Closed Bug 460884 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

set up 7 new win32 buildbot slaves for m-c


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P2)

Windows Server 2003


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: joduinn, Assigned: joduinn)



After the VMs are created, do final manual setup, and then run buildbot in staging to make sure all is working.
Assignee: nobody → joduinn
Priority: -- → P2
Summary: setup buildbot slaves for m-c on 4 new win32 VMs → setup 7 new buildbot slaves for m-c
Summary: setup 7 new buildbot slaves for m-c → set up 7 new buildbot slaves for m-c
as part of this, we should move 6 into production and leave 1 in staging, so that we have 2 staging slaves per o.s.
Summary: set up 7 new buildbot slaves for m-c → set up 7 new win32 buildbot slaves for m-c
moz2-win32-slave11.b.m.o already in production. Cross checking to see if anything missed during recent updates to win32 ref image, found registry setting and twisted patch missing. Both fixed. slave11 done.
moz2-win32-slave12.b.m.o already in production, so cross-checked with latest win32 ref image. Found registry setting and twisted patch missing. Both now fixed. Was able to stop & restart slave during idle time. 

slave12 done.
moz2-win32-slave13.b.m.o already in production, so cross-checked with latest
win32 ref image. Found registry setting and twisted patch missing. Both now
fixed. Was able to stop & restart slave during idle time. 

slave13 done.
moz2-win32-slave15.b.m.o cross-checked: Found registry setting and twisted patch missing, both now fixed, and then did the rest of the manual setup steps in, including adding staging keys.

slave15 is now up and running on staging-master, doing some builds. If all goes well, I'll move it to production in a few days.
moz2-win32-slave16.b.m.o cross-checked: Found registry setting and twisted
patch missing, drive "e" not formatted, all now fixed, and then did the rest of the manual setup steps in, including adding staging keys.

slave16 is now up and running on staging-master, doing some builds. If all goes
well, I'll move it to production in a few days.
moz2-win32-slave17.b.m.o cross-checked: Found registry setting and twisted
patch missing, drive "e" not formatted, all now fixed, and then did the rest of
the manual setup steps in,
including adding staging keys.

slave17 is now up and running on staging-master, doing some builds. If all goes
well, I'll move it to production in a few days.
moz2-win32-slave18.b.m.o cross-checked: Found registry setting and twisted
patch missing, drive "e" not formatted, all now fixed, and then did the rest of
the manual setup steps in,
including adding staging keys.

slave18 is now up and running on staging-master, doing some builds. If all goes
well, I'll move it to production in a few days.
Priority: P2 → P3
John. mo2-win32-slave15 keeps on failing to do the creation of a folder in the AUS server:
Depends on: 464316
filed bug 464316 since I have hit this issue again
Depends on: 464454
Priority: P3 → P2
All looking good, so moving moz2-win32-slave15/6/7/8 to production.
moz2-win32-slave15.b.m.o now in production.
Actually, I'd prefer to track moving these slaves from staging to production in bug#458414, like we did for the last batch of new slaves. 

This bug is done, so closing.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
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