsAccessibilityActive())
>+    FireInvalidateEvent(aIndex, aIndex, nsnull, nsnull);
So what happened to this? It was in the previous patch too.

>-    treeEvent->SetData(NS_LITERAL_STRING("column"), startColVariant);
>+    treeEvent->SetData(NS_LITERAL_STRING("startcolumn"), startColVariant);

>-    treeEvent->SetData(NS_LITERAL_STRING("columncount"), endColVariant);
>+    treeEvent->SetData(NS_LITERAL_STRING("endcolumn"), endColVariant);
I should have caught these when reviewing the previous patch :/ 

Can't really test accessibility code though.
There really should be automated tests for the accessibility events.
Attachment #302596 - Flags: review?(Olli.Pettay) → review+
(In reply to comment #38)
> > Marco, does it helps?
> I tested this on bookmarks and I get an name changed event in Gecko layer when
> I change bookmark name.

Yes, with that followup patch in, it works!

(In reply to comment #40)
> There really should be automated tests for the accessibility events.

There will be, soon! See bug 415730 and bug 416553.
> So what happened to this? It was in the previous patch too.

Possibly it's incorrect merging.

> I should have caught these when reviewing the previous patch :/ 

me too, possibly I was drunk on smoked up :)

> Can't really test accessibility code though.
> There really should be automated tests for the accessibility events.

I included mochitest to bug 416553 for the part of this bug.
Jonas, it's simple patch, I think rs+ would be enough.
Attachment #302596 - Flags: superreview?(jonas) → superreview+
Attachment #302596 - Flags: approval1.9?
Attachment #302596 - Flags: approval1.9? → approval1.9+
checked in
Closed: 17 years ago17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified using version 3.0a1pre (2008021303). Great work!
Blocks: a11ytestdev
Depends on: 418043
mochitest has been added in bug 418043.
Flags: in-testsuite? → in-testsuite+
Depends on: 453312
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