Closed Bug 376174 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

bl-bldxp01 Dep fx-win32-tbox perf test (tinderbox) is missing


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: philor, Unassigned)



Given its history ( et al.), it probably has a Talkback dialog up, that may or may not allow submitting to get it out of the way. In any case, it being missing and thus not having perf tests for trunk or 1.8 Firefox would be a tree closer, if we actually paid attention.
Severity: critical → blocker
Could also be related to the daylight savings time change that would have happened if we hadn't switched 3 weeks early.
Assignee: server-ops → aravind
Talked to robcee and refreshed the clobber file in /mozilla/tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/win32
I misheard on the phone and thought we were talking about the unit test boxes. I have no control over these machines and no idea if they respond to clobbers or not.
I tried manually setting the time and kicking off the build, didn't help any. 
Moving this to build
Assignee: aravind → build
Component: Server Operations: Tinderbox Maintenance → Build & Release
QA Contact: justin → preed
Component: Build & Release → Server Operations: Tinderbox Maintenance
Component: Server Operations: Tinderbox Maintenance → Build & Release
I was able to log into the machine.

For future reference, this machine needs to be accessed via VNC, since RDP isn't used, because it affects the rendering test.

Anyway, it has a non-standard password (which we'll get fixed; I don't know why it was set up that way).

When I connect via VNC, the screen is blank and the mouse doesn't move, so we'll have to find what's up with the machine when we get into the office. :-/

Alright, I got into this machine using the kvm switch via the network; it looks like cvs had hung on a checkout (go Cygwin!), and it was just stuck there.

There was no talkback window that I could find.

Both trunk and 1.8 branches have data, but in looking at the data drops, the numbers are a bit weird; I'd feel more comfortable if someone could comment on them before we re-open the tree, and blow any regression window we had out of the water. :-/
It heartens me that we haven't had a Talkback-related hang on this box since 2007/03/16. Now if only I could get a review for the patch in bug 365424. ;)
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 376549
Product: → Release Engineering
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