Closed Bug 36866 Opened 25 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Unclutter link/image right-click context menu


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jmd, Assigned: bugzilla)



Right clicking on and image or link presents a VERY overly cluttered menu.
Things like navivation (back/forward/reload/stop), view page source, bookmark
this page, save page, and select all should not be there.

"Bookmark this link" needs to be added. (is in 4.7)

"Copy" should copy the full text of the links text, without having to highlight
it. Copy on an image should copy the full image to the clipboard.

The reasoning behing this is that if you are right clicking a specific
link/image, you most likely want to do some operation on this spefic link/image,
and not on the main page (in which case you right click on a non link/image part
of the page, or use the pulldowns at the top of the screen.)

Please think very hard before dismissing this as WONTFIX. This is extreme
You have a bunch of issues here; you should really consider filing separate bug 
reports for each, especially since some have already been addressed in other 
reports I believe.

In any case, I'm marking this as an RFE for now since that's what most of the 
report basically is--it definitely isn't Major as originally reported.

-> XP menus?
Assignee: asadotzler → pinkerton
Severity: major → enhancement
Component: Browser-General → XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Linux → All
QA Contact: jelwell → sairuh
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: rightclick popup on link/image is cluttered → [RFE] Unclutter link/image right-click context menu, add useful options
Here's A what-if, just for consideration:
What if you put little versions of the four navigation icons at the top of the 
menu. (about the same size as icons in the title bar) It would reduce the four 
line clutter to one iconified line. 

For Reference:
-Previous versions of netscape stick the navigation commands below the more 
applicable command. (Clicking on a link would give you link related commands)
-IE is even more cluttered (typical), but follow the same general rule, the more 
applicable commands come first
> [N]avigation, view page source, bookmark this page, save page, and select all 
> should not be there

I think they're there because we don't want pages blocking us from getting to 
those options by making it hard to find empty space (perhaps by having an image 
follow the cursor?).  I could imagine those options being thrown 
into "navigation" and "page" submenus to reduce clutter, however.

> "Bookmark this link" needs to be added. (is in 4.7)

Bug 17524 covers this.  (You want it on both text links and image links, right?)

> "Copy" should copy the full text of the links text, without having to 
> highlight it. Copy on an image should copy the full image to the clipboard.

How about this: _if_ there isn't an existing selection, rename the option 
from "Copy" to "Copy image" (once bug 21747 is fixed) or "Copy link text".

> Please think very hard before dismissing this as WONTFIX. This is extreme
> clutter.

Ok.. basically, most of the additional "useful" items you wanted added already 
have bugs in bugzilla for them, but you have some good points about clutter.

How about we split this bug into (1) in image/link context menus, move 
navigation and page context menu items into submenus and (2) on images/links, 
replace "copy" with "copy image" and "copy link" if there is no selection.
> more applicable commands come first

bug 27338 has some interesting discussion about that. wrote:
> IE is even more cluttered (typical), but follow the same general rule,
> the more applicable commands come first

right, keyword being applicable, why would we like anything but the applicable
commands? davidr8 has an idea on that... wrote:
> I think they're there because we don't want pages blocking us from
> getting to those options by making it hard to find empty space

But I've considered this possibility too, and all of the commands i proposed
removing are available in the main pulldowns, for the extremely rare case when
there just is no empty space to right click on. (someone show me a page like
this, anyway)...

The genereral concesus seems to be to break my RFE up. I suggest the XP
Toolkits/Widgets: menu maintainer (hi pinkerton!) copy+paste all relevant info
from this bug into sililar/new bugs, as a menu maintainer best knows whats
already filed and where.

Speaking of spliting it off into a 'navigation' menu, this is terribly
inconsistant. there is no main navigation pulldown. We have half the navigation
under View, and half under Go. I, an experianced GUI user, generally have to
search through three pulldowns to find what I'm looking for. I'm for the
rethinking of the View/Go menus... as-is, reload is under the same menu as a
selection which organizes the layout (view-sidebar / view-toolbars-...)

Maybe rename 'Go' to 'Navigate' (this is navigator, after all), and move reload
and stop into it? The other menus seem to be fairly sensibly layed out.

Anyway, submenuing the right click on link/image is a fair compromise, if
navigation must be there. How bout you still a counter on it for talkbacks, and
if at M20 it has < 10 uses, you remove? =)
You have a good point about those options being available in menus.  But what 
if it's a framed page?
methinks this belongs in XPApps...
Assignee: pinkerton → don
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus → XPApps
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Hate to be a bother, but what exactly is Target: Future? I can't find any
explaination on bugzilla. I sincerly hope this doesn't mean after mozilla-5.0 is
finished. I think for the rather small amount of time to fix this vs. the
usability impact, it really does need to be done, maybe somewhere in ther
M19-M20 range.

Jesse: For framed sites, in IE5, under 'File' there is a item 'Save Frame' which
saves the focused frame. The likelyhood of encountering a framed site with
absolutly no background to click on is fairly small, anyhow.
Wow this bug got lost.
Future today means not happening for Netscape6.
I'm converting this into a meta bug.

jdolan: asking people who own or manage >100 bugs to do work that you can do
yourself is crazy. - timeless speaking with experience from both sides.
Depends on: 17524, 21747, 27338, 54149
Keywords: meta, ui
Component: XP Apps → XP Apps: GUI Features
Since Don has left, Vishy is taking his bugs in bulk, pending reassignment.
Assignee: don → vishy
No longer depends on: 21747
Depends on: 75338
*** Bug 76031 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
->blake... unless this is best moved to the ui component?
Assignee: vishy → blakeross
I'm still waiting on the spec from 75338.  Matthew, where are we on that?
Severity: enhancement → normal
No longer depends on: 17524, 27338, 54149
Keywords: meta
Summary: [RFE] Unclutter link/image right-click context menu, add useful options → Unclutter link/image right-click context menu
We're there.
sending to user interface. This is getting worse, right-clicking on an image is
up to 26 entries in the menu now. Forms, frames... "view page info"?!

Here's an idea:
  I believe the reason why some of these entries are in the right-click menu is
a workaround for javascript windows with no menu toolbar. Why not remove all of
the main menu duplicates, but add to the bottom, "Show menu bar", so you can
bring it up if the window has hidden it. Something drastic has to be done, it's
impossible to find anything in there any more.
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → User Interface Design
Target Milestone: Future → ---
this does _not_ belong to UID, that's why we have blocker bug 75338.
Component: User Interface Design → XP Apps: GUI Features
Marking a dup of 75338, it doesn't help me at all to have two separate bug sopen.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 75338 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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