Closed Bug 523094 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Land OOP plugins in mozilla-central (preffed off)


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: benjamin, Assigned: bent.mozilla)



We need to land OOP plugins in mozilla-central, preffed off by default. There are some blockers we'll need to deal with first.
Depends on: 523097
Depends on: 524169
Depends on: 523769
Depends on: 525605
Depends on: 525792
No longer depends on: 519601
No longer depends on: 524984
Depends on: 525677
No longer depends on: 524984
Depends on: 526868
Depends on: 527871
Depends on: 527876
Depends on: 527925
Depends on: 528411
Depends on: 528928
No longer depends on: 519572
Depends on: 530522
No longer depends on: 530007
Depends on: 531081
Blocks: 531142
Version: unspecified → Trunk
I want to do a review of the plugin module changes (as a diff) before OOP lands. Shouldn't take me long but I want to see it.
Josh, the plugin module changes were all put in bugs and reviewed by you, I think. (Except for testplugin changes, some of which I and jgriffin traded reviews on.) In any case, you can get the list of changes by running this command:

`hg diff -r last-mozilla-central:default modules/plugin`
Depends on: 534949
Depends on: 534866
Done, landed in m-c with followups. I'm tracking the set of changes which are actually part of this effort at so that we can merge back to older branches when necessary.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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