Closed Bug 341206 Opened 18 years ago Closed 13 years ago

[Compact folders when it will save over] checkbox should be checked by default.


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ono, Unassigned)



(Keywords: dataloss, privacy)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ja; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ja; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/

Without checking [Compact folders when it will save over], Thunderbird become slower and slower to finish up it's initializing.

I know many users who have experienced these kind of slowdowns and stopped using thunderbird without knowing [Compact folders when it will save over] checkbox.

So, my suggestion here is to check this check box by default.

Reproducible: Always
I strongly agree here, I've experienced this problem many times with users who expected "thunderbird" whould just work, without having to learn about compacting manually or browsing all the options. Most of the time, when someone is calling the "geeky friend" when they have an issue about thunderbird (even if I didn't install it myself)n it's because this option wasn't turned on. Check it, and set it to around 6000 kb and it will just work better for thunderbird users.
Assignee: mscott → nobody
Confirming rather than duping to bug 205756 since that's morphed into the
Seamonkey version.

Tagging "privacy" because we regularly hear from users horrified to find their
"deleted" private mails are still sitting on their disk (often found after
having them imported into another progam).

Tagging "dataloss" because of the max file-size and/or quota issues raised in
bug 406848 comment 0
Depends on: 152675
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: dataloss, privacy
Flags: wanted-thunderbird3?
yes, wanted, and since Emre is going to implement auto compact on idle, it should all be good.
Flags: wanted-thunderbird3? → wanted-thunderbird3+
Should be accompanied by bug 437657 also.
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
As I'm a sysadmin and had to install hundreds of computers with TB, this option being disabled by default gave a lot of nightmares. 

I strongly suggest this option be on by default at install time (all versions) and the disk space gain threshold be set higher and in MB rather then KB. I usually set it to 76MB, similar to the default cache size of Firefox. In today's world where mails with attachements routinely have pretty large size, it seems a fair value. 

Also, please resolve the race condition between automatic folder compacting and getting new mail. (bug #337554)
As a moderator on the french forums of geckozone, I Still see some users that have corrupted inbox because they don't use "compact folder" (and do not understand what it is...). This bug is very dangerous for average user, so it should be fix!
(In reply to comment #4)
> yes, wanted, and since Emre is going to implement auto compact on idle, it
> should all be good.

David, can you confirm that this bug is still wanted? It is very easy to fix and would avoid a lot of user's nightmare that we see on Geckozone forums:
This bug is very dangerous for average user, so it
should be fix!

As a moderator on the french forums of geckozone, I Still see some users that
have corrupted inbox because they don't use "compact folder" (and do not
understand what it is...).
I confirm .. This bug is very dangerous for average user, and many lose their posts when the box comes with 4 gigabytes .

probably better from a UI point of view is Bug 286888 - Always make compacting folders automatic, with no UI

Bryan indicated in bug 236922 comment 7 that he liked the idea of doing Bug 286888.

bienvenu, how do you feel about the choice between this bug and Bug 286888?


preferable to have one or both of 
bug 437657 increase autocompact threshold "mail.purge_threshhold"
bug 439089 Auto compact on idle time with better threshold
before implementing this or bug 286888 (though not strictly dependent)
Severity: enhancement → major
Depends on: 437657, 439089
No longer depends on: 152675
(In reply to comment #13)
> bienvenu, how do you feel about the choice between this bug and Bug 286888?
This bug is a lot less work and thus would fit into 3.3
Actually, the default was changed to "true" as part of bug 437657 and is effective with Miramar 3.3a3, thus marking this as a duplicate itself.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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