Closed Bug 405443 Opened 17 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Making search engine discovery more discoverable


(Firefox :: Search, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: micmon, Unassigned)



There's a really nice new feature that allows you to add a site you visit as a search engine. Currently, the arrow in the search engine selection box gets a strange blue glow when this happens. This does not look very nice and it also does not really tell much.

The main problem I have with this approach is that the search entry does not have much to do with the site you visit and it is in fact the site that provides the search engine. Also, what if a user does not enable the search bar? With FF3, it will be totally possible to make all searches using the location bar, using keywords.

In short, I would like discovered search engines to be handeled like discovered feeds: just embed a small icon in the location bar, next to the star icon. I don't know if there are sites that provide both a search and a feed but those should be rare, so we would not see 3 icons there very often. The UI would be cleaner, because similar things (site providing feed and site providing search engine) would be handled the same).
Another way to improve the look is described in bug 412322. But IMHO this approach here is still better, even if it adds another icon to the URL entry.
I was just going to propose exactly this.

Changing the color of the button does not tell anything.

This, combined with bug 417083 would be the ideal solution.
Blocks: 425806
Depends on: 482229
Alex, any feedback from UX?
Keywords: uiwanted
The current plan is to fix bug 482229 and remove the "blue glow" engine discovery indicator entirely.
So do we need this bug in favor of bug 482229? What work has to be done here because it depends on bug 482229? If it's something with an icon we do not have response from UX here. Or do I miss a comment on another bug?
I don't understand the question. When we fix bug 482229, this bug will be WONTFIX.
>Alex, any feedback from UX?

ditto gavin's points, other details here:
No longer blocks: 425806
We actually removed the indicator without bug 482229 by now.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
No longer depends on: 482229
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