Closed Bug 396347 (tbird3access) Opened 17 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Meta: Thunderbird 3 accessibility commitments


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: aaronlev, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access, meta)

These are the accessibility bugs specific to Thunderbird 3 that need fixing for that release.

Bugs that are affect Firefox as well should also be listed in bug 396346 (fox3access)
Depends on: 166994
We do have another track for general Thunderbird a11y issues (bug 370226). I guess this would should be the bugs the team needs to commit to for version 3.

Could someone go through and make sure we get the right list?

I guess the Thunderbird 3 accessibility team is:
David Bolter, Ginn Chen and Evan Yan. Surkov might want to fix a few as well.
Assignee: nobody → david.bolter
Depends on: 348265, 364376, 389097, 393860
Bug 389097 is only a duplicate of bug 390278 in the "depends on" list and is currently WIP.
Depends on: 406308
Depends on: 308564
Depends on: 408460
Depends on: 408685
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Depends on: 411198
Depends on: 441822
We need someone else to track Thunderbird accessibility. I clearly don't have the cycles.
Depends on: 467880
Depends on: 468497
Depends on: 468863
Depends on: 469204
Assignee: david.bolter → nobody
Depends on: 482440
Depends on: 506210
The mentioned FF3 bug was closed due to FF3 already being shipped.
What about this bug? Should the open bugs here be moved to the not release specific bug 370226?
Blocks: tbirda11y
let's mark it fixed (remove dependency of all unfixed bugs) and move them to bug 370226
Closed: 12 years ago
No longer depends on: 388191, 411198, 468497, 468863, 469204, 506210
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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