Closed Bug 490140 Opened 15 years ago Closed 7 years ago

No error message or password prompt when POP password is incorrect


(MailNews Core :: Networking: POP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tom103, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; fr; rv: Gecko/2009040821 Firefox/3.0.9 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Build Identifier: version (20090302)

I recently changed the password of a mail account, using my ISP web administration page. After a few days, I realized I didn't receive any more messages on that account : I hadn't changed the password in TB, so the saved password was incorrect. The problem is that TB should have prompted me for the password, or at least show an error message !
This is not specific to saved password : if I delete the password from the account manager, TB prompts me for the password, but if it's wrong again it doesn't give me any error message, so I just assumed there is no mail on this account...
It used to work fine in previous versions, and I didn't install any extension recently...

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Try to retrieve new mail with a wrong password

Actual Results:  
No error message or password prompt is shown

Expected Results:  
TB should prompt for password or show an error message
> This is not specific to saved password :
> if I delete the password from the account manager, TB prompts me for the password,
> but if it's wrong again, it doesn't give me any error message,

Same phenomenon as Bug 429069 or Bug 428611? (see also bugs DUPed to Bug 428611). 
Get POP3 log, and check POP3 level flow first.
Where can I find the POP3 log ?

I just installed Windows 7, so I have a clean install of TB, but the bug is still there (I didn't keep my old profile, only the mail directory)
See following.
  - Getting LOG                        : Bug 402793 Comment #1
     "SET NSPR_LOG_MODULES=pop3:5" is for POP3
  - Log with timestamp using DebugView : Bug 402793 Comment #6
  - POP3 command/response              :
If you use DebugView in getting log data, you can see POP3 level flow while Tb is running, in addition to timestamp of log data.
More information on logging can be found at :
Attached file POP 3 log file (deleted) —
I couldn't get DebugView to capture anything... maybe some compatibility issue with Win7
Anyway, here is the POP3 log file (see attachment)
Attachment #374792 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → text/plain
>   ( first attempt of authentication )
> RECV: + 
> Logging suppressed for this command (it probably contained authentication information)
> RECV: -ERR authorization failed
>   (-ERR probably because of wrong password you intentionally entered for test)
>   ( second attempt with next mechanism available for authentication )
> ==> Nothing is returned from server => Tb waits forever
It's similar flow to Bug 428611 case.

To Thomas Levesque(bug opener):

Is password prompted if "Get Msgs" is clicked after above "-ERR for AUTH PLAIN & wait after AUTO LOGIN"?
Or restart of Tb is needed to type correct password?
> I couldn't get DebugView to capture anything... maybe some compatibility issue with Win7

Win7 is not listed as supported OS of DebugView V4.76.
If no your fault(e.g. you properly started DebugView, you didn't stop capturing at DebugView, you properly set environment variable to pass log data to DebugView, ...), I recommend you to let timeless(comment poster of bug 86396 comment #6) to know "your solution doesn't work on Win7" and ask him for "how-to on Win7" in bug 86396.
> Is password prompted if "Get Msgs" is clicked after above "-ERR for AUTH PLAIN
> & wait after AUTO LOGIN"?
> Or restart of Tb is needed to type correct password?

No, password is never prompted. Not when I click "Get Msgs", not when I restart TB...
Component: General → Security
QA Contact: general → thunderbird
DUP of Bug 428611. 

> not when I restart TB...

Seems slightly different situation exists from Bug 428611 in your case.

Question before DUPing to Bug 428611. 
Did you test scenario of comment #0(old password is already saved, and is changed  to new one at server)?
If so, password will probably never be asked until you delete password via Password Manager.
If you delete old password, password is prompted by "Get Msgs" after the proble
m due to wrong password?
Or restart of Tb is needed for password prompt? (Bug 428611 is report of this case)
I tried to delete the password from configuration manager. When I clicked Get Messages, it didn't prompt for the password, but after restarting TB it did.

However it still didn't show any message saying the password is wrong, and didn't prompt for the password again
Basically DUP of Bug 428611. But in your case, it produces severer phenomenon - no password prompt until deletion of old password from password manager.
Confirming based on log, and setting dependency to Bug 428611, instead of DUPing.

If DUPing is correct action, DUP to Bug 428611, please.
Depends on: 428611
Ever confirmed: true
Component: Security → Networking: POP
OS: Windows Vista → All
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
QA Contact: thunderbird → networking.pop
Hardware: x86_64 → All
Version: unspecified → Trunk
No longer blocks: 429069
(A) When old(wrong now) password is not saved by password manager,
    and if wrong password is typed for password promt.
  (A-1) no alternate authentication mechanism => Bug 429069.
        "Get Msgs" prompts password.
  (A-2) alternate authentication mechanisms are available => Bug 428611.
        "Get Msgs" doesn't prompt password again. Restart of Tb is required.
(B) When old(wrong now) password is already saved by password manager.
  (B-1) no alternate authentication mechanism
        => probably same as this bug.
           If saved password is deleted => Bug 429069  
  (B-2) alternate authentication mechanisms are available 
        => This bug.
           "Get Msgs"/"restart of Tb" can do nothing.
           No password prompt until deletion of old password.
           If saved password is deleted => Bug 428611
Depends on: 671965
Blocks: 505481
Removing myslef on all the bugs I'm cced on. Please NI me if you need something on MailNews Core bugs from me.
I think this is fixed, I see lot's of "wrong password" prompts, there even is a test (mailnews/local/test/unit/test_pop3PasswordFailure3.js).

There might be further problems when the server closes the connection, see bug 533006. In any case, this bug is a duplicate.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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