Closed Bug 381004 Opened 17 years ago Closed 16 years ago

buildbot.slave.commands.TimeoutError: SIGKILL failed to kill process


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P3)

Windows Server 2003


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: MatsPalmgren_bugz, Unassigned)




The "WINNT 5.2 qm-win2k3-01 dep unit test %" Tinderbox is red and says:

buildbot.slave.commands.TimeoutError: SIGKILL failed to kill process
This is causing other problems with the build system on win2k3. Shell and make processes are hanging around and causing subsequent clobber attempts to fail.
This is happening every other build it seems now, and requires manual intervention each time. Bumping severity.
Severity: normal → major
Priority: -- → P3
Rob, have you ever seen this issues on non-cygwin machines? (qm-mini-xp02 is the only talos one we have at the moment, I believe.) I'm fairly convinced that this is only a cygwin problem and as such should be solved for build machines by upgrading to the new win32 ref platform.
well, the original report was from qm-win2k3 which is running MSYS. I think it's a Windows problem in general. This is related to buildbot's inability to kill processes properly on Windows which has been much bemoaned around here. Joduinn has a bug filed on buildbot's trac, fwiw.
Any updates on this?  We've had six burning windows builds in the last 12 hours, all of which were due to this buildbot error. :(

Most recent one was:
(In reply to comment #5)
> We've had six burning windows builds in the last 12 hours
> all of which were due to this buildbot error. :(

And in the 12 hours previous to those, there were another 3 burning windows builds that were due to this error.
we have some better process killing for windows in a patch that hasn't been applied yet. We were waiting on some cleanup to get this installed on our unittest boxes.

See bug 420216 for details.
Component: Testing → Release Engineering
Depends on: 420216
Product: Core →
QA Contact: testing → release
Version: Trunk → other
Component: Release Engineering → Release Engineering: Future
We've got this patch on all of our windows slaves for mozilla-central/m-c. I'm resolving this bug.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Moving closed Future bugs into Release Engineering in preparation for removing the Future component.
Component: Release Engineering: Future → Release Engineering
Product: → Release Engineering
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