Closed Bug 64841 Opened 24 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[meta] TRACKING bug for the PRINTING bugs


(Core Graveyard :: Embedding: APIs, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugz, Assigned: kmcclusk)



(Keywords: meta)

Tracking bug for the PRINTING bugs
Blocks: 64833
Depends on: 62564, 63427
Depends on: 63426
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.8
Depends on: 61075, 62562
Summary: Tracking bug for the PRINTING bugs → TRACKING bug for the PRINTING bugs
assigining to who owns most of the issues in the dependent 
Assignee: marek → kmcclusk
Keywords: meta
Summary: TRACKING bug for the PRINTING bugs → [meta] TRACKING bug for the PRINTING bugs
Er... shouldn't this include 7201?
chaniging TFV to Mozilla 0.9
Target Milestone: mozilla0.8 → mozilla0.9
Depends on: 69459
Blocks: 70229
Added dependencies on bug 70946 and bug 70949
Depends on: 70946, 70949
No longer depends on: 69459
Depends on: 7201
Blocks: 12037
Blocks: 21229, 24952, 31544, 37685
Blocks: 40130
Depends on: 45793
Depends on: 51288
No longer blocks: 12037
Depends on: 12037
No longer blocks: 21229
Depends on: 21229
No longer blocks: 24952
Depends on: 24952
No longer blocks: 31544
Depends on: 31544
No longer blocks: 37685
Depends on: 37685
No longer blocks: 40130
Depends on: 40130
Depends on: 55246
Depends on: 57467
Depends on: 58002
Depends on: 61320
Depends on: 61475
Depends on: 61499
Depends on: 62344
Depends on: 64318, 64447
Depends on: 67338, 67681, 73188
Depends on: 53706
Moving to mozilla0.9.1 since all of the bugs remaining are either mozilla0.9.1
or future
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9 → mozilla0.9.1
Correction: Changing QA contact for the Embed API bugs to David Epstein.
QA Contact: mdunn → depstein
From Chris Hofmann's email on 0.9.1 bugs:

"Move all the tracking bugs off the list."

This is a tracking bug targeted for 0.9.1. Please move it.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → ---
Outstanding Issues for Mozilla 0.9 from the QA Team:
o Grey strips appear on the printing of web pages making it almost impossible
   to read.
o Margin issue -> the body of the page is 0.75 to 1."  It should be 0.25" 
o Cropping of data on the right side
Depends on: 82624
Depends on: 76456
Depends on: 83655
Depends on: 85414
added 82573
Depends on: 82573
Depends on: 94313
should this tracking bug include bug #63553
Depends on: 96870
No longer blocks: 64833
Blocks: 110527
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Keywords: topembed
removing topembed, nominations have been pushed to dependant bugs
Keywords: topembed
Isn't this a dup of bug 11275?
QA Contact: depstein → mdunn

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 11275 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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